Friday, December 31, 2010

It is with renewed strength...

Lord I come to you on bended knees as humble as I know how. I ask you to continue to bless my family, friends, and loved ones.

I thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me always and especially in 2010. The year 2010 has been the roughest for me ever and I know without your goodness I would not have made it through. The personal losses, financial losses, and setbacks at sometimes were overwhelming. I am thanking you for the inspiration, motivation, and attitude to close out this year and to pick up and go on and make 2011 the best year ever.

I am most grateful as always for my children. I pray you continue to work on them on their life's journey. Suit them up with the armor of your grace and mercy as they go through their adult years and guide their way now, today, and always. Please forever watch over my them, hold and embrace them in your arms through the good times, the bad times, and during their trials and tribulations. I pray you will touch their hearts, their bodies, their minds, and their souls for them to live a long and prosperous life. When their hearts are heavy bring peace over them. When they are judged here on earth open their minds and hearts and let them know your judgment is final. I am so thankful for your omnipresence and knowing wherever they are you are there also. There is no prayer like a mother sends up for her children and I send up prayers for my children everyday. I pray for great things for them and that their life be full of blessings and their life progresses according to Godspeed. They be blessed with a life better than they ever can imagine. I know there is a not a prayer you don't hear or a prayer which goes unanswered.

Lord I am thankful for not letting worry overcome me and knowing to "Let Go and Let God". I have had to stay strong with raising three children and when I look back I'm constantly reminded of your grace and mercy all my life. You continually help those who help themselves. Hard work and steadfastness has always been a mainstay in my life for which I am thankful. You carried me through when I needed you the most and for that I will be eternally grateful. When I look back over my life I can truly say I've been blessed. Like the spiritual I've heard since I was a toddler, "I thank you for putting food on my table, I thank you for putting shoes on my feet, and when I stop to think about it you've blessed me every day of my life. And I just want to say, thank you Lord!" You have done so many great things big and small in my life for which I will be eternally grateful.

Lord let this year be the year the bullet lodged in my youngest daughter's back finally comes gracefully from her body without causing any nerve damage or any other causing any other issues for her. I'm so thankful you have brought her through all the years since the fatal drive by shooting attack. I pray you remove the bitterness from her heart. Let peace and forgiveness overwhelm her heart.

I am even more thankful when as recent as yesterday families have lost their daughters to senseless violence. There is not a testimony without a test. I am thankful I can testify you are the Great I Am. We don't know the day, the minute, or the hour. I know when the doctors told me after my daughter was in surgery for 12 hours she probably wouldn't make it and if so her physical state may not be good. Her fate I realized was in your hands. You showed up and showed out. She is living proof of your grace and mercy. Ever since that day I have been rejoicing in your mercy and your goodness. I'm thankful for her, my 5'2" ball of fire.

We can't always protect our children from all the atrocities in life, however, you can wrap your arms around any situation to which I'm a living witness. They had written my baby off as a ghost and the Holy Ghost stepped in. Lord I know I know its your goodness, and your mercy that will carry me through any situation. I am a believer. The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?

So I pray on this last day of December in 2010 you continue to work the way you work. Bring peace over those who are disgruntled. Bring healing to those who are sick and afflicted. Bring abundance to those who are long overdue for a period of increase. Watch over those who are sick and shut-in. Inspire our public servants to serve their people with the goodness and compassion they deserve.

Encourage those who can be a mentor or provide guidance to those who have gone astray to be blessing to others. I pray you place people in and around the lives of my children and grandchildren who will be blessing to them. Watch over them and don't allow anyone to misuse or abuse them. Endow them with the wisdom to be mindful of all their situations and surroundings and to remain safe. Choose and associate with friends who they can uplift, inspire, and bless one and another.

Lord I've seen there has been a reason for every season and the seasons past have helped prepare me for what I've seen and will see in future seasons. I will continually strive towards being a better servant. I ask that you touch my mind, my heart, my body, and my soul to live my life in your light and put you first in everything I do. I long to hear the words "Well done thy good and faithful servant." Matthew 25:19-30

Watch over us one and another in Jesus name. Amen.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This Year Is Almost Over!

