A challenge to the ones who blow off steam online: "Be Mindful of Your Social Media Etiquette." Okay I've been using social media for a while now and I must say I enjoy it. The people who comment are normally very respectful of what others have to say.
However, over the past couple of days I've seen some comments from boasters which are very flagrant and just plain mean. I am all for freedom of speech, but your freedom of speech doesn't necessarily have to lend itself to being rude or obnoxious.
Granted there are some issues which are going to cause some people more pain than others. We all have different experiences in life. We bring those different perspectives at times, to the social media forums we contribute to.
Next, being called a traitor of your ethnicity because at times even those of the same ethnicity will no doubt not see eye-to-eye on the same point. We all see the world differently. Our ideas, thoughts, and intellect do not co-exist collectively with one another in a cloned state. It could be a different in opinion, a diference in the facts presented to support your point. Maybe someone has more knowledge because they have seen transpire first hand via a special project or assignment. Or some people you feel should stand up and take a stand because you feel it is having a direct impact on their ethnicity may feel there has not been enough information presented to take a stance. Just because you blurt out a post doesnt' mean the world will completely change course the next second. Especially her it is after the fact and the whole incident and it particulars have played out in the media. I'm wondering where were you and all your concern when things were bubbling over before practically everywhere on the same topic.
If you throw out an argument which is old news most of the sparkle of the best limelight is gone, conclusions have previously been drawn. And since everyone is not happily agreeing with you or revisiting the issue you call everyone basically a traitor to their own ethnicity but in more colorful language is a little bit too much.
Most of the people, especially after 11 p.m. at night are adults online. Being adults you would hope adults would act accordingly. All these things you are saying are definitely being recorded. It is so sad when things escalate to the point as I have mentioned in a previous post where it catches the attention of law enforcement. And especially when it is directed directly at them and their services.
Chances are when you are getting all overheated and discombobulated over a topic that someone else is calm and mature about, especially if they are on your immediate or level one friend list at that point in time you can bet a reason exists not an excuse. The point of fngerpointing, the blame game, etc. have long passed. You may just want to stop and take a deep breath and see the forest for the trees. If they are at a ice cold level and you're blowing off steam and your steam doesn't seem to be melting the ice something is definitely wrong.