Wednesday, February 27, 2013

$85 billion dollars cuts some folks can't afford $85 less

$85 billion in cuts is a huge number.  I couldn't phantom ever even managing an account with numbers that high.   I imagine there aren't 85 businesses in the U.S. who handle that much revenue in any given year.

I do realize it is going to have a huge impact on this nation if these cuts happen.  $85 alone is going to make a huge impact on a whole lot of families if these cuts happen.

They may need that additional $85 to cover the health care costs they will still be paying.  They may need that $85 to just cover the increase in food prices if all these cuts hit the fan.

I think if they concentrate on the potential impact $85 is going to have on the average household they would be putting an end to the notion of a sequester real fast.  If these cuts go through $85 just might be the new broke.

The sad part of the whole situation the people who can afford $85 lunches don't seem to care about those who can't even afford $85 in groceries from week to week.  How do you do more with less when your less is more.  I hope they figure out this budget cut issue before I can figure out what I just wrote.

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