Sunday, June 26, 2011

Who ever came up with Love Unconditionally?

Few things cause me great pause.  However, I have one thing which is happening that I can't stand.  My youngest daughter is into a trend with experimenting with different hair colors.

No doubt without a vow I love my children unconditionally.  I'm rethinking that because some things are just a bit much for my eyes to bare.  I am all so thankful my great grandmother and grandmother are spared the day to see the bright color hairdos.

I wish I my grandmother could come back to life for one hot minute.  That's all it would take for her to see this new trend with the hair colors and make a comment that would keep me in stitches laughing at her response for the rest of my days.

I remember comments my grandma use to say to me when I was an adult and started exploring with different styles and hairdos.  As far as my dresses she would say, "I like your dress but where's the rest of it?".  I feel her pain now.

With some of the hairstyles she would just say "what are you going to do next?".  My hair styles I felt I was staying within boundaries since I worked in an office environment.  I tried to keep up-to-date but be as conservative as possible.  I got gold highlights once in a while, a streak here, and a streak there normally just in the front.  I remember getting a french roll sprayed with gold glitter sheen to mostly make my hair have a better sheen. I got frosted once at the encouragement of my ex-husband.  That was the farthest out I remember going for colors.

Well I said all that to say are you ready for this:

Pink hair!  Personally, I was thankful she was finally putting on a dress to go out.  Normally she wears black pants or tights.  I be encouraging her to dress up a little more.  She was going to a graduation party, then afterward she hung out with women around my age.  I just think she would have looked so much better sporting normal color hair.

Well she is a Taurus girl to her heart.  She likes what she likes and stands firm on it.  A mouth full of words couldn't get her to take it off.  I wish I still had the skirt I threw away when she was in grade school.  We were out shopping and she saw it and insisted on having it.  We thought the skirt was hideous.  I thought okay it so happened to be on clearance anyways (no surprise) I picked it up she could play in it.  It turned out to be something she wanted to wear every other day.  It got to the point where we couldn't stand to see it anymore on her and included it in our next bag of clothes donated to charity.

Since true love is unconditional I guess I have to overlook the obvious.
When I look at the photo of her standing up I wonder what the passer-by in the photo in the SUV was thinking.  The vehicle apparently stopped moving.  Incredibly some vehicles passing by actually blew the horn at her while I was taking these photos of her.  I wanted her to see how she looked more than anything else.  I was hoping she would realize the photo would be outstanding without the choice of hair colors.

I think each new color takes away a few years on my heart.  I was hollering when she was going blonde.  Now it's purple or pink any given day. 

Baby I love.  You're one of the most intelligent women in the world your test scores always show it.  What is going on?  Is it an identity crisis?  No it is emulating a singer.

Can someone please make a hit song wearing an attractive dress and conservative hair style please???

The dress I can actually live with.  However, the hair, next it'll probably be green.

She just calls me "old lady" and laughs.

I guess unconditional love doesn't apply to children, gotta love them 24/7 regardless. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Who Needs Television When You Got Facebook?

I remember as a young girl following in love with the soap operas.  Years later I was thankful because a lot of the things I learned from watching the Guiding Light taught me a lot about corporations and business practices.  My favorite character was Mrs. Chandler's first husband who seemed to be a very astute business man. 

Fast forward about three decades and now I have FACEBOOK.  After reading today's posts I now realize why I stay on FACEBOOK more than I watch television.  It is better than the soap operas I am normally not around at home to watch during the day.

On FACEBOOK you have friends from all walks of life.  My biggest peeve is those women who publicly air their battle with other women over a man.  I don't often see the men stooping to the same level of degradation.

It is normally the same folks bickering over the same what I would deem "worthless man".  One woman has a good job, money, house, car, aka "the whole nine yards" as they normally label it my neck of the woods.  And the apparent other woman is one of very limited means and even less educated.

The drama unfolds with the verbal fights and shenanigans.  The part that bothers me is there is probably some worthless piece of crap somewhere soaking it all up in his belly and making his chest stick out bigger.  Why can't these women come to the realization that a man is going to do what he wants to do regardless?  He's winning and he shouldn't be.  He can go back and forth at his leisure.  Come on now ladies let's let go of the strife whether you are the girlfriend or the wife and make this dude responsible to life.

I pointedly ask myself while reading the posts, what are they thinking letting him cause them to stoop to this type of behavior?  Rather than be the joke thrown in the joker.  I read and reread the posts to see if I missed something.  Now one woman deletes all the rebuttals from the other woman so I miss half the story.  Dang it!

I'm hoping neither woman let's him put them out of character acting like raging animals online over what apparently the only thing he has to offer by the gist of the posts is himself.  It seems as the drama has unfolded one woman he is with when he is down on his money and the other woman he is with when he is down on his luck.  Personally, I think he likes the broke woman the best.  When she gets two cents she is trying to do the world for him.  Not once have I been privy to see him do anything other than bounce back and forth between the two women with no money, job, or other apparent publicly visible resources.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies" in the voice of Nephew Tommie.  Get it together.  Let him go.  Take a photo and update both your profiles with a photo of the two of you showing girls rule.  If he can't handle his business you don't need him.  If he is too weak to stand his own ground and keep his women in check, check him and let him go.  If he has you acting out of character publicly, close the curtains, show over, let him go. 

