Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King!

Where would the world be today if one of the greatest leaders of all time, Martin Luther King, Jr., would have had the resources to integrate technology with his theology? He led a social media movement without the Internet as we know it today and his message reached the masses. 

His social media campaign included friends from all around the world.  He was a proponent for equality for all people.  One of those men who will always be highly respected.  What would it have taken to get on his friend's list?

It is so sad here we are so many years after the death of a leader who showed us what reaching out and uniting socially can do for a people, a nation, the further their causes and most of us are too busy to put it into practice. He probably would have been like a child in a candy store had he had the resourcefulness modern day technology offers.  What if we had a powerful civil rights leader like Martin Luther King, Jr. in our midst today? Questions normally invoke a thought process and thoughts leads to plans which lead to action.

If Dr. King would have had access to the modern internet all his live sermons could have been uploaded as videos to YouTube.  His blog could have encompassed all his sermons and speeches.  He probably would have just as many friends as there are users on FACEBOOK.  His website definitely would have hit the top ten.  He could display his Nobel Peace Prize accolades, not to mention his page of accolades would probably be one of the longest and most comprehensive of all time as he mentored and pushed for equality for everyone.

The "You and countless others" would have hit "Like" button on his infamous "I Have a Dream Speech".   The comments would have been off the chain.  The photos uploaded would have been shared around the world.

The only birthday wish I could imagine a man as humble as Dr. King having is for all people to keep his dream  alive.   A quote taken from his sermon:

"Why Jesus Called A Man A Fool"

"And oh my friends, I don’t want you to forget it. No matter where you are today, somebody helped you to get there. (Yes) It may have been an ordinary person, doing an ordinary job in an extraordinary way."

His last post probably would have been "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord!"

I'm no civil rights leader.  However, taken all Dr. King did with social awareness and getting his message across I am very surprised we don't have a modern day civil rights movement of mammoth proportions.  King led the foundation.  He did it without the Internet.  Just imagine the impact of having a person like King today.  They could incorporate FACEBOOK, Twitter, LinkedIn, website, YouTube, BlackPlanet, and so many other mediums to get the message out for equality and justice for all.  I have such profound respect for Dr. King because his greatness and his profession of his belief in the Lord afforded him the opportunity to do so much more with so much less.

Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. you live on in the hearts, bodies, and souls of so many people you touched during and after your mortal lifetime.  Godspeed in your dreams for America and the world forever living on.