Sunday, July 28, 2013

Are You Righteous?

Are You Righteous?

The title for this blog just popped into my head immediately when I chose this verse.  If it was a message for me all I can say is “I’m a work in progress”.
There has been a lot happening in the news lately.  It seems like the country is handling once crisis after the other.  We have seen natural disasters, man-made catastrophes, gun violence, all while the world is not at peace with the wars going on. There is so much happening it is not hard to choose something to write about.  Writers tend to write what they are most passionate about.  What they can relate to that will hopefully not offend the masses.  You definitely can’t please everyone.  Live long enough and you’ll realize at times, you can’t even please anyone.
One hot topic in the media lately seems to have the underlying odor of “injustice.”  Why is there so much right and wrong, approval and disapproval, understanding and misunderstanding when it comes down to the basic assumption of what is just.
We started off with black and white televisions making it more understandable why folks saw everything in black and white.  But times have evolved and it seems to be just a wishful prayer that people, opinions, views, outlooks, commentaries, and assumptions would progress too.  We can now see things in color.  Imagine for a moment, has it helped us to truly see things as they really are? 
I ask a lot of questions, right?  Well I do because I don’t have all the answers and I’m trying to provoke people to think.  I am a thinker.  People see a mad look on my face and they think I’m mad.  No those who know me know I’m just in deep thought.  I’m a thinker.
Getting back to my point we literally have the ability to see news reports on television or via other mediums in color but we still often tend to see things in black and white.    
Main question:  Has having a more diverse color spectrum in our viewing choices made us any more diverse in the court of public opinion?  I think not.
How can a tragedy like the Trayvon Martin case not bring up the race card?  Now I will tell you a black chick sparked me to write this post.  My original next post was going to be on are we anymore civil during the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movements in America?  I’m a civil rights baby because I was born in 1963.  I think I identify with the civil rights movement because it was a very hot topic while I was in the womb and during the year I was born.  I want recognition for us, the civil right babies 50 years later.  They promote the baby boomers, they promote the babies born during different wars, they promote the babies born during times of catastrophic events, they promote the babies born during a year when a country had a major even happen.  What happened to main stream media promoting the Civil Rights babies?  Where are they now?  Are they being judged by the content of their character or still be judged by the color of their skin?  There were babies of all ethnicities born during the civil rights era.  How many little black boys sit down with little white boys, how many little black girls sit down with little black girls?  
It is not like we don’t have a template to measure our successes in regards to race relations.  MLK “I Have a Dream” speech made some very thought provoking statements we can turn in to questions.  I feel the one of the most notorious statements he ever made was “an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Exodus 23 in the Old Testament of the Bible:  “Laws of Justice and Mercy”
23 “Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness.
“Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. 
I read a very disheartening account of the Trayvon Martin case today written in the blog of a news anchor.  From briefly reading her blog and her Twitter feeds it appears she has a huge identity crisis that she doesn’t even recognize she has.  My opinion is the small subset of society that she apparently identifies with doesn’t look like her and they are just pleased someone of color is attacking other folks of color. Yes, I must admit it serves as a mighty blow coming from someone who you would look at outwardly and be totally wrong about their views, however, in her case not really. She is definitely breaking stereotypes by not being subjected to being predictable based on the almond color of her skin.  
She is trying to be the voice for the part of society that has shut her out based on her race.  Her hurt and pain is exemplified in her writing.  Since pictures normally say a thousand words it appears her demeanor in her photo displays her disgust.  Thankfully one person commenting on her post went paragraph by paragraph to respectfully disagree with her far right views, especially of stereotypes of blacks and our black leaders.   I hope Trayvon Martin’s mother never has the misfortune to being privy to read her post.  
Justice should not be about black and white.  It should be about right from wrong.  There should be an overlying law that supersedes actions which are wrong that other law and statues condone.  However, that would only open up a bigger can of worms.  
I really wish Trayvon’s friend would have called 911 on his behalf so the police would have been alerted Zimmerman was still following him so they could have rung his phone back to let him know to get his behind back in his car and wait on them as he was instructed to do.  From all I’ve seen on television we all bleed the same color blood.  Why did a young man have to die because someone else failed to follow instructions clearly given to him.  If Zimmerman felt he was in the right why didn’t he just stand down and let the police deal with the situation or contact other community members on the neighborhood watch he claims to have been a part of and get assistance in finding out Trayvon’s true identity?  Why did he feel it necessary to play Mr. Macho and take justice in his own hands?  
Do we have so much violence nowadays because we have so many cowards?  My grandmother used to always tell me only cowards carry guns.  
The one thing I can say because it is a very complex situation is: "Lord please have mercy on our souls and make them colorblind."
To answer the initial question:  “What is Righteousness” Wikipedia defines it as:
Righteousness (also called rectitude) is an important theological concept in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism (Dharma), and Zoroastrianism. It is an attribute that implies that a person's actions are justified, and can have the connotation that the person has been "judged" or "reckoned" as leading a life that is pleasing to the god/s portrayed in these belief systems.”
Let’s live a life pleasing to God.  When someone tells you the right thing to do, do it, otherwise as we can see it gives the devil the opportunity to tap dance all over it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How Are You Handling these Economic Times? An Inquiring Mind Wants to Know!

