I recall seeing a man on the street over the summer who from first glance just looked like a man with his shirt off on a hot summer day. He was standing on a street corner in the Downtown area of a local city. It so happened I was driving when I saw him and as I got closer I could tell he was actually pivoting from side to side as if he was talking with someone. And as I got even closer I could make out a little of what he was ranting about and he was standing alone.
He was talking and motioning as if someone was standing in his presence and he was discussing their relationship. I thought to myself I am so thankful, especially after suffering a recent relationship breakup at the time it didn't end like that for me. Admittedly, it hurt but it didn't fracture my soul to the point where it completely tore me apart. It seems at times there not only exists a thin line between love and hate, but the unfortunate reality is there is sometimes a thin line between staying sane and crossing the point of no return, at least for this man.
It is moments like those which gives me a different perspective of my own personal situations. This was definitely one of those hallelujah moments. It also caused me to reflect on the one and only relationship which would have ever caused me such trauma.
My heart goes out to the man who seemed to have suffered such a devastating loss that it caused him to lose his mine. It was very apparent he was badly hurt. He clearly had reached his breaking point. However, I send up praises for not suffering such an emotional setback of my own. It made me realize some things are taken as a matter of fact when in actuality it could have been something very devastating.
My first real relationship was with my high school sweetheart. It would be the defining point for all my future relationships. I felt if I could get over a relationship from the man I had three children by I could get over any relationship.
Then I thought well what factors normally lead to the breaking point in a relationship?
Furthermore I thought, what about a business relationship? I normally see quite a few top ten lists. Is there a top ten list of why people may decide to end a business relationship? Has the end of any business relationships caused one of the parties to suffer emotionally, financially?
What about a career path? Is there a breaking point when someone realizes this is just not for me it is time for me to move on and seek other opportunities? Is that considered a breaking point?
What about an investment or investing? Does there come a time when a certain plateau is reached and the thought is no more?
What about when a person decides to make a major lifestyle change like changing denominations, moving to another state, changing affiliations, what leads to a breaking point?
At what stage does someone evaluate their situation for a safety net so they don't hit a breaking point or hit a point of no return?
Just food for thought.