Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Favorite Dress Not For Looks but Feel

Does this dress make me look fat?  That's a popular question for women.  I am wearing my favorite dress in this photo.  It may me look a little bigger because the material is soft and the way it is designed it has a lot of extra material in it.  It does not cling to my dimples. 

:Let me tell you, my family detests seeing me in this dress.  I love it on those days when I really want to feel relaxed.  The material is very soft and light.

I happened upon buying this dress one day when I was dress shopping a couple of years ago when I was gainfully employed.  It was in a section with some other dresses I saw that day.  It so happened one of my daughters was shopping with me that day and she liked the dress.  And she also picked out another colorful dress for me that day which was paisley.  I felt in love with the way it felt when I tried it on.

Is it not amazing how we often judge things by appearance only.  Just imagine how many things we pass up because of the way it looks.  Heck, we even often pass up people who may have been ideal for us because they weren't tall enough, they weren't skinny enough, they didn't have enough flash, they were too plain, they didn't fit the image we thought our prince charming should look like.

Well this dress looks like something I would have made in a sewing class in grade school.  You know one of those sewing classes where you piece together different pieces of material to make a garment.  I call in my peasant dress.  A couple of people have told me they totally dislike it for that very reason.

I'm trying to learn to take on more challenges that go outside of my norm to venture and do some things different.  I think it was a bold first move to post a photo of me in this attire.

Like the saying goes, you can't keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.  I am switching up and doing some things different because I definitely need some things to happen a lot differently.  I'm tired of being broke having been out of work on a steady basis for almost a year now.

My focus right now is going to be getting some further education in hopes to network and meet with new people.  I am also going to be concentrating on taking my business from a hobby to a success.  And I definitely know that is going to require a new angle all together.  Since 2005 I have always paid out way more than I probably come close to recouping if I keep doing things as usual.  I would say business as usual but when I think of business I think of making money.

I am still looking for a full-time position where I can be gainfully employed.  My business itself is pretty much a growth venture or at least that is what I want it to be.  When I start selling as many domains, hosting accounts, etc. as the big domain registrars, I will probably be old enough to collect social security by then.

But I do hope to pick up some clients in the very near future who can utilize my customized services in getting  a website designed and developed by me.  I really want to earn and keep a whole  lot of business.  One of the first websites I ever designed was for a Church.  I would welcome the opportunity to set up websites for a Church, club, just about anything someone, a business, club, or group would need a website for.  My prices are negotiable even though they are already very reasonable.

What's your favorite garment?  It can be a conversation starter to let me help you get started with having your own web presence if you don't already.