It's countdown time!

This year is almost over and I can certainly say I'm very happy about that. Okay why wait until a new year to start over with new things. I'm not.

I've already started redesigning my website. I plan to add a storefront. Also, talk with some local internet entrepreneurs to see what brings in the bulk of their income.

One of the high points is I will be starting the New Year almost 20 pounds lighters. Yes. I finally lost weight this year and I am very excited about that. Thanks to my daughter I already have my victory dress to show off my new size when the weather gets warmer. It is hot and I plan to make it sizzle. I know the perfect earrings, the perfect accessories, and the perfect pumps for it. Yes I'm going to plaster photos online. I can't wait to wear it. I won't be wearing it this New Year's Eve because the occasion I will be attending calls for dress down to jeans. I love that too.

Every year I normally go to the watch night service at Church. However, this year I'll be missing it. No worries. I won't be drinking because I don't drink and drive. The last time I had a glass of wine was back in August. I would be plastered if I take a sip of something. I know my limit. No alocohol.

I never have understood people who get intoxicated and then go and risk their lives and others lives as well. I guess just like I could never understand why people use an uncontrolled substance like drugs when there are so many issues with the controlled ones.

Anyways, my goal for the coming year is to get myself back on board where I can be a heavy hitter. Show the men who shun me because I am not as fabulously rich as they are that I still do have a strong presence.

Somewhere along the way I can say I lost my energy and drive but it's back. Watch out! I guess listening over and over to Lyfe Jennings song "Statistics" helped. You got to be on top of your game if you want to be with someone whose on top of their game.

In case I don't post again before the New Year.


What the State of Virginia Department of Taxation Obviously Doesn't Admit!

Apparently they have an inadequate tax reporting system. They harass businesses to report in their taxes by employee. Why? The state's system is not up to par where it can apparently report the information back out in an itemized format by individual.

Yea I sad it, I meant it, and I am here to represent it. But thanks to a flashing green light on incompetency I don't need to worry about any disputes in court unless I initiate it myself. I know and they probably know too I can't afford a long legal battle. They are endowed with the right to do what the heck they want without even having to take you to court to prove the validity of their claim. They screen all calls. Why? I could guess at a number of reasons. My strongest inclination is they want to make sure you get the same person each time so you get the same answers from that person. However, over the years the person I've been privy to speak with we don't do much talking. The only thing I'm sure we agree on is our total dislike each other. I asked her one year how can my ex claim my children when I provide 100% of their support before, during, and after the marriage and they are not even his biological children. She told me because he claimed them first. He used the SSNs from the joint returns we had filed previously. He knew I always waited until April 15th to file my taxes and he being retired filed as soon as he received his retirement statement. In retrospect probably cost the state more money because my income was a lot higher and him being in a lower income bracket it would have meant him owing taxes in a lower bracket qualifying for credits I wouldn't have qualified for.

Don't bother asking to be reassigned to someone else it doesn't happen. Even if it looks like it happens on paper in reality it doesn't. When I call an office I want to get an answer from a live person. I don't want to get a phone that just keeps taking me through voice prompts. Someone has to call you back. How frustrating. Send you my money? How about sending you a clue? No worries. Don't send it they'll take it no questions asked.

Sending them written correspondence to dispute a claim is like pouring water on a duck's back. They never get the forms, information you send them. Send a letter to the Governor back in 2004 if you want and he can tell them to resolve your dispute. Hmmmm! Throw paper airplanes you'll get more wind out of that. They have the power to take what they say you owe forget about what anybody says.

I've talked to peoaple recently whose bank accounts they have garnished because their check got loss in the mail room at the tax office. Of course I have no way to verify this claim and it is hearsay. But guess who I believe? I don't have to worry about whether or not claims of their incompetency would be admissible in court. They don't have to take anyone to court they are you, the court, and the jury. That's not by any means what I really think they are but for purposes of this post I will leave it at that.

Oh, to get back to my story, the lady mailed her check and her husband check the same day at the post office they got his and missed hers. Was I surprised when I heard this story? No.

