$85 billion in cuts is a huge number. I couldn't phantom ever even managing an account with numbers that high. I imagine there aren't 85 businesses in the U.S. who handle that much revenue in any given year.
I do realize it is going to have a huge impact on this nation if these cuts happen. $85 alone is going to make a huge impact on a whole lot of families if these cuts happen.
They may need that additional $85 to cover the health care costs they will still be paying. They may need that $85 to just cover the increase in food prices if all these cuts hit the fan.
I think if they concentrate on the potential impact $85 is going to have on the average household they would be putting an end to the notion of a sequester real fast. If these cuts go through $85 just might be the new broke.
The sad part of the whole situation the people who can afford $85 lunches don't seem to care about those who can't even afford $85 in groceries from week to week. How do you do more with less when your less is more. I hope they figure out this budget cut issue before I can figure out what I just wrote.
Welcome to my blog! I like to write and I hope you enjoy what you read. Please feel free to leave me feedback anytime.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
The Lord Let Me Survive to Thrive!
Life will definitely deal some ups and downs. But I am mindful there is no testimony without a test, no message without a mess, and no victory without a victim.
I have been tested in many ways in my lifetime. For some folks I make it too easy. I have a good heart. I easily help those who solicit my help. I give over and above what others give to me. Some folks continually take my kindness as a weakness and trample all over it. I know deep down inside it doesn't matter. When I look back at the tests I've been through over the past seven to eight years I'm a living witness it has been God who has seen me through.
I will always remember when I was sick back in 2008 and my stay in the hospital. I lost some days. I didn't even know where I was at. When I woke up I realized eventually I was in the hospital. I could tell from the conversation at the nurse's desk right outside my room. The lady doctor thought by my name being "Lynne" that I was white. I heard her saying to the other nurses with a name like "Lynne" who would have imagined I was an African American woman. Did I get offended by it? No. She ended up being one of the best doctors I had even though prior I only had doctors in a hospital for delivery of my children. Of course you know I didn't make the invite list for their practice gatherings. I know some who did. You never know who knows who and the world all over doesn't live in a racist bubble.
Yes. In my lifetime there have been some real messes. The underlying message through it all is "stay strong". Keep moving forward because with all things being equal you won't have to pay for the actions of others you will be accountable for your own actions. I've seen where God has delivered me from a many situations that were messy. When you are in certain professions people will form alliances against you not to succeed. You won't make a dime. But God is continually supplying all your needs. Oh yes, there is a strong message in that. The message I get from that is place my faith in him from which all blessings flow. There is nothing another person can do against you that he can't recover you from.
I've been a victim of hate, backstabbing, deceit, betrayal, lies, being held down, being held back, being overlooked, being uninvited, being discredited, a whole lot of things. But through it all I can say God gave me the victory. Divine intervention is the only secret weapon I've ever needed. He will reveal stuff to you in your darkest hour. When people are trying to rattle your cage he will cement it into place.
People who know realize soon or later I choose my battles. I don't battle over the inconsequential. God gave me another chance to live. The petty thoughts and petty ways die out with each test. I get wiser with each message. And Lord knows many times he gave me the victory and I didn't see it until I got over the other side.
As long as I can praise and bless Jesus name. I don't need an invitation just an inclination that can only come from within. The key thing is to not let anyone in. Thank God he is the only one who can get in to the root of my soul. Amen and Amen. With him I am everything and without him I am nothing.
When I lived back in 2008 I knew it was because he wasn't done with me yet. Even though I kept pressing on and got sicker when I should have stopped and rested he kept me here. I've been praying every day hence that he would let me know my purpose. What is my mission. Give me my vision. If I walk in they ways the Almighty has for me I won't go wrong.
Lord sometimes he knows I get tired of how other folks do and act. I pray let me make money but don't let money make me. Lift up my family. Lord knows I pray for evil and wicked ways of others. Lord knows I pray that people will start asking him to bless their mess. It is so much easier for them to do right which doesn't require any thought.
But it constantly resonates in my mind he didn't keep me around for the misuse by others. He kept me around not only as a survival tactic but a tactic to thrive. Before I got sick I was doing very well. I was at the highest height of my game on. I am a believer he kept me around not only to survive to thrive! By the Grace of God I feel a breakthrough coming around the bend. There is no straight and narrow. There are going to be trials and tribulations. I'm ready, I got game in a good way. It's the only way I know God will keep blessing me when others be stressing me. He thankfully takes away the stress and I feel so bless.
Have a great Sunday everyone!
I have been tested in many ways in my lifetime. For some folks I make it too easy. I have a good heart. I easily help those who solicit my help. I give over and above what others give to me. Some folks continually take my kindness as a weakness and trample all over it. I know deep down inside it doesn't matter. When I look back at the tests I've been through over the past seven to eight years I'm a living witness it has been God who has seen me through.