While he is sitting back grinning at you women acting like felines turn the tables and do the winning instead of whining.   Why drag your name through the criminal justice system taking out peace bonds on women who otherwise would not matter to you?  The resolve for peace needs to come from you digging down emotionally and letting him go peacefully.  Someone bringing that much drama into your life is anything but love or togetherness.  I am not a relationship counselor I've had some spoiled apples in my day. When you create a monster you have to live with it.  Let this one go unfinished.

Oh yea, I dare not comment on the posts.  It is truly none of my business.  But as I read the News Feeds and status updates I can't help not to skip over the juicy stuff.  Now don't get me wrong, my favorite posts are the latest and greatest tech related posts, however, they never get as juicy as the love triangle drama.

I was thinking just today how my elders have been spared from all this modern day drama.  I don't think their heart could stand it.  My great grandma and grandmother always encouraged the females in the family to act as ladies.  I don't think any of the women in my family would stand for a relationship where the woman had to blast a man or his other woman publicly. 

On some days I wish some of the women who blogs and posts I read were the sisters I never had so I could tell them my thoughts in a loving sisterly way.  But they are so vocal in their posts at times I feel I might get cursed out if I send them a message or comment on their post.  I don't want to lose them as a friend.  They have kept it so real in their posts I feel like they're a part of my circle.

A true man doesn't act in a manner where he would have his lady have to act out of character under any circumstance.  Which reminds me of my second favorite poster who is always out of diapers, milk, and a man when she has no money.  Things follow a pattern, around the first few days of the month she is happy as can be but towards the end of the month she is putting everyone on blast for not being a provider.  I want to say so bad don't you realize you have a worthless man if the only time he comes around is when "you" have money, and it is just too apparent from your posts.  Infidelity once discovered used to be settled with a few black eyes which healed up after a few days.  Nowadays the black eyes linger in cyberspace.

Blame it on rainy days and Mondays and today just so happened to encompass both.  I was going to check outside to see if it was a double full moon because the drama seems to have escalated to a point of full blown.

Lord forgive me for this one.  This is Lynne's Lines.  Don't get it twisted I'm not throwing no stones because I'm not living in a glass house.  The juice seems to be flowing all around today offline, online, and everywhere.
I'm claiming it, I'm waking up to a better day tomorrow for me and my friends.  LOL!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Never Set Easy with Playing Second Fiddle!

Most of my life I have been very competitive.  One thing I always detested is someone being better at me in any surrounding I've been in.  I remember back when  I was in school I would hate for someone, anyone to get a higher grade on a paper than me.  If someone got a better grade than me I would get the other paper and compare the differences.

Then when I first started taking music classes, I would practice and practice and practice if I knew an audition were coming up for seating.  I just had to be first chair.  I didn't even want the upperclassmen to have a higher seat than me.

If a upperclassmen did enjoy a higher seat than me I would practice until I knew I was better than them.  I would practice from the time I got home until I fell asleep with my instrument in my mouth and hands.  I had to have the best intonation, hit the notes the best, play the notes the fastest, whatever it took to be number one.  I even remember in college I would practice to be seated higher than the music majors even though I was majoring in business.

I think somewhere along the way I lost a lot of that competitiveness.  It really all began happening as my children aged.  There were finally people I could concede to gracefully.  I didn't care that they were smarter than me.  I didn't care they were more athletic than me.  I didn't care that they were better at scientific stuff related to matter and formulas than I was.  I didn't care that they were better history buffs than me.  I enjoyed watching them compete against each other to see who knew more about a subject matter than the other.  I enjoyed watching them compete to see who could solve a mathematical equation the fastest.  I enjoyed watching them go online to see who could search for the best codes to get to the highest levels in their video games.  I especially loved seeing them work together to get codes to out play their friends on the latest video games.  I would have never even thought and still don't know to this day how they entered the codes for better levels on those games.  All I knew is the joysticks seemed to be the controllers.  How they figured out or who showed them how to search for codes and then upload them into the game somehow for a better position is beyond me.

Well up until recently I thought the fire for that type of competitiveness had burnt out of me.  Now I realize I got renewed desire.

You never know what hand you're going to be dealt and the sad fact of the matter you just have to play it or fold.  If you fold you definitely have no chance of winning.  However, if you stay in the game and keep playing you never know you can come out a winner if the cards play in your favor.  Even if you are dealt what seems to be on the surface a bad hand.  Like in a card game a bad hand can just be one that is evenly distributed unbeknown to all the players.  

Somethings I said I would never do I'm doing.  I said I would never play second fiddle but lately I have been.  At times it tears me up but I am just holding steadfast that I will persevere. It's akin to wanting first chair so bad I'm going to practice like crazy and it is going to happen.  Keeping my eye on my goals and objectives and the things I need to perfect to help get me to where I want to be.