Talking to the tax dept over the phone, well you may as well be talking to a stuffed animal, they can't hear either. It is criminal what some of these agencies get away with. I know few corporations who have bad systems as well but this takes the cake because to me all the money they receive is profit because it is just given to them by the taxpayers.

At least with companies you can write a complaint to the State Corporation Commission to get a resolution. Who do you write with concerns with them. Their apparent buddies, the Virginia Tax Payers' Rights Advocate. The guy appeared to be laughing at me through the phone. I ended up inquiring if he was an advocate for the state or the citizens? Needless to say, no help at all.

Some of these agencies and the people who work for these agencies get too big for their britches and when they start bursting holes in them they've gotten too comfortable for them to change them when they should have been thrown away for a new pair long ago. If this was offline I would be clowning their whole operation. But since this is online I am going to keep it above board.

It is a true shame they have been endowed to be almighty against the very citizens they are supposed to represent.

Does anything I've said here mean a thing. No. They're game is so dictatorial I have to say hail to the master, the Virginia Department of Taxation.

Let me go file this post before it is considered as non-filed and suffer penalty and interest for not having been received. Oh no not the issue of non-filing. Returns get eaten up by the tax monster. No record of how much your employer sent in on someone's behalf. We send out a lien with the full amount with penalty interest to exceed what the employer collected if is all W2 income. Don't worry, you'll pay, no other choice. You say you don't owe anything the state owes you $110.


Employer sends in several thousand dollar over the tax year on your behalf
Your return is not received and you are now officially a non-filer
State comes after you for the same several thousands of dollars plus penalty and interest because you're a non-filer you don't even get credit for what the employer paid on your behalf but their system CANNOT EXTRACT THE INFORMATION.

The cost of you breathing air in Virginia has just gone up.

Remedy: possible future paper adjustment that you don't even have at your disposal to wipe your butt with. But read the earlier paragraphs the stuffed animal and all.

Isn't this double taxation? You paid the taxes via your employer and now you have to pay the same amount your employer contributed plus penalty and interest.

For illustration purposes only let's say someone made $20,000 during the year and the employer withheld $2,000 in state taxes and sent the money to the state. The same employee files a return and doesn't owe. Forgot about $10 refund check no big deal right. Gets a letter. Sends in copy of return originally filed and never received. Then later gets a letter of lien for $2,000. Happy? Might as well be. Next paycheck says the number of hours and gross pay calculated. Check amount says "VOID".

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mismanagement, Miscalculations and Misappropriations

Did I read the review correctly? If so,:

Someone pinch me because I still think I'm dreaming. This city is squandering millions when there are people struggling to get by and make ends meet. It is not whether or not it was done intentionally it is disheartening to know it may be happening at all. Do these city officials and contractors realize they make more in one month than some people make in a whole year? Okay they are probably at the level where they see millions in their parachute packages overall so it's no big deal. However, do they realize they serve a citizenry where some people won't see a million in a lifetime? Has HRT looked outside its window to see how many people are homeless just around their location alone in the early mornings?

Mismanagement: they apparently had no one at the city who was tasked with oversight for the light rail project. Effective leadership would have demanded better controls over the project, budget, and costs from the beginning. The review of the project even makes mention of redundancy. Okay it is not enough to screw up overpaying for stuff once but you go and do it twice, maybe three times? Really? Did they really have consultants being paid for the same services HRT staff or other consultants were tasked with providing? No open and full disclosure of the entire project to comfort citizen concerns. Once the project was looking to run over budget even stronger controls should have been enacted. It seems very suspect high ranking IT positions would come from a local city to HRT during a project of this magnitude. Are there any conflict of interests on this project? Contractors rather than employees to distill all questions about conflicts of interest?