I will always remember when I was sick back in 2008 and my stay in the hospital. I lost some days. I didn't even know where I was at. When I woke up I realized eventually I was in the hospital. I could tell from the conversation at the nurse's desk right outside my room. The lady doctor thought by my name being "Lynne" that I was white. I heard her saying to the other nurses with a name like "Lynne" who would have imagined I was an African American woman. Did I get offended by it? No. She ended up being one of the best doctors I had even though prior I only had doctors in a hospital for delivery of my children. Of course you know I didn't make the invite list for their practice gatherings. I know some who did. You never know who knows who and the world all over doesn't live in a racist bubble.
Yes. In my lifetime there have been some real messes. The underlying message through it all is "stay strong". Keep moving forward because with all things being equal you won't have to pay for the actions of others you will be accountable for your own actions. I've seen where God has delivered me from a many situations that were messy. When you are in certain professions people will form alliances against you not to succeed. You won't make a dime. But God is continually supplying all your needs. Oh yes, there is a strong message in that. The message I get from that is place my faith in him from which all blessings flow. There is nothing another person can do against you that he can't recover you from.
I've been a victim of hate, backstabbing, deceit, betrayal, lies, being held down, being held back, being overlooked, being uninvited, being discredited, a whole lot of things. But through it all I can say God gave me the victory. Divine intervention is the only secret weapon I've ever needed. He will reveal stuff to you in your darkest hour. When people are trying to rattle your cage he will cement it into place.
People who know realize soon or later I choose my battles. I don't battle over the inconsequential. God gave me another chance to live. The petty thoughts and petty ways die out with each test. I get wiser with each message. And Lord knows many times he gave me the victory and I didn't see it until I got over the other side.
As long as I can praise and bless Jesus name. I don't need an invitation just an inclination that can only come from within. The key thing is to not let anyone in. Thank God he is the only one who can get in to the root of my soul. Amen and Amen. With him I am everything and without him I am nothing.
When I lived back in 2008 I knew it was because he wasn't done with me yet. Even though I kept pressing on and got sicker when I should have stopped and rested he kept me here. I've been praying every day hence that he would let me know my purpose. What is my mission. Give me my vision. If I walk in they ways the Almighty has for me I won't go wrong.
Lord sometimes he knows I get tired of how other folks do and act. I pray let me make money but don't let money make me. Lift up my family. Lord knows I pray for evil and wicked ways of others. Lord knows I pray that people will start asking him to bless their mess. It is so much easier for them to do right which doesn't require any thought.
But it constantly resonates in my mind he didn't keep me around for the misuse by others. He kept me around not only as a survival tactic but a tactic to thrive. Before I got sick I was doing very well. I was at the highest height of my game on. I am a believer he kept me around not only to survive to thrive! By the Grace of God I feel a breakthrough coming around the bend. There is no straight and narrow. There are going to be trials and tribulations. I'm ready, I got game in a good way. It's the only way I know God will keep blessing me when others be stressing me. He thankfully takes away the stress and I feel so bless.
Have a great Sunday everyone!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Reading Is My Refuge
One thing I've come to learn over the years is most everyone has a way of dealing with issues. Some people smoke a cigarette, some people drink, some people run, some people walk, some people use drugs, some people talk with others. We all have our own way of handling stress and stressful situations.
Well, reading has always been my refuge. I know that may sound strange to some folks. But whenever I am going through something I read up on and research it. I like reading anyways.
I find reading gives me a better understanding of whatever I am going through. I just love Google. Google lets you search for a topic and brings upwards of a million different entries. Of course, I normally click on one of the Google page 1 items.
When my knee was hurting I researched it and read up on all the possible reasons why. When I overheard someone say to someone else not to talk to me because I was a smart person I read up to see what other folks perspective was on the issue. Well, you know I would rather be smart than dumb but not lose friends because of it.
Any time there is a technological issue I need answers to I Google it to read up on the topic to see what other folks are doing. Normally I receive results with all kinds of ways to handle it. Papers others have written on best practices, diferent methods from people young and old.
I feel reading provides understanding and insight in black and white. I see magazines at the grocery store with topics that are interest to me and I pick them up and buy them. Weight loss, saving money, how to de-clutter, how to with relationships, looking fabulous, etc. seem to be some of the big catch items. I think magaiznes best fans are people like me who look to read up on what they are going through.
On today I took a break from reading. I slept all day. My skin looks a lot more refreshed because of it. Lately I have been reading more and more stories on the effects of sleep deprivation. Since I sleep alone I tend to stay up until the wee hours of the morning getting reading or playing scrabble and getting very little sleep. I see I need by some accounts at least five hours of sleep. Even though quite a few articles stress nine or more hours.
I woke up a couple of hours ago. The only thing I had to eat today was a bagel and some cookies by choice. I don't even feel hungry. I feel like going back to sleep. Which I will as soon as I finishing typing here.