Gas prices rising!  Utility costs rising!  Food prices rising!  Entertainment costs rising!  Travel costs rising!  Medicine commercials rising!

Has anyone stopped to ask you "How Are You handling these Economic Times?"  Well I want to know.  I realize there are many folks in America suffering but I think there really hasn't been a light shone on just how much.

Does anyone ever stop to think the long term economic impact on budget cuts, and corporate downsizing?  Do folks realize you can't call into your account holders and say can you cut my bills by 20%; I am currently experiencing a 20% cut in pay.  Will that happen?  No.

Where do we go from here?  I have heard a lot of hoopla about how tight budgets are for certain sectors.  It seems the technological giants are still fairing pretty well.  I've noticed lately my stock in the one technology company I own seems to be soaring.  I set up alert years ago for when it ever started to rise and I have finally started receiving alerts.

Just a thought, what if technology was something we could eat?  I think there would be enough to keep everyone fed.

The costs of medical seem to be soaring even more with the increased costs in just having medical insurance.  I don't know about you but I pay so much for insurance the gas it takes to the go to the doctor is barely affordable.  Gas prices are crazy high right now.  I think I saw a posted price of $3.59 yesterday.  I'm glad I filled up on Friday.  Prices were a few cents lower.

I am handling these economic times by holding my breath and praying things get better.  I've tried fasting and praying.  Then I noticed I was still putting on weight.  Eating more fast food and going out to a sit down dinner less has put on more pounds.  No wonder because the foods most tempting, less expensive items when going to a fast food restaurant are the most fattening.  Who can go to a place famous for fries and not buy any?  It's like going to an ice cream parlor and ordering a yogurt.

I'm handling these economic times by using a lot of coupons, unplugging items that are not in use, keeping my thermostat at 78 degrees, saving gas by only making trips which are absolutely necessary, cleaning items I would normally take to the dry cleaners myself.  Heck I had already cut down to using a discount dry cleaners.

We can do the best of planning and life happens.  The only thing we can do is play with the hand we're dealt.  One thing I have realized if I let my circumstances overwhelm me they will.   It's best to keep a clear head, a clear mind, and a clear conscience.  I had a guy who I was heading over hills in love with register a complaint that I don't worry about anything.  It's not that I don't worry about anything when it seems like my world is falling apart.  Just because things are falling apart doesn't mean I have to join in the act.  Besides, when my luck is down I feel is the most critical time for my hope to stay up!

The thing I do the most to handle these challenging times and all times is pray.  

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Best Kind of Cleansing Is Free!

Why is it we often take for granted the things in life which come easy?  I was raised in the Church but over the past seven years I have hardly ever gone.  There have been bouts when I go on a regular basis.

I think with me it was mainly due to grief.  All the things which were happening which were lowering my belief in self.  Never once did I ever stop doubting the strength of the Lord.  He is who has carried me through all the trials and tribulations in my life.  I remember times when I was so low emotionally after having come through it I know it was only by the grace of God.  At times it seems like I was nudge into girl go ahead and do thus and such.  When people speak of God being Omnipresent.  I know the meaning.

I'll never forget June 2008.  So many things happened that month.  If there was one pivotal time in my life when life had its toll on me that was the month.  If you have read my blogs you would know it was the month I was on death's door.  I had just given up by being overwhelmed by everything that was happening and I was ready to let fate have its course with my life and my health.  My father died that month.  My son was incarcerated that month.  My mother was still suffering with her illness that she is still dealing with almost 40 years in the wilderness now.  I was living by myself then as I am now.  But through it all I had been more of a church goer.  Church was the thing that revitalized me every Sunday.

Today is one of those days when my soul really needs rejuvenation.  It hurts really badly when you have friends and family pick up the phone and can call you and ask you for anything and if they are in need you will turn heaven and earth to try and help or assist them with the best you have to offer.  When you are in need they do not answer.

I'll say shame on me rather than shame on them.  I haven't been as true as I should be to the one friend I have always had through the ups and the downs.  During any stress or duress.  I haven't been true and committed to the friend I have in Jesus.

Maybe going through things which are really nominal, things we can really handle ourselves because of all the favor God has shown us we take for granted.  Sometimes we need some very vivid reminders.