Miscalculations: my guess would be the city was presented with pivot reports which were correct originally but as items were added to the pivot table reports they were not updated to include the new rows which were added to the detail for the reports. Did anyone check the row totals, column totals, and grand totals on each report when presented? Additionally if the grand totals for the new report opening balances were not the same as the closing balances for the previous reports would that not raise a red flag? Okay let's attribute it to maybe the city being use to receiving reports from a more reliable system and these type issues are unimaginable. However, when someone raises a concern in regards to a variance amounting to the millions, personally, I want to see a reconciliation between the bank statements and the reports. Between the news report and the review I think I saw mention of a variance in the millions. Over a million in cost overruns? Oh yea, show me the money. I'd start treating the presenters like my ex-husband at that point, show me the money I don't want to "HEAR" nothing you have to say.

items were charged to categories incorrectly? Issues with the line items and the bottom line are you freaking kidding me? If you're going to screw something up please by all means err on the side of favor. It would be my guess the city also paid out more money than they agreed to based on percent complete and cost overruns ahead of schedule. But when you're talking about millions the interest on any misappropriations of that sort would probably equate to being nominal.

In my opinion having the person head of IT and Accounting and other processes critical to the light rail process as one in the same I think is a huge mistake with any organization. Just put the cookie jar in the babies lap why don't you? Even on an interim basis what could be scarier? Better yet leave the diaper off a baby who has no control over his faculties and watch the mess that's made requiring more clean up. When you have improprieties of this magnitude you want to spread the love around. I would be curious to see him provide a statement detailing or defending the operations of IT, Accounting, and all the other departments awarded by HRT? For internal control purposes someone in a position of where there is opportunity for collusion should be required to take a two week vacation off site and not have access to any of the existing systems or employees from any remote location which I don't see mentioned in the review. Internal control issue?

It appears a Comptroller/CPA would be tasked with heading up the Accounting Department especially during a time when there is so much going on and the internal controls which need to be put in place for accounting. Not knowing any better I would say it would give him the opportunity to have complete access to the general ledger, emails, backup tapes, funding receipts, disbursements, record collections, archives, everything that has the potential to white wash a thorough reconciliation. I just don't understand how an agency that has gone through so much can put so much trust in one person.

In fact with the review they received I would place all the senior management staff on a paid leave of absence and call in neutral parties until everything is reconciled. If it true, why is one person now in charge of all the processes attributing to this project going south at HRT?

The city needs to press hard for change. The review focuses too much on the bus fare collections and not enough on the millions for light rail. A schedule was provided in detail for fare collections by the day, why wasn't a similar schedule provided for the light rail project for fund receipts, collections, and disbursements?

Do they realize it appears the fare collection issue seems to have been used as a distraction to take the lime light off the real issues with the light rail project? My summation (which doesn't mean a thing) would be by the time they spend a whole lot of time on the fare collection issue which seemed to have surfaced in the 11th hour of them trying to oust Townes it provided reason and opportunity and the desired effect to outrage citizens. Well it served as a decoy and then we began to hear accounts of variances and uncertainty with the light rail figures as previously reported.

Personally, I don't trust Dumb Systems (DS), Jive Data (JD), and Haphazard Controls (HC). It is only a matter of time before the stuff hits the fans. You can remove a lot of variables and hope you've covered your tracks. However, you cannot wipe clean the human factor. Well I almost propose the old cliche the perfect crime is the one committed where no one else knows about may end up surfacing the way things look. All the pieces to this equation will work themselves out. Fortunately this is happening during a time of the year when people have a whole lot of free time anyways and with over a hundred comments they are going to get their message posted.

I really hope greed has not gotten the best of anyone. The heat is on and I don't think the citizens are going to throw ice on it to cool it down. My prediction is no more DS, JD, and HC once this mess is finally cleared up. I think I need to learn to play chess. Like with this situation I don't how to play but apparently it is a game worth learning to determine who will be the victor.

To God be the Glory!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Are Emotions Flying High Because It's Holiday Time?

It appears emotions are flying high this holiday season. I hope the stressed out ones do a crash landing. Folks it is the holidays for heavens sake. The time of year when people are wishing peace, prosperity, and health to everyone. Don't be a kill joy. From this point on for the rest of the year I am going to make a concentrated effort to not let anything else ruffle my feathers. My heart is in the holiday spirit because I have so much to be thankful for and so many to be thankful to I'm letting go of the petty.

