Thursday, January 20, 2011

Date Night Friday Night!

My goodness I feel like I just have to tell the world "I have a date Friday night!"  If you wonder why I'm so extremely excited it is because I actually received a phone call yesterday with the static on my phone line and all.  I was actually able to make out date night Friday night, call Friday at 6 p.m. to confirm.

Now I am wishing I had asked for an earlier confirmation because I plan to spend all day Friday getting ready like it is my first date ever.  Because it is my first date ever with him and so far I really like his style.  Where are we going?  I don't know.  Hopefully photos and details to follow.

For some reason I am really excited about the upcoming evening.  Maybe it is because I've recently spent the holidays alone.  I'm not looking forward to spending the next few holidays alone.  No pressure it will be our first date and our first time ever really getting a good look at one another.

If this goes over well I don't know whether we'll be too embarrassed to say how we first met or not.  It would add a whole lot of credence to the phrase "the Lord works in mysterious ways."  God from heaven up above knows I sure hope it is someone who is heaven sent even if it materializes into nothing no more than us being acquaintances.  My heart cannot stand another betrayal. 

I'm not going to introduce him to any of my friends and family.  I'm glad my daughter works Friday night.  So when he comes to pick me up at 7 p.m. it will be just me him and the wall posts.  And I'm asking now for the walls please not to talk.  LOL!

 I'm so excited I can't sleep, literally I've been up all night.  I know I am going to need my rest for my skin to look refreshed. 

If you thought my photo in the red dress was nice.  Friday night my photo is going to be off the hook whether the make-up I ordered on December 29th and still haven't received is here or not.
