Sunday, April 3, 2011

Question of the Day

Over my lifetime one thing that has perplexed me to hear people say is "I grew up in a home where there was no love."  Okay, I can understand some men have fallen prey to a home environment which they may feel has been dysfunctional.

One of the things I want to know about a man is "how was your childhood".  It seems some people can carry scars throughout life.  After one very bad fiasco with reliving the past of someone else I don't want to ever do that again.  They can have flashbacks at any given moment unawares.

Well a thought crossed my mind today, how can someone say they grew up in a house with no love if the first thing most learn to do is "love yourself first."  It's no wonder when I was in a relationship where I felt was a living nightmare it was probably because I surmised mostly out of bitterness was the person didn't love themself.

I'm going to keep this post short.  Now I understand even more why he felt I was selfish, my children were selfish.  One thing I don't think we lack is love for ourselves.  I know for a fact they don't lack being loved because I love all three of them through the good, bad, and indifferent times unconditionally even during the times I cut them off for the purpose of tough love. 

Love hurts, however, to think there is a home which exists where there is no love the thought alone is depressing.  I enjoy being able to hug anyone of my grandchildren and saying I love you at any given moment or time.

The next time someone says to me they grew up in a house with no love in it,  I hope to remember to ask them, "well did you love yourself"?

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