Over the past week and a half I have been trying to stay at home. No, I have not been out anywhere wreaking havoc for anyone. No I have not dialed anyone's number. No I have not knocked on anyone's door. I've been spending a lot of alone time. My grandson has spent more time with me than anyone else and he's sick of seeing me. He's asking right now can he go to my mom's house. I'm boring. I realize some people are bent out of shape about not having as much money as they would like to shop this year. Newsflash: "It's probably not going to happen over night." This is the twelfth month of the year. Be thankful you have another year to enjoy Christmas and pray things will be better next year. Based on the state of the present economy I am sure people young and old realize people are going through some trying times so the gifts may not be as large or expensive as they have been in Christmas past. Get over it and move on.

Now even though I will not have thousands to shop with like I would like I am going to make the best of the few pennies I do have. One thing being broke will teach you is how to be the best at it. It also instills some sense of things not to do once you get back up again.

This year I am especially thankful to my first cousins who always look out for me and my grand girls, one maternal, one paternal. My mom who is with me through thick and thin. My baby girl who has been a blessing many times over. There is no way I could be ungrateful thinking of how great they've all been to me this year. For everyone who has offered available job opportunities. When the going gets rough they have been the wind beneath my wings. I love them and will cherish their kindness and support always. I know I haven't been a 100% but they've been a 110% to me. And for that I'm thankful. May God continue to bless and shine his light upon them.

I would also like to mention that there is one very special ex-friend who I had the pleasure of being with during the holidays last year and most of the first part of this year. He was so kind as to be one of the first on the front line when things started going down hill after I walked off a temp job. I'm grateful he didn't judge me but was there his words: "glad God blessed him so he could be a blessing to others." He definitely was a blessing to me.

This Christmas I realize how blessed I've been to see it through every other Christmas. Apparently sometimes it takes the bad times to make you realize and appreciate how good the good times really were.

The purpose of this post is to encourage everyone to stay in the holiday spirit. Let go and let God handle the stress. Stay on your "A" (Amen) game. There's a blessing with your name on it claim it in the name of Jesus.

For all those who have been the wind beneath my wings this year the song is for you.

Love always,


Wind Beneath My Wings (Video Version)

I Know There Is A Big Part of Me I Need to Work On

I was raised by a very strong black woman. I wasn't taught to turn the other cheek when people get on my nerves. I was instructed to tell people to kiss my behind when they did something foul. In fact the response most of the time to when I told my grandma about any situation for advice her reply would be for me to "tell them to kiss your behind," end of discussion.

Of course I didn't pass this legacy down to my children. In fact, I tried to make them well-rounded by keeping them in structured environments and activities. I tried to encourage them to get along well with others. I think I went into overdrive. Two of my children friend network has led to most of the issues they face today. They seem to get along with people just fine. Me personally I can either take you or leave you. My upbringing encouraged to harbor no prisoners and don't get into likes and dislikes. I was always told when you dislike someone think about they probably dislike you more. I would like to think I treat all people fair.

Later in life my grandma did soften her approach and switched up and told me to tell them "I would tell you to kiss my ARSE but I think too much of it to let you kiss it."

But my all time favorite was when someone really made her mad she would tell them "I'll cut your ARSE too short to sh#&". No doubt I was raised to be a fighter.

On the other extreme my mom would send me to charm school session after session because she didn't like how rough I was. I remember going on 21st street on the second floor of a major department store retailer. I learned things like to cross my legs seven different ways. How to be very polite and say all the yes sirs and no sirs the law would allow.

It's funny how one woman who was important in my life didn't think I was tough enough and the other thought I was too rugged. Their demeanor is like night and day.

I guess in current day if I like someone I am the nicer person. If I don't like a particular person the grandma in me comes out.

Admittedly I have a lot of work to do on me. Most of the time the ruggedness stays at bay. I'm cool as a cucumber and can walk away. My politeness normally prevails.

I normally detest people with a bad character. If you're a good person you're cool with me. If you're corrupt, chauvinistic, liar, user, loser, along those lines you bring out the worse in me and I'll normally act accordingly.

However, if you are cool beans I'm cool beans as well. You can't have a better friend in your corner than me. I don't use the word friend loosely and I also don't use the word relationship loosely either.

