Monday, January 28, 2013

Well I Said Why Not Go For It!

I purchased a new domain over the weekend.  You know some people have beccome successful in business by filling a niche they saw was unfulfilled.

Well, one of the things I normally look for when I'm looking for jewelry is clip hoop earrings.  Yes, clip hoop earrings because my ears are not pierced.  I remember when my ears were pierced ages ago I used to like to wear clip hoops when I wore big hoops so my ear lobes wouldn't get tore by getting my earring caught on something.  Clips were also preferred with small babies.  The first thing they attempt to do when you pick them up with earrings on is to pull for your earrings.  If they go to pull for a clip-on earring it just comes off.  However, if they go to pull on a earring which is pierced and going through your ear lobe it can be very painful trying to get them to let go without tearing your ear lobe.

I just put out a page but plan to do something with it in the near future.  The website is  I plan to set it up where when I want a nice pair of clip hoop earrings I can shop from the comfort of home.

I foresee some very cute blinging hoops in the very near future.

If you ever just have an idea for a niche for your business why not buy a domain and set it up to share with the world wide web.  Visit my website at to purchase your domain name, hosting account, and other web products to show your idea to the world wide web via a website all your own.

Lynne Ruffin
Web Designer
Web Styles
Norfolk, Virginia

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Conversation with My Son

The phone rang at 12:16 p.m. today.  I was lying in the bed in haste as to how the day was going to pan out because yesterday it snowed.  I wasn't even thinking about getting up and going out in the cold weather.  Well, my son called.

I looked at the caller i.d. and saw it was an incoming call from my son.  I answered the phone and hit "0" to accept the debit call.  Then I said "Hello".  He says you sound like you're still sleeping.  He then went on to say you're still in the bed this time of day.  I told him I just hadn't gotten up I was awake.

We went on to talk about my wanting to streamline refinance the house but was running into difficulty because at one point I had refinanced the house and added my ex husband to the mortgage.  Now I was having to provide documentation of being able to once again have the mortgage just in my name. 

I let him know the only reason why I had even considered it was because the bank had called me offering an equity line of credit.  I let them know I wasn't interested in an equity line of credit but if I could qualify for one of the mortgage programs just to refinance my house at a lower interest rate I would be willing to do that.  Albeit, is when the streamline refinance attempt came about.  I don't want to borrow against the equity in my property.  I want to one day be able to burn the note.  It used to be something old folks used to look forward to.  When they could burn the note on their homes or churches. 

Well his concern seemed to be was I about to get over my head in debt.  We went on to discuss the differences in rates, payments, and other variables between a mortgage and equity line of credit.  I told him to read up on equity lines of credit.  Especially considering he has nothing but time on his hand. 

The conversation with him made me realize how much I miss having him free to talk to on a whim.  He is one of the two people who I have always felt I can relate to and be open about anything with.  He is a great listener.  My using big words doesn't bother him.  He is very open and honest.  So much so I don't think he would be where he is today if he would have just lied a little bit.  I was sitting in the court room thinking why he is being so forth coming on his trial date.  Did he want to be incarcerated?  Oh well, water under the bridge.

It goes without a doubt that I love my son.  I feel bad that the woman who was his fiance before he was incarcerated has moved on without him and has two more children since he has been away.  He stuck by her.  He never brought any other females to my house.  He totally respected her.  I think he is handsome, he's tall, and he is nice looking.  My friends tell me the children she proclaims are is aren't his because I have a nice looking son.  I guess they are really saying my grandchildren aren't nice looking.  Thankfully she is a nice person and a great mother.  As far as the mother of his children I don't think he could have found a better person.  I do wish he could meet a nice young lady that would be there for him and be supportive of him like he is of others. 

Thankfully he has other friends, family members, and folks he knows who still look out for him.  He is a great person to talk to if he'll talk to you.  He doesn't talk to everyone.  He has very high moral standards. He is not in jail because he is a low life.  He is in jail because he was chasing his million dollar dreams in lieu of working a job and being severely underpaid.  He was an easy recruit for the drug lords.  They were down behind him because they knew his momma had raised him right and he was a very intelligent young man.  They needed someone with his thinking capacity on his team.  Unfortunately they used the one thing against him that he cared about the most to lure him in, his mother.  They used to always tell him you don't want to work hard all your life to have as little as your mother has.  I know I've blogged on it before but it still hurts like crap.  Here I was thinking I was always on top of my game so they wouldn't have to want for anything. 

