Monday, January 13, 2020

My Favorite Hashtag / Acronym: #LOVE!

photo of Lynne Ruffin
The old saying goes "out of challenges come opportunities." The challenge I seem to face more and more from assignment to assignment is my age. It seems as I have aged my attitude and outlook on a lot of things has changed.

My Grandma used to say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I don't really think that's my issue because I have always been a quick study. My mind stays sharp. It's not as sharp as my children's because it seemed they always strived to outthink me. It's akin to a criminal always having to stay one step ahead of law enforcement. Basically that is the only constant benchmark I have had. Even though I have made what I feel are much better life decisions than two out of three. My eldest two always vowed that they would never work as hard as me, they always preferred fast money which made me cringe at the thought of such a lifestyle.

I learned old school hard work ethics. But being blessed to live long enough where my mother, myself, my children, and grandchildren are alive is a constant reminder to me the obstacles and opportunities people sometime face at all ages.

The acronym I most like is LOVE. Since hashtags are so popular I like #LOVE. I usually follow with Love Others Value Equality. I can contribute that to my disdain for the hashtag and acronym #MAGA. If I was running a political campaign I would use the hashtag #LOVE to stand for Love Others Value Equality. There I said it again.

I feel it is so important to embrace others no matter how you feel about them. We all have our own struggles and I wouldn't want to be the person to make someone else's life more miserable due to my hang-ups. I try and be very aware and astute of my shortcomings.

I remember when my children were younger I would always sign cards I wrote for others, especially on holidays and birthdays and sign a big L with "Love, Lauren, Lewis, Lisa, and Lynne.)

One of the things I would like to see happen is for me to be able to open a place of business with a niche of catering to the people in my age group. Those who won't be able to often collect a retirement or social security check for another ten to fifteen years after we become not the most desireable new employee. Because let's face it, its hard to sell the newness about us. I would like to also have a business that caters to those who are retired and don't have the support of their children. I know for myself my children are busy raising their family in another area or otherwise for other reasons at one time trying to make fast money caught up in an unending cycle and can't be there for a support system for their parents, rather their parents have to be a support system for them.

Life happens, and either you can succumb to the things you can't control or learn to adjust.  I choose to adjust.  Seek out resources and opportunities because I don't want to wallow in self-pity.  Knowing rather than sending out one resume and get hired I may have to go nine months of sending out resumes every day in hopes of getting an opportunity.  As I wish so many others I am hopeful and wish for myself Godspeed! 

And remember to Love Others and Value Equality because a word of encouragement can mean the difference in someone giving up or moving onward and upwards.  A bad attitude towards people because of their age, their over experience, their inexperience, their hair color, the way they choose to address, because they attract men or don't attract men, is no reason to hate on anyone.

Self reflection I have learned over my years will lead you into a better direction.  Never be bitter over someone being blessed with a blessing you thought you were better equipped for.  When God brings someone to something he doesn't always called the equipped but he does equip the called for his purposes.  We all have our purpose in life.  We all have our stage in life.  I am heading towards my third act and I hope that the experiences from my first two will make me a better person.

I know I have an issue with people  who I don't get good vibes about and I always try and encourage myself to Love Others and Value Equality.  And I am so thankful that I am old enough were I learned to respect my elders and respect others because you never know what other people are going through and kindness doesn't hurt it helps even if no good deed goes unpunished God gives the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers as my son always tells me.