It's a nice long weekend and I am resting and relaxing. This weekend I will be reading Z's (sleep).
Well, reading has always been my refuge. I know that may sound strange to some folks. But whenever I am going through something I read up on and research it. I like reading anyways.
I find reading gives me a better understanding of whatever I am going through. I just love Google. Google lets you search for a topic and brings upwards of a million different entries. Of course, I normally click on one of the Google page 1 items.
When my knee was hurting I researched it and read up on all the possible reasons why. When I overheard someone say to someone else not to talk to me because I was a smart person I read up to see what other folks perspective was on the issue. Well, you know I would rather be smart than dumb but not lose friends because of it.
Any time there is a technological issue I need answers to I Google it to read up on the topic to see what other folks are doing. Normally I receive results with all kinds of ways to handle it. Papers others have written on best practices, diferent methods from people young and old.
I feel reading provides understanding and insight in black and white. I see magazines at the grocery store with topics that are interest to me and I pick them up and buy them. Weight loss, saving money, how to de-clutter, how to with relationships, looking fabulous, etc. seem to be some of the big catch items. I think magaiznes best fans are people like me who look to read up on what they are going through.
On today I took a break from reading. I slept all day. My skin looks a lot more refreshed because of it. Lately I have been reading more and more stories on the effects of sleep deprivation. Since I sleep alone I tend to stay up until the wee hours of the morning getting reading or playing scrabble and getting very little sleep. I see I need by some accounts at least five hours of sleep. Even though quite a few articles stress nine or more hours.
I woke up a couple of hours ago. The only thing I had to eat today was a bagel and some cookies by choice. I don't even feel hungry. I feel like going back to sleep. Which I will as soon as I finishing typing here.
It's a nice long weekend and I am resting and relaxing. This weekend I will be reading Z's (sleep).
Monday, February 11, 2013
I Found an Old Card Yesterday

It was a musical Valentine's Day card. Inside the card I had addressed it to the person I purchased it for and on the signature line I had signed "Love Always Lynne."
Isn't it funny how you think at one moment in time you are going to love someone always and then another moment it time you are faced with the reality you never thought always would come so soon. I wonder if that's how someone came up with the broken heart pendants? Darn things remembered.
Well to me he used to be special. All I can say is thanks for the memories. It's funny, the card plays "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah", not an enduring love song now is it? Could that have been a sign? Who knows.
It was good while it lasted. Not Mr. Right for Me but definitely not Mr. All Wrong, I would have even married dude. I'm glad it was an upbeat song! Keep it moving.
Now only if that card would have come with instructions and I could have purchased it in advance (lol).
You know they say extraordinary comes from making the ordinary great. I'll save my spill on that for a later blog. I'm about to go kiss up to the folks I'll probably spend my Valentine's Day with: old reliable aka my mother, and up and coming aka my two eldest granddaughters.
For some reason with them I always seem to fit right in. Peace and love!
Sorry Is, Is What Sorry Does!
My grandmother used to say it all the time: "sorry is, is what sorry does".
One thing I always briefed my man on was don't mess in the streets. It will do one of two things make him better at cheating or not cheat at all. When a man starts getting restless and doesn't know what the heck to do with himself it's time to check him. If he's going through a mid-life crisis and loses himself, tell him to find himself before he loses you.
Why do women stick with jokers? Apparently for the laughs.
You have to demand a minimal level of respect. No? Okay let's blame the women. It's not him it's the women. They knock him down, pull his pants off, and jump on top of him. Not! Tell him to report it for what it is, no means no. I won't even say the word because I'm willing to bet 9 times out of 10 that is not the case.
Okay next excuse he has an addiction which leads him to do other things. Any relationship is only as strong as the weakest link. I would tell him to get saved or get lost. I wouldn't blame it on where he frequents. He's a grown man. Unless I see someone physically snatch him and force him to a location (which by the way is abduction) against his will that is hog wash.
Another thing my grandmother use to say on the regular is "Love hides all faults." It can hide the reality that someone is sorry as heck and do sorry things just because they are sorry. As long as they are doing sorry things they are not worthy of you. Once they straighten up their act then there may be a chance for reconciliation.
So Lord I beg and plead that if I ever get into a situation where I am blaming any and everything for my situation rather than where the problem lies reach down and slap me back into reality. Better yet slap him and make him aware that I want the person I originally fell in love with less the addictions and afflictions.
Stop blaming others for the actions of your sorry man. Too often a woman will allow a man to take her through a lot and lose all of her support system. Then once she comes to grip with what is really going on she has already alienated everyone else.
Some days I wonder why women fall to the level to be brainwashed by men to the point where everyone else but the man is to blame for his actions. I wonder when they will wake up and realize other people are not the problem they are trying to get you to come to grips with possible solutions to your perplexing situation. Stop condoning his BS and have him own his reality. No one forces drugs down his throat, no one forces him to be with other women. Those are choices he and he alone made.