Tonight I'm just saying "Get behind me Satan." I had a phone conversation which made me livid. I did well and carried it through. The more I think about it the warmer I get. I'm definitely not the type to argue. The last thing I'm ever going to tolerate is a long conversation with a chauvinistic man. His momma may put up with it but I didn't have him so I definitely don't have to put up with it.

The only man I'll tolerate being chauvinistic is my son or one of my grandsons. Any other man can kiss my ARSE. I don't have to listen to anything on my phone I don't want to. There is a feature called "CALL BLOCKING" that I'm trying to figure out right now to block Mr. Annoying from calling me. I don't have to keep picking up the phone hanging right up on you or just not answering your calls. Yes there is a better way.

I've done my tour of BS. I put up with a chauvinistic male for too many years and I will be darned if I am going to go through it again in any shape, form, or fashion. If you're that chauvinistic you need to seek the services of a man to help you do what you want to do. And I need you for what??? I don't owe you a dang thang. Read this: "I wanted to slap the crap out of you when you offered me $200 to perform a favor because I have pretty lips." It took everything in me to keep my composure then. It was by grace a call from my good friend came through and life was good and I was thankful.

I realize there is a big piece of me I need to work on. Any time I have discontent in my heart for anyone I know it is against my divine purpose to let disgraceful situations fester and sore within me. I'm praying Satan will get behind me and not prevail in my heart and soul over the actions of others which I cannot control.

Peace and a bye-bye.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Positive Energy Resonates the Loudest

It just fascinates me how one little idea sometimes can lead to tremendous returns. I think sometimes I just feed off the positive energy which comes along when someone is really excited about a new business venture. Yes, I'm a sucker for creativity. Just seeing the how a person lights up when they envision the success of their ideas shine on their face is just astounding.

I love working with Entrepreneurs who just keep coming up with ideas. Different people have different strengths and weaknesses. Entrepreneurs can be as diverse as night is to day.

Over the years I've had the opportunity to talk with and on occasion work with some people who have some extremely brilliant ideas. It seems the biggest risk takers normally have the greatest ideas which would lead to the greatest opportunities. They are so far reaching with their creativity that if they ever come to pass it would make a huge impact.

I have a person whose calls I had been ignoring recently. He is one of those big idea thinkers. He is always crying broke and when he calls you know prior to talking with him he wants you to do some task which normally involves your time and money. He lives a very lavish lifestyle. Boats, cars, waterfront properties, silk business suits, expensive shoes, dines at the finest restaurants, golfing, weekend resort entertaining and parties. My lifestyle is just as exciting as watching paint dry compared to his.

Well he called and got my private number from my brother. I'm begging for forgiveness for the fib I told that it's my friends phone and he was tired of him calling it. Then I made the mistake of calling him back from my home phone to tell him that. Why he won't call my business contact number I don't know. Most of the time when I shun a project it is because I don't want to get sucked in by someone's negative energy. However, he has me getting caught up in his positive hype. He wanted a website set up for one purpose several months back which the idea must not have panned out because I never did hear of his television show going live.

The reason for the most recent call was he wanted a website for a new business venture according to his voice message. After the passing of a few days another site and a different venture was of more importance after I finally spoke with him. Surprised? No I wasn't. Brainstorming ideas is on auto-pilot with him.

Well anyways I finally got around to setting up a preliminary version of his website. I don't know enough about his industry to speculate as to whether or not I feel it will be a success. He pretty much knew what he wanted as far as graphics, etc. Incredibly I can't wait for him to critique it. He does have outstanding style and taste as well. My guess I will gain invaluable insight from his feedback.

I really am going to have to take the time and pull out my web design template I perfected years ago when I first began doing websites. Lately I've been using a blank piece of paper with no clearly defined boiler plate just winging it. One of the first sites I did was for a social club. Starting out new it was a huge time saver because it was very comprehensive. It got to be a little too much when a member down in Florida wanted me to add in a interactive gaming component. Her idea was fabulous but it was a little much since I was working at cost trying to just have samples available of the work I'm capable of doing. I did refer her to a site which already had something in place they could just tap into. Why reinvent the wheel I would like to have a trend setting project something new and different.

