As a child I remember asking for more and more ice cream all the
time. I loved butter almond ice cream. The local ice cream parlor
had my favorite and it tasted homemade.
I remember we had a ice cream churning machine where we would
sometimes have homemade ice cream at home. Now wishing I would have paid
attention. That was some really good ice cream too.
Well if I ever my grandmother felt I was over indulging she would
say "greed is a green-eyed monster". You know grandmas would
always preach as long as you have your basic necessities you are fine.
However, I was normally an extremist, competitive, and had to have what I
felt was everything. My mother's favorite term for me was always the
"B" word. And did I care? No. As long as I got what
I wanted I didn't care what anyone thought about it. Hey I was notorious
for telling anyone to kiss my derriere. She often referred to me as
selfish, inconsiderate, and ungrateful "B" to boot. I say “referred” because she would be ranting
it to my grandmother as if I were not present in the room. The thing was as my grandmother used to
always tell my mother “if you create a monster you have to live with it, you’re
the reason she’s the way she is”. I used to just ask for stuff to see how
far my mother would go. She would get furious at me but she would get it.
She didn't want her children to want for anything.
The topic I chose to write about today if you haven't already
figured it out is "greed". Greed is definitely a green-eyed monster.
Green may be attractive, however when you throw greed in the equation it
becomes a whole product.
One thing I've been witnessing over the last several months and at
other times in my life time is how greed consumes folks. How folks
apparently unbeknownst become green-eyed monsters. They want to
use other folks as their foot solider. They wear out a person using up
their skills and abilities for their own self gain never giving anything back.
Once they use you up then you are of no value to them anymore. I
hate to see people fall victim to this syndrome but it happens.
I've seen what appears to be the monster
green all over so many folks lately it is pathetic. I am not saying it in
a judgmental type fashion but as a matter of practicality. I don't
know if it is the state of the economy or what it is. You have folks who
talk about and demean others for the mean green. Folks will try and throw
in stuff totally unrelated to the business at hand for the mean green.
Folks will divert other people leads they’ve worked and earned to other
people for the mean green. Folks will overlook everyone available within
eyesight and call in someone from a distance for the mean green. Folks
will tell people you don't work there anymore or they have not seen you
recently when you're sitting right in the room with them for the mean green.
Folks will show favor upon others and disregard those who have worked
hard and earned their prospects for the mean green. Folks will tell
others not to talk to you you're too smart for the mean green. Folks will
get envious and jealous and form clicks for the mean green. Folks will
sell you out for the mean green. Folks will try and tarnish your image
for the mean green. Folks will work behind your back against you and smile in
your face for the mean green. Folks will disregard how snaking your
business, snaking your clients, snaking your opportunities will affect you for
the mean green. I wonder what my ancestors who used to use the phrase it
is a dog eat dog world would say about the antics to acquire the mean green
Well I'm glad lessons of greed where instilled upon me when I was
younger. I am thankful for all the Sundays my grandmother would drag me off
to church by my ear if she had to just to instill upon me the basic values of
treating folks with dignity and respect regardless of the mean green. I'm
thankful for the Christian-based mentors along the way who were successful and always
challenging me to make money and don't let money make me.
Now green is good to have. I won't eat anybodies cookies
because I am not a green-eyed cookie monster. Are you?
When I get my green I want the mean to stand for meaning. I want it to mean something special to me that
I keep my head lifted up high and be thankful for.
Stay prayed up, stay blessed, there is no testimony without a
God grant me the
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
In loving memory of