To make his self feel better he keeps putting the blame elsewhere and the woman keeps believing in him. Yes it is understandable a woman wants to believe in her man. When you have to believe in your man at the expense of others there is a real problem.
Ask some thought provoking questions. How much have you advanced with him or are you just spinning your wheels? When was the last time he did something to make you feel special? How many excuses has he given you to leave than reasons to stay lately? Why is everyone else who don't do drugs, who don't hang out in the wrong places no matter how close or how far the ones who have the issues? Do I really expect someone to offer how sorry my man is when I tell them about a situation with him? When someone else offers I may want to look out for my own welfare and not concentrate on him and his nonsense do I get offended? Is it because the truth hurts? Can I try and understand why it hurts and lead myself towards healing or act like nothing is wrong and he's not to blame so I can feel better?
I know it can be frustrating having to think so hard. Doing the right thing doesn't require much thought at all. But sometimes we keep seeing the same situation over and over again because we keep failing the test over and over again. You can't get to the testimony until you pass the test.
One thing I always briefed my man on was don't mess in the streets. It will do one of two things make him better at cheating or not cheat at all. When a man starts getting restless and doesn't know what the heck to do with himself it's time to check him. If he's going through a mid-life crisis and loses himself, tell him to find himself before he loses you.
Why do women stick with jokers? Apparently for the laughs.
You have to demand a minimal level of respect. No? Okay let's blame the women. It's not him it's the women. They knock him down, pull his pants off, and jump on top of him. Not! Tell him to report it for what it is, no means no. I won't even say the word because I'm willing to bet 9 times out of 10 that is not the case.
Okay next excuse he has an addiction which leads him to do other things. Any relationship is only as strong as the weakest link. I would tell him to get saved or get lost. I wouldn't blame it on where he frequents. He's a grown man. Unless I see someone physically snatch him and force him to a location (which by the way is abduction) against his will that is hog wash.
Another thing my grandmother use to say on the regular is "Love hides all faults." It can hide the reality that someone is sorry as heck and do sorry things just because they are sorry. As long as they are doing sorry things they are not worthy of you. Once they straighten up their act then there may be a chance for reconciliation.
So Lord I beg and plead that if I ever get into a situation where I am blaming any and everything for my situation rather than where the problem lies reach down and slap me back into reality. Better yet slap him and make him aware that I want the person I originally fell in love with less the addictions and afflictions.
Stop blaming others for the actions of your sorry man. Too often a woman will allow a man to take her through a lot and lose all of her support system. Then once she comes to grip with what is really going on she has already alienated everyone else.
Some days I wonder why women fall to the level to be brainwashed by men to the point where everyone else but the man is to blame for his actions. I wonder when they will wake up and realize other people are not the problem they are trying to get you to come to grips with possible solutions to your perplexing situation. Stop condoning his BS and have him own his reality. No one forces drugs down his throat, no one forces him to be with other women. Those are choices he and he alone made.
To make his self feel better he keeps putting the blame elsewhere and the woman keeps believing in him. Yes it is understandable a woman wants to believe in her man. When you have to believe in your man at the expense of others there is a real problem.
Ask some thought provoking questions. How much have you advanced with him or are you just spinning your wheels? When was the last time he did something to make you feel special? How many excuses has he given you to leave than reasons to stay lately? Why is everyone else who don't do drugs, who don't hang out in the wrong places no matter how close or how far the ones who have the issues? Do I really expect someone to offer how sorry my man is when I tell them about a situation with him? When someone else offers I may want to look out for my own welfare and not concentrate on him and his nonsense do I get offended? Is it because the truth hurts? Can I try and understand why it hurts and lead myself towards healing or act like nothing is wrong and he's not to blame so I can feel better?
I know it can be frustrating having to think so hard. Doing the right thing doesn't require much thought at all. But sometimes we keep seeing the same situation over and over again because we keep failing the test over and over again. You can't get to the testimony until you pass the test.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Rent vs. Buy: Are You Suffering from the Fear Factor?
"Too many of us are not
living our dreams because we are living our fears."
—Les Brown
* * *
I want to help you to realize your dreams of homeownership. The biggest fear I had to overcome and dismiss was the fear of the unknown: "whether or not I could handle it with three mouths to feed." Something about motherly instinct which makes you think again and again before embarking on something that may affect the welfare of your children.
I want to help you to realize your dreams of homeownership. The biggest fear I had to overcome and dismiss was the fear of the unknown: "whether or not I could handle it with three mouths to feed." Something about motherly instinct which makes you think again and again before embarking on something that may affect the welfare of your children.
After I purchased my first home I
wondered why I waited so long. Why did I wait until I was thirty to buy my
first home? There are so many resources available, so many people already
in the home ownership club. I had a role model in my own mother who
purchased her first home after she was divorced. She is still in that home
today. I can only imagine what her market rent would be in the same
neighborhood. The best analysis I ever performed was a rent vs. buy
analysis. It's a great tool to look at when you're debating whether or not to
take the plunge.
