I talked with a homeowner the other day who had received a letter back in reply to their request for the Home Affordability Mortgage Program (HAMP) -the keyword in the letter was "denied". They had been denied because their loan was owned by an investor and not a bank.
The homeowner had sought the assistance of a local non-profit organization for help in preparing the package they sent to the lender. When I heard this it was one of those moments when I felt like my heart had hit the floor. The only criteria they did not meet were in regards to who actually held the note.
A homeowner that is retired and disabled. A person who worked for the government for almost thirty of the forty years they were employed. A person who made their living the old-fashioned way - they earned it.
An elderly homeowner who has been in their home for almost 30 years and now they are struggling to pay the mortgage, utilities, keep food on the table, buy medicine as prescribed, and have transportation to and from their medical appointments. Why are so many who sacrificed so much having to suffer this way is what I ask myself?
It is almost as disheartening as when years ago one elderly man I knew was often seen at the grocery store buying dog food and he didn't have a dog. A very nice elderly gentleman who was close to 80 years of age and was living on a fixed income after having worked since he was a young teenager.
My heart really goes out to any and everyone who is losing their home by force rather than by choice. Especially those who worked hard all their lives to be able to one day enjoy their retirement years. Tears come to my eyes just thinking about it.
What do we have to do to see that the hard-working Americans who helped to make this country what it is are once again able to enjoy their retirement?
Why do so many homeowners, investors, and others have to see their dreams turned into nightmarish situations?
Please forgive me for ranting - we are all tired of negative news. I will fast and pray for the ones I know do most deserve help.