My part-time gig with a local university ends this week. So I will be in the job market once again. This time I am going to expand my job search to do things I have never done before and to go places I have never been before.
Thank God this time around I won't be going it alone. I at least have a friend that I can bounce things off of and can help keep check on my place as I travel in and out of town for the job interviews I will be lining up. It doesn't hurt to have a few dollars for money for gas and food to make it through too. Having a good support system is crucial and I am thankful to be blessed with a giver because Lord knows I have had more than my fair share of takers.
One thing I have learned over the last several years is to be a lot more conservative with spending. I am amazed at how much I am able to do with a whole lot less than I am accustomed to making. Life has sometimes afforded me to do less with more and at other times, like now, forced me to do more with a whole lot less. The ups and downs made me realize a lot of businesses and organizations that have impacted my life pretty much have it one way or the other mainly. Some places have much less as far as budget amounts and are tasked to do so much more. The privileged businesses and organizations get to do less with more.
Lesson learned: it made me realize how important it is to be a good steward. at all times Those businesses and organizations that do more with less seem to have a whole lot more heart and compassion. The ones who are privileged to do a lot less with more take too much for granted. They focus on the wrong things. The money is fine so they are fine. They don't keep up with the latest technological advancements, they don't benchmark to be better because they feel they are the best. They don't diversify because their nature is to treat people the way they have always treated people because it has worked for them. It basically becomes their culture. They often times shun the importance of staying open, necessary, and relevant. Things start to decline all around them internally with no real checks and balances. I think the correct term would be superfluous. They get what I call "ego spoiled". They lose focus on the core of their existence and all the things that need to keep churning and get oiled. Things look fantastic on the outside and internally they are rotten to the core.
Different business models and organizational structures intrigue me. I once had an instructor who interviewed 300 CEO's and seemed so excited about the paper she was working on. At the time, I didn't get it but I do now.
I am thankful for all the experiences I"ve gone through because I get a little more insight on my way forward. It enlightens me more about what I know and don't know and how much I still can learn just by watching and observing how others operate and how they operate their businesses. I have had a whole lot of hands-on experience. There have been opportunities I have walked away from for a myriad of reasons. My IQ is a lot higher than the average person and I can see things way ahead of most people. Sometimes I see a goodbye can be sweet as pie, bittersweet, a loss, or the toss of a coin. It always gives me a better insight as how to approach future opportunities which is always a win.
I am going to use the time before I find another job or open my own business and not gig to work towards evaluating my life in terms of doing more with less and not taking things for granted. There is a reason for every season. The leaves on the trees grow green, change colors in the fall, and the tree is replenished with more leaves. The side of the tree with the most sunlight normally grows the biggest and the brightest. I want to be on the side where the sun shines for my next opportunity.