Tuesday, May 25, 2010

All Things Technology

One area which is always an attention getter for me are technology related seminars. I enjoy learning new tips, tricks, and tools of any business trade which I feel will help me with my business processes.

I'm taking off tomorrow to attend a "We Talked We Listened" technology session. I realize first-hand it will probably be covering some of the bare basics of web site technology and new tools to capture leads. However, I have found once in while it is always good to go back to the basics.

It really seems to me the more technological enhancements there are the more the underlying concepts are going back to the basics. Case in point one of the key areas of real estate is to generate leads. Without customers, clients, referrals, and leads there really is no business.

Fortunately every time I attend any technology session I am able to take something away. Whether it is like a software class I attended and we were jokingly referring to the "undo" arrow as the "halleluhjah" key. As a Business/Computer Instructor I use to always teach my students to use the "help button". I would always emphasize: "the most underutilized key in any application is the help key."

Teaching or learning about technology has always been very uplifting for me. I call the new software apps new toys. I really like the ones I can use for free or at least get a 30-day or 60-day trial to test the waters. At one point in my life I remember how I use to always struggle to get the fonts and format in one section of a document to look just like the fonts and formatting in another section. Well, on one not to busy day I was playing around with the icons on the toolbar. The "format painter" icon has saved me ever since. No more do I struggle with consistent formatting issues.

I'm a real "lab rat" as my friends label me. I'm on the computer constantly and when I'm not on the computer I like to read anything relating to business and technology combined. It really has been very beneficial staying up to date with all technology has to offer. Even though with all that exists I only keep up with a small tidbit it is enough to keep me going.

As time permits if I don't get too entrenched on actually doing computer stuff I will blog about my experience at the seminar tomorrow. I get so caught up with doing stuff on the computer sometimes other things take a lower priority.