Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grown kids say the darndest things too!

I encourage my daughters often to enjoy their youthful years. When I look back I remember I had six other guys calling when the 7th guy was staring me in the face. Guys aren't something new to me.

I asked my daughter one simple question. Why can't she even make a sandwich for her husband. I chided her that I was going to post his profile and photo online and the women would be beating down the door to meet him.

Well later when she got me by myself she asked me a question and now days later I do have a response for her. I have been thinking about this day and night since she asked.

It took me a few days but I finally have an answer to her question: "Out of all the men in the world why don't you have one?" My answer: Out of all the millions and billions in the world I don't have one of those either. "I guess I keep letting the important stuff slip through my hands." ROFL! Wait until I tell her my response. She'll probably just say "you're crazy lady" which is her normal comeback when she doesn't have an immediate reply.

I love my daughter to death but I just about stopped loving her that day. I categorize that under the topic of: mean, cruel, and unusual questioning.

I wish there was a service I could rent a horrible looking, talking, and speaking man from just to get even with her and say you didn't specify which one.

This could be attributed to one of those cry to keep from laughing type of situations. My focus right now is and will be getting my grandson through Kindergarten and my older granddaughters through the 4th grade successfully. If a man of my suitability happens to find me then I will have a man.

Wouldn't it be nice if millions and billions could find me? I would be elated.