I look back at renters who said
they never wanted to buy a home who later ended up buying a home, rental
property, and then became investors. They let their investments be the backbone of them
fulfilling other lifestyle and business dreams.
It made me realize with some things the grass is
greener on the other side. Collecting rents versus paying rent to someone
else is an accolade within itself. Investing your hard earned money into
something you can call your own makes working to pay for it that much worthwhile.
There are a lot of homes on the market today where the cost to purchase may be substantially less the monthly rent expense for a comparable property. A lender could assist you with making that determination. I can put you in contact with a lender. Just call me. I would welcome the opportunity to sit down with you and do a rent versus buy analysis. Or, you can contact me and I will send you an analysis you can complete yourself.
Now fast forward nineteen years from when I purchased my first home and the fear factor is am I nagging and pushing too hard for my daughter to buy a home. She says "Look Lady!".
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Throwing Away Future Opportunities?
Yes, sales and marketing professionals often get so busy at times they have no choice but to refer leads to other sales folks. Yes it happens, but does it sometimes happen just so someone won't have to pay someone else a negotiated referral fee? After all, if you hold a license to perform a particular sales function you really don't have to work for free do you?
You give someone a lead and rather than them work the lead they refer it on to someone else. Not only do they refer it on to someone else they refer it to someone else with a different brand.
What impact do you feel it will have in the short term and the long term? Well to cut someone out a few dollars and suffer the potential for the person getting shafted to totally not trust you no more ever in life. In my viewpoint you can't put a price tag on that. It is priceless, but priceless in the worst way.
One thing that comes quickly to mind is that you've just sent business out the door. You've just betrayed the trust of someone who entrusted business to you. Another thing is any future business which may have been generated from positive interaction and collaboration amongst all parties is gone.
Who do you think that same client is going to provide word-of-mouth referrals for? You guessed it, the one they worked with outside the brand.
Unfortunately this scenario can go cross all kinds of businesses entities, for profits, non-profits. I think all these reality shows on television which get better ratings when stuff happens underhandedly is a major contributor to so many everybody for themselves syndrome of today. In yesteryear a persons word was their bond. You didn't even need it in writing.
You refer a person to a particular car dealership and the salesman refers them on up the road. Or they encourage the client not to let the business person know you actually closed on a transaction. I know the economy bad but does ethics have to go bad with it?
Just like as real estate agents we sometimes refer clients to lenders to help with the financing end of a transaction. Heaven forbid if any of them were shady. If the lender was unscrupulous they could refer that client on to another lender and the other lender then could refer that same client on to another agent. So you see if stuff like that were allowed to happen it could be the start of a very vicious cycle. It makes my head hurt just speculating what would happen if that were to ever occur.
Some people don't understand why certain professions have a cod of ethics. And even why others who don't have a code of ethics still strive to always perform their business transactions ethically.
I feel ethics is what keeps sales and future sales in their own camp. You think?
I know personally if I have to refer business out it is due to reasons beyond the scope of expertise or the time constraints are too daunting. I own my own computer related services company. It definitely a lot of times depends on the scope of the assignment. I love challenges. However, I like to fulfill challenges I can do in a reasonable amount of time.
I would rather work the business than to refer the client on to someone else. If I refer the project to another business if a referral fee is permissible I would gladly appreciate receiving it in an ethical above board manner.
And most importantly than to cheat myself out of future business by letting it go out the door. If I refer the business out the door I am then referring future opportunities that could branch off of that referral out the door as well. It is basically a matter of pay now or pay later.
When sales professionals of any profession think they are getting over by being slick. To me it seems not knowing they are only hurting themselves in the long run. Just some food for thought and the treating is on me.
No most sales people pay a referral fee or give a very warm heartfelt thank you. The intrinsic value of being honest is worth its weight in gold over being shady just to cut someone else out of a referral fee.
It requires no thought when you are doing right. You never know the person you refer out may just go back and let the person know how much of a scoundrel you are. We all know there are no scoundrels when it comes to sales, even though used car sales personnel I have heard have gotten a bad wrap from time to time. Of course this never, ever happens in the real world (wink, wink).
If you give someone a referral they will keep you apprised as to what is going on and be ever so grateful and thankful you gave them the referral. Hey they may be a source for you to refer to in the future. Win-win for everyone right. No one left out right? Everyone needs to get paid for their hard work and effortless and tireless energy they put into making a sale in the first place.
I sleep at night. I do the right thing so I can go to sleep with a clear conscious. What about you?
You give someone a lead and rather than them work the lead they refer it on to someone else. Not only do they refer it on to someone else they refer it to someone else with a different brand.
What impact do you feel it will have in the short term and the long term? Well to cut someone out a few dollars and suffer the potential for the person getting shafted to totally not trust you no more ever in life. In my viewpoint you can't put a price tag on that. It is priceless, but priceless in the worst way.
