Well I know a lot of people are returning to work today. It should be something we can all be thankful for.
I'm starting the New Year out right at home, up early trying to improve my digital life. I've been spending the day reading email, checking online notes, updating a few websites.
It seems like the use of the computer jumped leaps and bounds last year. I see more and more advertisements for online storage today online and on television.
Online backup is agreeably very important. I know how disappointed I was when I lost on several occasions some very nice photos and important files I would have liked to have kept forever.
If you don't like backing up online my recommendation would be to use a disk that is suitable for archive purposes. I know I have some files I stored on CD's years ago which appear not to be accessible now. It is amazing how hindsight is 50/50. I imagine companies making the disks originally did not realize the long-term necessity for these disks. Personally, with the children and grandchildren I could have used some disks that are durable and cannot be broken.
I've watched some of my best disks get cracked at the hands of babies.
Wishing everyone a happy new year. I hope it is the most prosperous for you ever and things just go up from there.
Live, love, laugh!