So on today I need to go to the altar and pray that the Lord remove this taste of bitterness in my soul.  And rejoice in the fact that he has been my friend all along.  I've been the jerk.  Lose my jerkiness in put my faith in strength in Him.  He was the alpha and the omega.

Lord I pray on this day you will lift this monkey off my back so I can move on with peace, love, and understanding.  Do as you say and put faith in no man but in you.  Be reminded of the old spiritual song that Momma may have, Poppa may have but God bless the child who has their own.

Thank you Lord for never leaving me and never forsaking me.   I realize that I need to keep my joy to keep you.  You work when we work.  Your cleansing is better than any kind of cleaning I could ever pay for.  I need a spiritual cleansing.  I want to smile always and for people to see your hold on me is strong no matter what goes wrong.

I'm claiming today and every day to be uplifted.  My goal is to hear, "well done, my good and faithful servant."  I don't need to get even.  I've learned through the things I've suffered vengeance belongs to the Lord.   I don't need nor wish for other people to suffer for me to succeed.  I know God's got me.

I'm a believer, the best kind of cleansing is free.  Free one's mind of all the negative stuff, all the bitter stuff, all the thoughts and processes which bind and put a stronghold on one for the worst, everything which is not pleasing in God's site.  Get a spiritual cleansing is free, for me it has always been free.  It will lift you up when you down and handle life's crazy turnarounds.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Let's Make It Real: What's Behind Jerk #1, Jerk #2, and Jerk #3

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that the caliber of what for me constitutes a true friendship would ever change.  Honesty, care, consideration, sacrifice a little, be willing to treat someone just as special as you yourself like to be treated.

Maybe it is the hustle and bustle of every day life.  But my thoughts are things have changed so much no matter how much I may want to be better than bitter has at times been tested to the max.

The biggest deal I realize is that I am not as young as I used to be.  Some things I suffer with age I never would or did have to suffer as a young woman.  The dating scene, the friendship scene, the relationship scene has really changed from that of yesteryear.

I remember a time when the qualities and attributes from one person to another were so solid that it was hard to choose.  I remember a time when if you needed a friend to talk to, for a ride, just for company it was a non-issue.  Nowadays it seems like you have to block out a block of time when everyone can amicably meet.  Ridiculous?  Yes.

Thinking back I'm wondering how did friends of yesteryear have the time to play offline games like spades, Monopoly, checkers, chess, hop scotch, barbie jacks, doll babies, listen to soulful music, watch movies, watch the prime time shows that would lure everyone to the television at the same time, visit with friends for hours on end, travel with friends and family to local attractions and events, just go to the mall.

The dating game has changed dramatically.  It is like look at all you have on the table and it is a choice too often as to what is behind choice #1, choice #2, and choice #3.  I said "jerk" in the title because the names have been changed to protect the guilty (really).  Who am I to judge.  I'm not.

I'm just saying give respect where respect is due and it will get and take you a lot further than you ever thought possible.  As a woman I am not bitter.  I'm just old enough and savvy enough to know things have changed.  But I haven't changed with them.  I want a man who can be the same today, tomorrow, and always.

I give some scenarios of Jerk #1, Jerk #2, and Jerk #3 but the way I'm feeling right now the jerks would probably call me out on it.  But you get the idea.  I don't want jerk #1, #2, or #3.  I'll take what I won so far and call it a day. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Help! Google Latitude Shows My Address Incorrectly

Why does Google Latitude often show my address as 457 St. Paul's Blvd.?  St. Paul's Blvd. is in the Downtown Norfolk area.  I have written an inquiry and have not been able to come up with a conclusive answer.  If anyone who may give me some insight into why this happens I will be most appreciative.

Presently, I am sitting at home and Google Latitude which used to find my location just fine has pointed to this incorrect location recently.  What is even stranger is that my Google phone number shows "Smithfield, VA" on my caller ID display.  My correct Norfolk address is registered on my Google account.

When look at the address via Google Maps and the address points to a photo of an empty street with an empty lot right off the street.  It makes me wonder is someone hacking my Google account because my address used to show just fine.

So, if anyone can offer me any insight as to how to resolve this I would be greatly appreciated.  I was able to get it to show correctly previously.  But it has defaulted to this same incorrect address again.  I know GPS work at my home location.  I have never had an issue getting directions, even from a Google phone from my home address.

What is even more strange my laptops map my location correctly.  My other devices map my location correctly as well.  Just my desktop computers. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Freedom Is Not Free!

Yes it was over 200 years ago when a body of Congress in America reached an agreement on "The Declaration of Independence."  They did it without voice mail, virtual assistants, websites, an intranet, electronic signatures, blogs, and other modern conveniences we enjoy today to reach an agreement which involved another country and come to a resolution. They didn't even have a translator to interpret how the people (Indians) who were already a part of America soil felt about it.  I wonder if the Indians even knew America was under the rule of Great Britain and how it mattered to them? 

