Friday, August 5, 2011

Before Letting the World Know Your New Business Name Buy the Domain!

Well probably anyone reading this post will realize how important technology has become to the success of a lot of businesses. Is it especially important for start-ups and new ventures that get some press? Well yes.

I can't imagine a business plan today not including what the website address will be. Just as soon as or as part of the process in deciding upon a business or brand name the name of the website is not immediately coined.  What led me to this post?

Well I was doing some online reading seeing what is going on in the business world as a do daily. I read about some companies business plans which include expansion or branching off into new ventures. Some even announce what the name of the new business is going to be when they are pitching the services and/or products the business will provide.

All well and dandy.  They got a lot of promotion around what they propose to do.  It seems they would take a cue from all the movie names who have to add the word "movie" to the end of their title.  Probably for the same reason they will end up with a more creative website name.  Before you go public with a brand or business name which is new to the market.  Save yourself some headaches and probably a lot of money.  Go ahead and coin the business name.  Check to see if the website name is available.  Okay with me being into domain names the way I am. The first thing I go to check for is to see if they have a lready set up a website. Especially when the article is really pumping them up to make them sound like the next best greatest idea since sliced bread. 

If the website is not yet active, I would at least like to see a coming soon page. Well, in a lot of cases I see where there is no website which exists at all. Or even more incredible, someone else already owns the domain for the business they are looking to set up.  It makes you wonder how many names they scratched during their brainstorming efforts that were available for the brand and the web.

It is 2011 for heaven's sake. Kudos to your new business venture.  Business is happening online nowadays which is just as important as offline.  In my business, the majority of people go online first.  Online is where people are looking things up before they venture out.  Gas prices are a bit too high to be joy riding around for most folks you know!  I sure am hoping they already have a variation of the name coined that I just couldn't come up with nor find in a generic Google search.

The funny thing about it is, some businesses are purporting they are expending hundreds of thousands of dollars on technology to support their newest and future business endeavors and didn't even spend about $10 to capture the website name before it becomes a premium name or someone else buys it up.

If you are looking to purchase a domain name you can do it on my website at any time 24 hours 7 days a week. Just like you own the business my guess with the number of online consumers in today's market, you may want to own the domain as well.  It is best to own your domain yourself.  You don't want a web developer cutting you loose and your domain goes with them if any creative differences arise later on.
Congratulations to all the latest and greatest business ventures!  Don't forget the website name to go on the sign.  You haven't made a sign without it have you?
It is all about combining your offline with your online and especially your marketing efforts which go to print.
Lynne Ruffin
3007 Tait Terrace
Norfolk, Virginia
Phone:  (757) 717-9929
Personalized web services:
Do-it yourself web services:
"Let's show the web wide world your style!"