Hey Santa I've been nice all year! I know it is the time of year when you are looking over the who's been naughty and who's been nice list twice. Look over my efforts very carefully.
As you look over that list I'm sure you will agree it has been one of the best years in the last seven years for me. I came out of my shell.
I've communicated more with my adult children than I have in recent years. I've been getting hugs and kisses and I love you mommy from my oldest two a whole lot lately.
My youngest child, well she lives with me along with her family. I've been very nice. I come home and I go back to my room. I play my online games and I don't bother a soul. Thankfully I've been so nice I got a laptop from a friend the screen on my baby (laptop) was fading away. So you can cross laptop off my list for my being goo.
I've gotten a new coat, new boots, new something extras, so I'm good with gifts. Because I've been so nice I've been showered with gifts all year long. Prayers go up to the most high blessing come showering down. Of course, especially when you're nice.
I am writing to say thank you Santa for all the gifts and gifts to come. I'll have cookies and milk by the live tree. See I felt I deserved a live tree this year because I've been so nice. A live tree helps to keep up the momentum. The scent is invigorating and encourages me and the kids to continually to be nice.
Oh by the way, I hope we use the same measuring stick when it comes what nice really is. Well, I'm judging not that I be not judged. I'm believing.
Happy Holidays!
Your friend Lynne