Over 70,000 hits and not 1 phone call! In February I ran an ad on REALTOR.com featuring my listing at 1026 Galt Street in Norfolk, Virginia. To my dismay I did not receive one phone call during the whole month the ad run inquiring to me about the listing. I knew going in my phone number would not be displayed as the point of contact with a featured listing versus a showcase listing enhancement. Thus, I placed my contact information in the description and as part of the header to try and get prospect calls.
Needless to say I have expended a lot of effort in trying to sell this home. Well I found out in a meeting on Thursday my efforts may not be helping me but it is surely helping others. Another real estate professional informed me she has done $30,000 in business from the ads I ran. She further added others have done good business off my ads as well. I'm happy to know my marketing efforts are working. However, I can whole-heartedly admit I wish my marketing efforts would help me out just a little bit.
I've only been in my present location since the beginning of this year, so it is totally awesome my advertising has generated so much business. I can say it is impressive. What would impress me even more if I could have at least one transaction from it all.
My focus now is realigning my marketing strategies so they work for me. I still have advertising bills to pay. I am not one of the fortunate ones who was able to capitalize off my marketing efforts. Here I was wondering what is so dreadfully wrong that I am not getting any calls direct to me.
I think if the tables were turned I would offer, hey I see you have not had any business and I've made a lot of money off your efforts how about I at least cover your advertising costs?" No such luck.
Thankfully I am technologically savvy enough to capitalize on most of the low or no cost advertising mediums. Now instead of praying for success from my advertising I guess I'm going to need to be more specific and say "success for me for my efforts."
Anyone who knows me probably realize I put my heart into my work. I am a hard and dedicated worker. However, since that meeting on Thursday morning I've been trying to find if there is any salt left in me for this entrepreneurship experiment.
I say experiment because some things work for a while then I run into a rock. I guess now I'm just staying prayerful and thankful. I am recalling the words to a gospel song which says "when you hit rock bottom remember God made that rock."
Okay. The best way to experience something is to go through it. I challenge you to take some words of advice from me: "As part of your marketing strategy to capture business, make sure your marketing efforts not only work they also work so you yourself reap some of the rewards!"
Be specific in your marketing design, efforts, and delivery. It can make the difference in you feeding yourself or someone else getting fed.