Friday, December 5, 2014

I Pray for a Shift in the Atmosphere!

Dear Lord I kneel to you in prayer,

There is a lot going on that is tearing at the very fiber of our nation.  Lord I am keeping my trust and belief in you that you will impress upon us how to act and react.  Our very beautiful country which was founded on the principle of unity and trusting in God is suffering at the door of the death angel, Satan.  Forgive our transgressions Dear Lord and lift this plague from our dear nation.  Lead us and guide us in your will.

I am asking on this day Lord that you comfort our hearts, our souls, our body, our minds, our spirits for the greater good. Let us put our differences aside and learn to love and live together peacefully. I ask of you this day Dear Lord with a vengeance to bestow upon us that vengeance belongs to you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit I pray there comes about a shift in the atmosphere.  Let the winds of change sweep away the madness.  Mend the hearts of the afflicted.  Heal the bodies of the sick.  Put your comforting arms around the weary.  Hold us, keep us, and lift us up according to your divine purpose.

I pray that you touch every heart, every mind, every body, every soul, and every spirit.  Teach us to reach deep for that Godly love within.  Lord I trust you and have faith you will shower your grace and mercy down on our current situation whether we be young or old, black or white, red or yellow, or any other color.  Let us not lean to our own understanding but put our trust in you.

Let not the callous and unwarranted actions of a few take down the many.  Lift us where we are weak.  Strengthen us in a way only I know you can do with your divine power.

Lord let us stay focused on the goodness of the many and not the misguided actions of the few.  Let us not get so overwhelmed and overtaken by our emotions that we put aside all the purpose and meaning for everything that we have prayed for, hoped for, loved for,cared for, worked for, and have placed our faith in.  Let the current turmoil in America not break us.  Let it help us reconcile, make amends, begin anew if we have to and begin again and make us stronger.

Give me the strength to call all your children sister, give me the strength to call all your children brother.  You promised never to leave us or forsake us and we need you in the midst of this moreover than ever before.  We want to continue to move forward.  We want healing, we want understanding, we want love, we want to give love.

Touch and console the hearts of the families who have suffered losses too soon.  I pray you bless these families with the faith, finances, friends, and forgiveness they need to make it through these turbulent times in Your Name to help them move on.  Keep front and center in their hearts, in our hearts, and in everyone's heart that joy comes in the morning and they will see their loved ones again.

I ask this and all great and positive things in Your Name.  Amen!