Sometimes we have to indirectly bare the burdens of what others go through. I remember years ago when I was working for a particular woman. She was going through a whole lot of personal issues. She lost her driver's license. She and her husband were having issues. She had a sick child. She was pretending to own a home to look better to her co-workers and peers when she was actually renting. She was losing her hair and was wearing a weave and would get angry with anyone who mentioned to her one of her tracks were showing.
Well because of the Administrative position I was in I had to bare the brunt of a whole lot of unwarranted abuse. I didn't realize until after I left that place of employment. I was definitely not going to stay around and tolerate that type of abuse when I was coming in on time. Leaving work on time. Working more time than scheduled to make sure things were getting done and was being totally unappreciated because of what she was suffering in her personal life.
It wasn't actually until after I left and was on my next job that a mutual friend, one of her clients, let me know the woman had gotten a divorce. She had asked why did I leave the job I was at because she never imagined me leaving. I told her I just couldn't take no more. I told her the reason was not that I didn't like what I was doing but I didn't like how I was being treated.
The lady who was one of my direct reports because I had several undermined everything I was doing and made sure either her or someone else received the credit. I didn't mind that but what I did mind was the personal attacks against me. I sort of felt a way about someone who couldn't manage their own self managing me. I also felt it wasn't my place to say anything. I really felt upper management knew what was going on but didn't say anything because of the personal relationship she had built with them.
My friend went on to tell me she was now divorced. I was floored because I didn't have a clue. They were fronting like they were going to church every Sunday. They were fronting like they had the ideal family and everyone else was beneath them. In actually they were just using it as a guise to cause havoc in other folks life.
I came from a different generation of folk. I came from a generation were people who you worked with worked together. I come from a generation of folk where people were more down to earth. As people moved up and acquired new skills they shared with others. So moving on was at the time I felt one of the best things I could do.
Well sometimes when we look back and wonder why we are going through stuff. It is no fault of our own but because of the insecurity of others. I just pray to the Lord he keeps me grounded and lift me up to be a keeper of his word. To treat others as I would like to be treated. To handle those who mistreat with a long arm not of distance but of understanding to give them the room they need to grow.
Never again will I let the actions of others impact or control my decisions. One important thing I learned is I can't change people. No matter what I wouldn't have been able to change someone who doesn't even realize they need changing.
There are always going to be people who try and escalate everything you do into drama to keep the limelight off of them. It is something I've seen over and over again through the years. My goal always is to stay focused and do the right thing and not to let the drama be my karma.
God is good everyday because he provides us the understanding we need and clearer insight into situations by us just stumbling upon someone or something to help lighten our way. As the gospel goes "As Long As I have Friend Jesus..."
It is amazing how the things from our past prepare us for our future seasons. When I stop and reflect over how much I've gone through and how it played out in the end. All I can say is God is good every day. There is a reason for every season and sometimes we don't get the lesson until the season is over. Those rainy seasons aren't a complete washout but provide the watering necessary for us to bloom time and time again.
As with flowers their are going to be some dogs to come along and lift their hind leg and piss on you. But as a flower you still grow. All the dog is really doing is adding a little extra fertilizer and in the end no one may even ever know a dog stopped and took the time to piss on you when you are beautiful and bright.