Well the astounding thing was that they were able to come to an agreement.  Has the onset of so much communication via social media,virtual assistants, get it quick and now type of communication availability has hindered or hurt the bare element of communicating effectively?

Thinking about it the Founding Fathers as they are more appropriately deemed didn't have the modern vehicles of communication.  We can deduct from all the journals, documents, drafts, and agreements they did not have an issue with communication.  Furthermore, they even laid the framework for how representatives would be elected in the future and decide upon matters for years to come.  Seems almost amazing considering all the modern conveniences we have now and it takes a whole lot to come to an agreement on major issues which impact our nation like health care, prison reform, immigration, biblical passages which make it up to supreme court interpretation. 

What if the Thomas Jefferson would have been able to send an email to King George III of Great Britain and copy all the other founding fathers?  It didn't take all that.  Apparently all it took was some Common Sense in effective communication.  It took some fighting.  At least they communicated the terms, conditions, and outcomes of their level of disagreement and resolution.  Why can't we be better at doing that today with all the forms of communication available to us.  

America claimed its Independence over 200 years ago, do we need to claim our Independence individually and collectively to not succumb and be a victim of the things and processes that bind us?  What does it take to be Independent now?  Are folks scared of freedom?

What about our Americans who are in disproportionate numbers incarcerated today?  Do they not realize that Freedom is not free?  I would say they probably realize the cost of freedom from a whole different perspective. 

Speaking of "perspective".  I would venture to say a lot of people may not realize one pamphlet which had a huge influence during the revolutionary years was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine back in 1776 entitled "Common Sense".  One of the greatest things about the whole work was he did not write it for profit, even though it turned out to be one of the most sold publication of all times selling out in the millions.  He wrote it for the oppressed and did not want to gain any profit from it.  He remained anonymous as its author for a great deal of time.

Maybe there is a little pun intended but it wouldn't hurt to have some common sense to effectively communicate.  We have all this technology available to us today.  What good is it in the absence of good old common sense?

The costs of freedom are astronomical and some are even immeasurable.  The loss of life is immeasurable.  The loss of limbs, the loss of mental stability, the loss of freedom itself are all immeasurable.  America gained its freedom from British rule because of oppression. 

One of the most infamous lines in the Declaration of Independence is:   

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;"

Today we have to stay mindful as eloquently put in the words Martin Luther King, Jr.,:
  "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.."
I feel the biggest injustice America is suffering right now is the war on drugs.  We've lost too many Americans on our own soil.  Our businesses have suffered due to break-ins and robberies.  We have children suffering because of their parents drug and alcohol addictions.  The upside is some children don't even realize they are suffering, they are dealing with it and handling it better than any adult possibly could.

One of the greatest things I was able to witness recently was a child who had gone through all the years of grade school with both parents being incarcerated for stupid stuff off and on for a great part of her grade school years.  Neither biological parent ever had full custody of the child.  At times both were incarcerated simultaneously.  God never fails!  Her parents made bad choices.  Society is quick to think because a parent makes bad choices the child will follow.  But God gave her the freedoms she needed to be succeed.  A Presidential Excellence Award Recipient for maintaining a grade point average of 3.5 or better over the entire grade school period which runs from 1st through 5th grade.  Yes a letter from the President of the United States stapled inside her promotion folder on the left side and her promotion certificate on the right inside flap.  Freedom ain't free and some people just know how to make the best of it regardless of their circumstances. 

Kudos to her for not letting their incarceration and loss of freedom be her incarceration.  They both showed up for her promotion celebration.  The child was showered with awards and accommodations and kissed the lady on the cheek who had raised her and said "thank you Ma!".  Tell me God ain't good.  God is great!

I know this is getting off topic but too often people are bound by those folks who show up in the 11th hour.  My question would be where were you in the 1st through the 10th hours when I needed you the most?  It reminds me of those friends who won't even buy you a pack of oodles of noodles when they know you're out of work with no money coming in from nowhere.  But when you get back on your feet there they go smiling in your face.  

One parent I knew who was having a rough time just couldn't hold down a job, I gave him a prepaid cell phone one day.  He thought I didn't like him.  It wasn't about whether or not I liked him it was about me knowing in his spirit he wanted to be able to provide for his child.  He couldn't even receive a phone call to answer an offer of employment.  Doing the right thing is not about likes or dislikes.  It feels good to make a difference.  It is those intrinsically rewarding things you do that you still have in your heart and spirit when you have nothing else.  It is enough to get back up and want to be able to do those things again. 

Have a Happy Fourth!  My apologies for being long winded.  Just thinking about those incarcerated today and put a heavy spirit on my heart.  How do you celebrate freedom when you are not free?  I know it was by their own actions or reactions.  Just having a little sympathy for those non-violent offenders out there serving mandatory minimums.