One thing that comes quickly to mind is that you've just sent business out the door. You've just betrayed the trust of someone who entrusted business to you. Another thing is any future business which may have been generated from positive interaction and collaboration amongst all parties is gone.
Who do you think that same client is going to provide word-of-mouth referrals for? You guessed it, the one they worked with outside the brand.
Unfortunately this scenario can go cross all kinds of businesses entities, for profits, non-profits. I think all these reality shows on television which get better ratings when stuff happens underhandedly is a major contributor to so many everybody for themselves syndrome of today. In yesteryear a persons word was their bond. You didn't even need it in writing.
You refer a person to a particular car dealership and the salesman refers them on up the road. Or they encourage the client not to let the business person know you actually closed on a transaction. I know the economy bad but does ethics have to go bad with it?
Just like as real estate agents we sometimes refer clients to lenders to help with the financing end of a transaction. Heaven forbid if any of them were shady. If the lender was unscrupulous they could refer that client on to another lender and the other lender then could refer that same client on to another agent. So you see if stuff like that were allowed to happen it could be the start of a very vicious cycle. It makes my head hurt just speculating what would happen if that were to ever occur.
Some people don't understand why certain professions have a cod of ethics. And even why others who don't have a code of ethics still strive to always perform their business transactions ethically.
I feel ethics is what keeps sales and future sales in their own camp. You think?
I know personally if I have to refer business out it is due to reasons beyond the scope of expertise or the time constraints are too daunting. I own my own computer related services company. It definitely a lot of times depends on the scope of the assignment. I love challenges. However, I like to fulfill challenges I can do in a reasonable amount of time.
I would rather work the business than to refer the client on to someone else. If I refer the project to another business if a referral fee is permissible I would gladly appreciate receiving it in an ethical above board manner.
And most importantly than to cheat myself out of future business by letting it go out the door. If I refer the business out the door I am then referring future opportunities that could branch off of that referral out the door as well. It is basically a matter of pay now or pay later.
When sales professionals of any profession think they are getting over by being slick. To me it seems not knowing they are only hurting themselves in the long run. Just some food for thought and the treating is on me.
No most sales people pay a referral fee or give a very warm heartfelt thank you. The intrinsic value of being honest is worth its weight in gold over being shady just to cut someone else out of a referral fee.
It requires no thought when you are doing right. You never know the person you refer out may just go back and let the person know how much of a scoundrel you are. We all know there are no scoundrels when it comes to sales, even though used car sales personnel I have heard have gotten a bad wrap from time to time. Of course this never, ever happens in the real world (wink, wink).
If you give someone a referral they will keep you apprised as to what is going on and be ever so grateful and thankful you gave them the referral. Hey they may be a source for you to refer to in the future. Win-win for everyone right. No one left out right? Everyone needs to get paid for their hard work and effortless and tireless energy they put into making a sale in the first place.
I sleep at night. I do the right thing so I can go to sleep with a clear conscious. What about you?
Oh by the way it reminds me of a quote I read online: “More evil gets done in the name of righteousness than any other way.” Glen Cook, "Dreams of Steel".
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
What to Do? Top 5 Recommendations for Valentine's Day
It's that time of year again when love is in the air. You have the opportunity to show your special someone just how special they truly are. It can be the beginning of the rest of a wonderful life you will share with the person you love. Or it can mean the end of what you thought would be the rest of your life with that one whom you felt was special.
Don't blow it! Yes, Valentine's Day is but one day out of the year. However, as a woman let me tell you I haven't once ever liked hearing nobody say that. If you're married always remember happy wife, happy life. If you're thinking about it this is a great time to get a feel for making your better half happier.
1. Dinner: Yes the bare minimum you can do is dinner. Me personally, my top choice for Valentine's Day is a romantic dinner at home alone. I like to put a nice lace tablecloth on the table, candles, chilled wine in a bucket of ice. The entree to include steaks, salad, baked potatoes, broccoli, rolls, either a cheesecake with cherry topping or a red velvet cake for dessert. The attire for me, a romantic negligee. Too bad I don't have a Valentine. I just know what I like. It is not a good practice to get into a relationship or friendship just so you won't spend the holiday alone.
2. Gift: You don't really need to be too extravagant everyone is aware of what's going on with the economy. Now if you're a brother with a whole lot of money we know your money just grew during these tough economic times.
A ring always tops the list as a great gift for Valentine's Day. However, if it is just someone special and not someone for the long haul a diamond pendant necklace will do. You should be able to find one to fit any budget. Now if you're trying to hook her up with the ring make it a some good bait.
3. No interruptions. Does this even have to be stated. No interruptions means no children, no text messages, no phone calls, no television, no ball games, no best friends, no distractions what so ever.
