Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm chilling - at least so I've been told

Okay I can honestly say from all outwardly appearances it seems as if I'm chilling.  To be told the same thing by four different people in the same day it must have some validity to it. 

Well, I can tell you I agree from the outside looking in I would come to the same conclusion.  I don't run around like a chicken with my head cut off anymore.  It may be my age creeping up on me.

However, I consider it more of taking the time necessary to build myself back up to a level where I can feel comfortable with returning to the traditional 9 to 5.  I don't feel now is the time.  The past few years have been very challenging for me personally and financially. 

During the past two years I've worked some temporary assignments which have really left a bad taste in my mouth.  Most people don't realize it but I've been in the work a day world so long I received a book bag as my first going away gift.  When I started work ages ago people were inherently honest in their business pursuits.  The work ethic was  to work hard or get a lot of education to get ahead.  Now it seems the work ethic has switched to be corrupt or cut throat to get ahead.

Over the past couple of years I've suffered a lot of personal losses and setbacks.  My luck has been very hard. It's true some of the people you care the most about will be taken away from you.

I'm anal retentive so when I'm getting paid to do a job I like to see things done right.  My forte is working with databases.  However, what I've seen going on with the last few databases I've handled with no changes implemented for long term correction has had an impact on me. I tried switching up hoping things would get better.  I've learned key phrases like "we all make mistakes" are key to finding the quickest exit door.  Still waters run very deep. 

For too many years I've been accused of moving too fast.  This time I'm taking it slow.