Sunday, June 26, 2011

Who ever came up with Love Unconditionally?

Few things cause me great pause.  However, I have one thing which is happening that I can't stand.  My youngest daughter is into a trend with experimenting with different hair colors.

No doubt without a vow I love my children unconditionally.  I'm rethinking that because some things are just a bit much for my eyes to bare.  I am all so thankful my great grandmother and grandmother are spared the day to see the bright color hairdos.

I wish I my grandmother could come back to life for one hot minute.  That's all it would take for her to see this new trend with the hair colors and make a comment that would keep me in stitches laughing at her response for the rest of my days.

I remember comments my grandma use to say to me when I was an adult and started exploring with different styles and hairdos.  As far as my dresses she would say, "I like your dress but where's the rest of it?".  I feel her pain now.

With some of the hairstyles she would just say "what are you going to do next?".  My hair styles I felt I was staying within boundaries since I worked in an office environment.  I tried to keep up-to-date but be as conservative as possible.  I got gold highlights once in a while, a streak here, and a streak there normally just in the front.  I remember getting a french roll sprayed with gold glitter sheen to mostly make my hair have a better sheen. I got frosted once at the encouragement of my ex-husband.  That was the farthest out I remember going for colors.

Well I said all that to say are you ready for this:

Pink hair!  Personally, I was thankful she was finally putting on a dress to go out.  Normally she wears black pants or tights.  I be encouraging her to dress up a little more.  She was going to a graduation party, then afterward she hung out with women around my age.  I just think she would have looked so much better sporting normal color hair.

Well she is a Taurus girl to her heart.  She likes what she likes and stands firm on it.  A mouth full of words couldn't get her to take it off.  I wish I still had the skirt I threw away when she was in grade school.  We were out shopping and she saw it and insisted on having it.  We thought the skirt was hideous.  I thought okay it so happened to be on clearance anyways (no surprise) I picked it up she could play in it.  It turned out to be something she wanted to wear every other day.  It got to the point where we couldn't stand to see it anymore on her and included it in our next bag of clothes donated to charity.

Since true love is unconditional I guess I have to overlook the obvious.
When I look at the photo of her standing up I wonder what the passer-by in the photo in the SUV was thinking.  The vehicle apparently stopped moving.  Incredibly some vehicles passing by actually blew the horn at her while I was taking these photos of her.  I wanted her to see how she looked more than anything else.  I was hoping she would realize the photo would be outstanding without the choice of hair colors.

I think each new color takes away a few years on my heart.  I was hollering when she was going blonde.  Now it's purple or pink any given day. 

Baby I love.  You're one of the most intelligent women in the world your test scores always show it.  What is going on?  Is it an identity crisis?  No it is emulating a singer.

Can someone please make a hit song wearing an attractive dress and conservative hair style please???

The dress I can actually live with.  However, the hair, next it'll probably be green.

She just calls me "old lady" and laughs.

I guess unconditional love doesn't apply to children, gotta love them 24/7 regardless.