Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why Did He Let the Dog Out on Us?

Last evening all my grand girls and me exercised to music and then went walking for about 30 minutes.  One of the things I've learned recently and can really appreciate from the health classes is working out doesn't have to be fancy.  It doesn't require being a member of a gym with all the latest amenities to get in great shape.  You can go for a long walk and do exercise activities along the route and at intervals.  Weight management is not about dieting it is a lifestyle change.  Healthy eating and regular workout routines needs to be a part of daily living.

We used YouTube to play a workout song we could do a group dance routine to.  I really like having three granddaughters to workout with.  It is one of those times I get to enjoy leading them in group activity.  Of course, we include time where each of them can lead a routine for the group to follow. 

Well we went walking and I think probably as a joke someone let their dog out the yard.  It was a small pit bull looked liked a mix between being a pup and full grown.  Well, anyways, the guy waited until we walked past his house and then let the dog out without a leash.  The dog clearly had a collar on for attaching a leash so I think the guy did it as a joke.  The dog too off running after me and my grand girls.  The two oldest ran without saying a word or looking back as they ran the dog took off running.  The youngest of the bunch stopped to witness the excitement from both ends.  I yelled at the dog and he stopped in his tracks to run back towards his house.  Then he started at us again and I yelled louder and pointed and told him to go back home and he did.

I was livid.  Why would some idiot think its funny to let a dog out on a woman and three girls?  I hope he does it again I'm go yell at him instead of yelling at the dog.

My youngest granddaughter found it funny.  I felled to find the humor in it.