Thursday, January 30, 2014

Making the Best of My Downtime for a Better Up Time!

All is not lost because when we suffer losses.  We may experience a job loss, a loss of someone we love, a loss of a relationship,  a loss of best friend but all is not lost.  The memories of how much an impact, the experiences gained, the laughter shared, the meeting of the minds, the sheer measure of the touch it had on our lives remains deep within.

Some things we can let go voluntarily and other things go on their own accord.  We cannot allow ourselves to have a pity party.  We have to deal with the loss and move on.  I know first hand how grief can consume a person to the point they stop fighting.  It made me realize the biggest mistake is to call it quits.

When things in life hit you so you feel you're no longer walking on water but swallowing it and gasping for breath, hold your head up, get your baring and stand on your two feet.  Isn't it amazing how we can create an analogy of how simple things like swimming and some of the atrocities that can occur to life itself? 

We learn young not to go to the deep end of the pool until we master the pool at waist level.  Don't get in over your head until you become an experienced swimmer.  We see people with a fear of water and they never go beyond wading their feet in the baby pool.  Or sitting on the edge of the pool at the 3ft-4ft in wading their feet in the water.  Never getting down in the water to get a real feel and experiencing how good and relaxing the whole body being engulfed and feeling the waves of the water against your body, muscles, and skin can feel. 

There are those who will swim with a t-shirt on because they don't people to see their flab, more akin to their vulnerabilities.  And then there are those who will were a bikini or a man with just a fabulous hip hugging pair of swim trunks strutting their stuff like their stuff don't stink.  They show up and show out.  They are fit for the swim.  They dive off the side of the pool and glide across the water like they're a fish.  When that fish comes out of water standing their dripping with water and pick up a towel to wipe off while flexing their muscles.  They were prepared, they tread the water, and they stood up on solid ground after their swim was done.

Isn't amazing how much extra baggage we have to carry when we are not prepared.  Wearing a t-shirt in the water makes the water a little harder to tread.  Not being willing to overcome a fear to swim some would look at as a weakness, an inability to take risks.  Some risks are good.  Some risks lead to greater rewards.

During my downtime I am looking to get better fit to handle the up times.  I realize life requires work.  I'm not looking for a handout.  I'm looking to dive off the highest point to an incline of a full swim across the pool and touch the wall and turnaround and head back to where I started from.  Step up out of the pool and and be thankful that I took the lap and appreciate all the other people in the pool area.  They all provided value in some way.  They help me to appreciate the differences in people.  Some people are happy with a day at the pool, some people are happy at just getting a feel of the pool, some are happy at playing games in the pool, some are happy with watching others enjoy the pool, , some got to conquer it all, and unfortunately and it doesn't happen often, some will let the water consume them and they'll drown. 

It is one of those scenes which lends to seeing how we all blend together for the greater good - to live life according to our own desires, purpose, and aspirations in life.  We are not boilerplate.  We are unique.  We will see more people who will do more to be better swimmers, we will see people do more to make their swimming experiences more fun, we will see people who will do more to make their swim time last longer, we will see people who just want a quick swim and go on to do other things.  

During my down time I am spending more time at home.  I feel my ups are better when I take the time to reflect and redirect my energies towards constantly striving to be better a better person tomorrow than I was today.  Even more attuned to knowing I did my best today.  I am a firm believer than what God has for me is for me.  I keep pressing forward regardless.  Even though the ends are a lot less than the means I don't give up.

I work as hard and as tirelessly as I did before.  Sometimes setbacks are the result of setups, sometimes setbacks are the result of grief and pain, sometimes setbacks are the result of wanting to do more and you have to let some things go to move on.  Whatever the reason the key is to always stay spot on with all that is done.

I'm happy that I have lost about 20 pounds since Christmas.  I'm happy that I have the basics.  I'm thankful and blessed for each day that comes were more of a difference can be made. 

Stay blessed!