Friday, April 15, 2011

Target Audience or Target Wall?

Do you end up with your target audience or a wall to use as a target when you do a presentation?  If you end up with a target wall you may need to be more pro-active in changing your marketing strategy.

It seems there is a bigger motivation to reach your target audience when you work based on commission versus when you are going to get your pay check every payday no matter whether you achieve your targets or not.  Thus, reaching a target wall, a room with some live bodies showing up for your presentation is success enough when you're salaried.  When you work based on commission the target audience is critical.

Working on commission will teach you to walk on foot, make phone calls, advertise in print, advertise online, do whatever and whenever necessary to try and reach your target audience to get viable leads to sustain and grow your business.  There are no free rides and charges incurred for everything when you are self-employed.

Me and my outspoken self needs to realize there is a different set of priorities between salaried and non-salaried presenters.  The non-salaried are thirsty for someone to drink so they can have money to eat.  The salaried don't care if you drink what they have to offer or not because they are going to be able to eat regardless.  Their pay is not based on how many people show up but just them showing up with or without people to talk to.