4. An element of surprise. Okay dinner and a gift are normally a given. However, a little surprise always adds a whole lot of flavor to a romantic evening. How about a hidden box of chocolates, chocolate covered strawberries, or something underneath a pillow whether it be on the loveseat or on the bed. Something to show you did a little extra planning to make this evening special. Maybe put on something special to let her know you were thinking only of her like some black satin pajama pants. Or solicit the services of a professional photographer to take a nice romantic photo of the two of you together she can have as a keepsake. Use your imagination to have something done with class.
5. Seal it with a kiss. Not just a kiss on the lips like you've probably already done numerous times before. Choose to kiss her in a way it will have a last effect by adding a little element of surprise. Women are emotional beings, we feel, touch, and smell with our heart. An endearing kiss like somewhere on her face in a spot where you've never kissed her before. If you have kissed her on the forehead, the cheek, on the lips previously kiss her on her neckline, midway between the nose and the cheek, just anywhere on the face just make it somewhere different. Make it somewhere you can give her a short sweet peck to show a little spontaneity. You will probably get a whole lot of kudos for doing something you've never done before. And on top of that it has a romantic twist to it, short and sweet.
Whatever you do outdo yourself! Isn't she worth it? Don't wait until the last minute to get it together Valentine's Day will be here before you know it. It is your one day unlike every other day to show your love it is all about the love you have for them and only them.
It's not just another day. You're not just another man are you? Get my drift. Make it happen captain. Show you woman she's your world.
Don't blow it! Yes, Valentine's Day is but one day out of the year. However, as a woman let me tell you I haven't once ever liked hearing nobody say that. If you're married always remember happy wife, happy life. If you're thinking about it this is a great time to get a feel for making your better half happier.

2. Gift: You don't really need to be too extravagant everyone is aware of what's going on with the economy. Now if you're a brother with a whole lot of money we know your money just grew during these tough economic times.
A ring always tops the list as a great gift for Valentine's Day. However, if it is just someone special and not someone for the long haul a diamond pendant necklace will do. You should be able to find one to fit any budget. Now if you're trying to hook her up with the ring make it a some good bait.
3. No interruptions. Does this even have to be stated. No interruptions means no children, no text messages, no phone calls, no television, no ball games, no best friends, no distractions what so ever.
4. An element of surprise. Okay dinner and a gift are normally a given. However, a little surprise always adds a whole lot of flavor to a romantic evening. How about a hidden box of chocolates, chocolate covered strawberries, or something underneath a pillow whether it be on the loveseat or on the bed. Something to show you did a little extra planning to make this evening special. Maybe put on something special to let her know you were thinking only of her like some black satin pajama pants. Or solicit the services of a professional photographer to take a nice romantic photo of the two of you together she can have as a keepsake. Use your imagination to have something done with class.
5. Seal it with a kiss. Not just a kiss on the lips like you've probably already done numerous times before. Choose to kiss her in a way it will have a last effect by adding a little element of surprise. Women are emotional beings, we feel, touch, and smell with our heart. An endearing kiss like somewhere on her face in a spot where you've never kissed her before. If you have kissed her on the forehead, the cheek, on the lips previously kiss her on her neckline, midway between the nose and the cheek, just anywhere on the face just make it somewhere different. Make it somewhere you can give her a short sweet peck to show a little spontaneity. You will probably get a whole lot of kudos for doing something you've never done before. And on top of that it has a romantic twist to it, short and sweet.
Whatever you do outdo yourself! Isn't she worth it? Don't wait until the last minute to get it together Valentine's Day will be here before you know it. It is your one day unlike every other day to show your love it is all about the love you have for them and only them.
It's not just another day. You're not just another man are you? Get my drift. Make it happen captain. Show you woman she's your world.
Monday, February 4, 2013
If You Got It Flaunt It!
There is much controversy behind Beyonce's Super Bowl performance. Why? Because apparently there are too many haters in this world.
I see nothing wrong with a strong beautiful woman showing the world just how confident, beautiful, strong, and awe striking she is. She rocked her performance!
Someone needs to set the bar for young women that it is okay to strut what you got in a classy way. She looked great!
It's when people stop looking that there is probably time for concern. The material of her outfit did not show off any forbidden body parts. From watching the video I would conclude she was well covered. I would rather see more young girls try and emulate wearing clothing which is more feminine in design than jeans and sweaters all the time.
Let someone take the lead in showing girls it is okay to be a woman, dress like a woman, act like a woman, be a woman. It is okay for women to dress up and be the center of attention.
I impress upon my daughters all the time to dress like ladies. I nag them every time I see them not projecting their full feminine appeal to be mindful of how they dress and wear their hair.
Trust and believe I get it back. They are my worst critics. I always recant I did when I was your age. When I know I am going to be in front of people, especially for a special occasion I am very mindful of how I look. I know there are times I cancel going places but I don't feel my hair, or attire, etc. is on point the way I would like it to be. I love clothes and I like to dress.