Well anyways, the latest venture is a vacation related website. It is basically geared around people signing on and opting to pay a dollar to rent a vacation property or advertise for a dollar to post their wish list for a vacation rental. The goal is to have a million ads from people around the world looking to rent from exclusive resorts around the world.

Okay chicken feed does not get you a custom designed website with all those bells and whistles. I can't pay bills off a hope, promise, and a maybe. The most appropriate contact would be a venture capitalist.

The last site I set up and the guy offered me a percentage once things take off I refused the percentage. I should have taken it but I have enough on my plate not to be worried about trying to nick pick off someone else. I really hope that if someone does make it to the big time and their dreams become a reality for a successful business they'll just drop me a big fat check in the mail. By the way, any day soon would be really nice. Especially if you opt to sell out to a venture capitalist.

Honestly, I do love working with people who are full of positive energy rather than the doom and gloom pity party folks. This economy has had me leaning enough personally more towards the doom and gloom pity party folks myself so I am glad I finally let past bygones be bygones and went on and met with Mr. Positive. He is an excellent sales person. I think he could sell a major vacation resort in the middle of a desert.

He is just one of those people you look at and there exists an aura about them which shines of success. I do wish him the most successful business endeavor ever. He slighted me in a deal previously but I realize stuff happens.

Realistically, I really needed the burst of good, clean, positive energy. Now that I have his preliminary site set up I can go back to answering his calls again.

He just annoys me with how he never has money and he makes four times what I've made every year in his worst year. Give me a break! He leads a lot of people to think he's broke but I am like no way. His favorite words has to be "do this for me" and I don't see anyone who constantly says that in need of anything. I've been around him where he has asked other people "do this for me". I'm like what do you do for your dang self?

Once the ladies find out there is nothing between us he is even as close to family as family gets they start bringing him chocolates, and catering to him in other ways. I want to tell them so bad don't let the nice car and silk suit fool ya. He devours women as his prey.

His house is off the chain. He designs it so women will drop their panties as soon as they come through the door. He has a sit down area in his downstairs shower off the master bedroom. The best part of his house so he has told me is the master bedroom sits right next to the den so he can go right from the den to the bedroom. There is a sitting area right as you walk into the bedroom with a fireplace separating the sitting area from the master bedroom and a shower in the master bedroom that he loves because it is large enough to fit at least three honeys at the same time. He is so funny because he says everything like it is a matter-of-fact. I be cracking up laughing at him. And then he chides me that I don't think he's serious because I laugh, he'll say for real and I'll laugh even louder. The reason why I laugh is because I think it is ridiculously funny that he even says some of the stuff he says to me with my being a woman. I just found it too hilarious one day when he asked me to set him up with some friends. Why would I do that to a friend? If I meet a good match for him it is on and popping. Now the ones silly enough to start falling all over him without even knowing him I just back up and watch him work them. He doesn't even care if they run in the same circles. I would call him a smooth operator but it would be a serious understatement. When it is his civic duty to offer me relationship advice sometimes I just want to melt through to the floor to disappear out of site.

He has some really brilliant ideas but I think now after having written this post it seems he may want to curtail his operations with women long enough to dedicate to one of his fantastic ideas being executed fully.

I can't wait until he critiques the site. I am just perplexed he didn't ask for any provocative female photos to be included on the site, almost disappointed because it seems outside of his character. I asked him once why I never receive an invite to his parties when I found out he was having this a party with one of his buddies who I would like to meet just to talk in general conversation with. A local well-known entrepreneur. I met him because he sent me to him to do some investment deals with. We never got anything off the ground or had a follow-up conversation and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to catch him away from his work in a relaxed mode one weekend for one of their four-suite weekend golfing parties. He just told me in a matter of fact type way I don't fit the criteria to be invited. The women have to be "hot". He laughed and offered me a free get-a-way package at at a five-star resort of my choice and told me I can take my man. he would have the suites reserved for me and have everything set up with flowers, champagne, etc. Just go and have a good time he told me.