While I was sitting there I came across some valuable information which apparently not even my mother knew. We frequent quite a few of the restaurants which serve breakfast all day. They serve fresh coffee any time of the day with consistent coffee refills which is very important to us. Yes we live a very exciting life with the best outing being able to go and sit down and have fresh coffee served to us at a table rather than having to fix it and pour it ourselves. It makes it taste so much better.
I discovered one restaurant we frequent often offers a 20% discount on the ticket and $1 coffee for all the guests by browsing through the magazine. I thought about how much money we could have saved if I had known about that sooner. While I waited I wrote down several websites with information, coupon and discount offers for AARP. I can see my mom saving a lot of money.
- http://www.aarp.org/doughnuthole
- http://www.aarp.org/work
- http://www.couponmom.com
- http://www.hotcouponworld.com
- http://www.twitter.com/petersgreenberg
- http://www.ConsumerCellular.com/aarp
- http://www.coupons.com
- http://www.aarp.org/homeupdates
- http://aarp.thehartford.com/msb
- http://www.aarp.org/savemoney
- http://www.aarp.org/benefits-discounts/discounts/dining/info-2010/dennys.html
- http://expedia-aarp.com
- https://www.aarphealthcare.com