If you're among the ranks that got the looks there is nothing wrong with showing it off. Being overweight myself I wish I could get into an outfit which looked like the one she had on. It gives me enough inspiration to head to the gym so when the warm months get here I can look a little slimmer. I don't think I'll ever get back down to that size again. Why hate? Appreciate. Appreciate that we have a young woman who doesn't have the news media following down behind her for all the wrong kind of stories. We have a positive young woman who has her head on straight and looks great. I didn't see the performance as it was happening but heard so much about it today I checked it out on YouTube. I was out skating with a young woman (my eldest granddaughter) that I hope she knows it is okay to be a beautiful young woman and most importantly to flaunt it all she wants in moderation. Confidence is queen.
I see nothing wrong with a strong beautiful woman showing the world just how confident, beautiful, strong, and awe striking she is. She rocked her performance!
Someone needs to set the bar for young women that it is okay to strut what you got in a classy way. She looked great!
It's when people stop looking that there is probably time for concern. The material of her outfit did not show off any forbidden body parts. From watching the video I would conclude she was well covered. I would rather see more young girls try and emulate wearing clothing which is more feminine in design than jeans and sweaters all the time.
Let someone take the lead in showing girls it is okay to be a woman, dress like a woman, act like a woman, be a woman. It is okay for women to dress up and be the center of attention.
I impress upon my daughters all the time to dress like ladies. I nag them every time I see them not projecting their full feminine appeal to be mindful of how they dress and wear their hair.
Trust and believe I get it back. They are my worst critics. I always recant I did when I was your age. When I know I am going to be in front of people, especially for a special occasion I am very mindful of how I look. I know there are times I cancel going places but I don't feel my hair, or attire, etc. is on point the way I would like it to be. I love clothes and I like to dress.
If you're among the ranks that got the looks there is nothing wrong with showing it off. Being overweight myself I wish I could get into an outfit which looked like the one she had on. It gives me enough inspiration to head to the gym so when the warm months get here I can look a little slimmer. I don't think I'll ever get back down to that size again. Why hate? Appreciate. Appreciate that we have a young woman who doesn't have the news media following down behind her for all the wrong kind of stories. We have a positive young woman who has her head on straight and looks great. I didn't see the performance as it was happening but heard so much about it today I checked it out on YouTube. I was out skating with a young woman (my eldest granddaughter) that I hope she knows it is okay to be a beautiful young woman and most importantly to flaunt it all she wants in moderation. Confidence is queen.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Ground Hog Predicts Early Spring - I Sure Hope So!
I don't normally take to critters. But I sure am loving the thought of the one who didn't see his shadow today. It hopefully means spring is near!
Back during my youth I remember how my grandmother would get up earlier in the morning and be situated before the news came on on Ground Hog Day just to be thrilled by the prediction. She wanted to see whether or not the ground hog saw his shadow. Why? Because if he saw his shadow then it meant we were going to have six more months of winter. If not, spring was near.
I don't know about you but I'm really ready to spring forward after the roller coaster weather we have been having in Hampton Roads lately. We even had a day last week were the temperature was warmer in the evening and at night than it was that morning. I can't say I can remember too many days that has happened.
We have had some crazy weather over the last couple of weeks. When the temperature went up as high as 74 degrees last Thursday, at the end of the month of January and then back down to being cold the next day I was too outdone. But as with anything you have no control over the only thing that can be done is to deal with it. Admittedly, I did like working my light purple sweater with my purple suit with no coat on the nice weather day. Then it was back to wearing a wool coat buttoned all the way up above my neck and covering the lower part of my face on the next day. Talk about crazy.
I'm ready to change wardrobes for the warmer items and keep it that way. I sure hope the ground hog was right today!
I'm ready to Spring Forward!
Back during my youth I remember how my grandmother would get up earlier in the morning and be situated before the news came on on Ground Hog Day just to be thrilled by the prediction. She wanted to see whether or not the ground hog saw his shadow. Why? Because if he saw his shadow then it meant we were going to have six more months of winter. If not, spring was near.
I don't know about you but I'm really ready to spring forward after the roller coaster weather we have been having in Hampton Roads lately. We even had a day last week were the temperature was warmer in the evening and at night than it was that morning. I can't say I can remember too many days that has happened.
We have had some crazy weather over the last couple of weeks. When the temperature went up as high as 74 degrees last Thursday, at the end of the month of January and then back down to being cold the next day I was too outdone. But as with anything you have no control over the only thing that can be done is to deal with it. Admittedly, I did like working my light purple sweater with my purple suit with no coat on the nice weather day. Then it was back to wearing a wool coat buttoned all the way up above my neck and covering the lower part of my face on the next day. Talk about crazy.
I'm ready to change wardrobes for the warmer items and keep it that way. I sure hope the ground hog was right today!
I'm ready to Spring Forward!
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