Thursday, July 29, 2010

"It Can't Be Done"

Okay.  I heard the words "It can't be done" one too many times lately.  I think deciding something can't be done without exploring all the options is giving in to self defeat. 

I prefer to take a different approach.  I believe in possibilities and when the obstacles appear to be 20 feet high with no visible way to get over the hurdles I start believing a better day is on the way. 

Therefore, I paused to reflect on the phrases which normally resonate within me when looking to improve and/or enhance a process, looking to do things differently.  I counter the all too often utilized phrase "It can't be done" with other phrases which has worked for me.

1.  Never say "can't"

2.  If not, why not?

3.  Any thing man-made can be mastered

4.  You can do it if you put your mind to it.

5.  It's worth a try

6.  Start over

7.  No matter what get it done

8.  No pain no gain

9.  Just believe

10.How do I fix this

It is really not complicated.  No big word phrases, just keep it simple and don't over think any situation.  I find that sometimes taking a deep breath and re-evaluating the situation and being open to a solution does wonders. Explore the alternatives.  Innovative thought processes in lieu of self-destructing thought processes I'm sure have led to some of the greatest accomplishments we realize today.