Over the past couple of days I've been reading about hackers getting a hold of people's email addresses. I think it has been an issue since January. I have been receiving emails for these deals which I don't ever remember signing up for since January of this year. Coincidentally, I think it is a direct result of having been registered with a rewards campaign for a major hotel chain. The number of emails received from the spammer and the list I registered for follow a patter in the number received and the time line for receipt. The thing which stands out the most is the SPAM email arrives in my INBOX the same as the list I registered for. It just looked too suspect when the SPAM emails hit my INBOX. Now I see clearly, they are sending out from apparently hacking into the same server from the rewards list I registered to. My guess would be it is a script which runs based on the event of the other email having been sent out. A script to trigger their SPAM email running as soon as the other email runs. My guess would also be it would probably have to be someone who is a registered user on all the sites. So apparently, once the email hits their INBOX they are probably dutiful enough to have the script automatically run. I would further surmise they have found a vulnerability and are probably registering for more lists to do the same thing with other major companies.
My goodness I think I'll probably have to read some tech newsletters and go to some tech websites to see who finds the culprit first. I would imagine it may link back to some of those emails I have been receiving lately for those companies promising email lists which will go to the INBOX rather than the SPAM folder. They are probably making a fortune right about now.
I remember years ago I was working in a position where a security vulnerability with a server operating system was exposed. The crazies took hold of it to access information at the information of the root of the server for some companies. A lot of companies switched server operating systems, especially for those servers which contained personal information because the hack could be done at the regedit level. Who would trust a fix to a server operating system where someone sitting with your application open could see the password for your server from the comfort of their desktop. It didn't take a genius to figure it out once exposed.
Do have hackers have anything else to do with their time? I feel for the companies who put a lot of time and money into have systems which they feel are secure. Then a hacker with a computer and dream goes and wreaks havoc on as much of the world as their heart will let them.
As I have said before and will say again, why can't these hackers do something to help the world rather exposing hacks to make folks lives miserable?
I'm thinking it has to be a security vulnerability probably in the server operating system they are not exposing like what happened with server operating systems years ago when you could view someone's regedit settings and see the password for their server from your desktop. Why would a major corporation leave information about their clientele on the server of someone else? Most major corporations have a third party agreement not even to allow their vendors to have back door passwords to the applications they develop on their behalf.
We can probably look forward to a future of SPAM. Way to go hackers you're slackers, you've outdone yourself with this one. Get off my INBOX!
My goodness I think I'll probably have to read some tech newsletters and go to some tech websites to see who finds the culprit first. I would imagine it may link back to some of those emails I have been receiving lately for those companies promising email lists which will go to the INBOX rather than the SPAM folder. They are probably making a fortune right about now.
I remember years ago I was working in a position where a security vulnerability with a server operating system was exposed. The crazies took hold of it to access information at the information of the root of the server for some companies. A lot of companies switched server operating systems, especially for those servers which contained personal information because the hack could be done at the regedit level. Who would trust a fix to a server operating system where someone sitting with your application open could see the password for your server from the comfort of their desktop. It didn't take a genius to figure it out once exposed.
Do have hackers have anything else to do with their time? I feel for the companies who put a lot of time and money into have systems which they feel are secure. Then a hacker with a computer and dream goes and wreaks havoc on as much of the world as their heart will let them.
As I have said before and will say again, why can't these hackers do something to help the world rather exposing hacks to make folks lives miserable?
I'm thinking it has to be a security vulnerability probably in the server operating system they are not exposing like what happened with server operating systems years ago when you could view someone's regedit settings and see the password for their server from your desktop. Why would a major corporation leave information about their clientele on the server of someone else? Most major corporations have a third party agreement not even to allow their vendors to have back door passwords to the applications they develop on their behalf.
We can probably look forward to a future of SPAM. Way to go hackers you're slackers, you've outdone yourself with this one. Get off my INBOX!