Things sometimes happen for a reason.  I really think the time away has opened his heart to a lot.  Now when I go visit him he says I don't know how you did it.  He'll say to me you always made sure we didn't want for anything.  You took us to the movies, you took us to the circus, you took us on get-a-ways, you kept us clothed, you bought us what we wanted, you had us participating in everything, you made us smart, we had a computer and television in every room even the kitchen, you brought me five cars and I didn't take care of them, you did you, you sacrificed everything for us, you shut out everything for us, the only thing that mattered to you was us, you even put us ahead of your own happiness.

I look back over my years.  One of the most painful things in my life was the incarceration of my son for a crime in support of a drug war where no one is winning.  In retrospect I feel like I was on the battlefield pretty much like an innocent bystander.  Standing there getting up torn up.  I didn't have the right uniform.  I didn't have any protection.  Just left out there hopeless, helpless, worn, and torn seeing the self-destruction, the casualties, and the oppression and depression all around.  There were other mothers, grandmothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters, brothers, aunts, and uncles who suffered fatalities.  Women have lost husbands, mothers have lost sons, some to being incarcerated some to death, even some who have become disabled. 

So Lord I pray out, I cry out that you end this drug war.  Don't let another casualty come about, don't let another family be ruined.  Lord I ask that you escalate this situation to a level of non reproach.  Unlike Pharaoh in Egypt I know your power.  I know you have the power to end this right now here today right this minute.  Lord we need our sons, we need our husbands, we need our daughters.  Let them not be continually conformed to the ways of the world.  Lord send a strong message not just to overcome but that the victory is not near it is here.  Through you Lord nothing is impossible.  The millions upon millions, the lives upon lives, the tears upon tears, the years upon years, nothing can withstand your mighty power.  The end to this war on drugs let it be so in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit I pray, Amen and Amen.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh Yea? Speak for Yourself!

We all see those FACEBOOK posts which are written to receive only affirmation.  You agree with what the posts says but you have those inner thoughts.  Yes, that's exactly right but based on the way I feel I can't comment and say "Amen" or "Love it" or hit the Share link.  Inwardly you may wrestling with feelings you know you shouldn't be wrestling with.

Well, I'm not perfect and even though maybe I should feel a particular way I don't.  No, I don't think that way at all.  But my pride won't let me express how I truly feel even though I really, really, want to.  The truth is I'm too embarrassed to say how I really feel.  I've been love struck.

Oh yes I can relate but relating and agreeing two different things.  The comment was good enough to bring some really serious thoughts to mind.  You hit the nail right on the head.  However, this time I felt like the nail was on top of my head when it was hit and I felt the pain.

Well recently I saw a post that would fit the bill.   Admittedly, I've seen the same quote several times but used in different rhetorical context.

Here goes in my words, "someone who would leave you for someone else is not worth fighting for."  Wait a minute now, if it is a brother with the whole package, tall, charming, handsome, intelligent, financially savvy, great job, house that's off the chain, his own car, his own bank accounts, his own everything he don't need a woman to lift him up he can do some uplifting if he chooses too.  Well, in my opinion he worth fighting for tooth and nail.  That means biting and scratching.  Kicking and screaming.  However, there are laws against such behavior so be a lady and just walk away gracefully.

I just think sometimes it can be a double edged sword.  If you don't put up a fuss for what you really want the person you really want may feel you don't want them because you are not willing to show you really want them.  So they go with the person who wrecks a good relationship because they want to jump claim the apple in your eye.  

Having had that happen to me I can honestly say I wish I would have fought like "h" "e" double hockey sticks.  If you don't know what that means you may be too young to be reading this post.  Your relationships are probably still in the neophyte stages.

In retrospect, if I could have a do over for the man I go to sleep thinking about, wake up thinking about, thoughts of him cross my mind often I would have stood up to a whole group of women who was descending down on him like vultures.  In my smug secure thoughts I felt like so many people say if they go that easy let them go.  Of course, you have those friends on FACEBOOK who think just like you. All things being equal that was my mistake exactly, if he goes that easy let him go.

He told me to move on when I was ready to hear him say move in (with the ring, the marriage, the I love you's and you love me, the whole nine).  There's always that one.  Dang it!  I had to turn in my player girl card on that one.

The next time I have a winner like him I am going to lean towards no pain, no gain.  Instead of jumping on the pity bandwagon and thinking "why me".  I'm going to do like my ole girl (my mother) use to do and get in someone face and say "try me."

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Keep Praying and Be Thankful for the Little Victories

With God all things are possible he is the Great I Am.  Without him I am nothing with him I am everything. 

I pray daily for my children and my grandchildren, friends, families, and foes.  Yes foes because I want them to be better.  I am delivered from having foes and it is a wonderful feeling. 

There are a lot of other things I am not delivered from but I am working on them.  When you have foes it takes a piece out of you.  It is a burden not worth carrying.  God wants us to love everyone as he loves us.  There are folks who ways we don't like but we can still love them with having faith in the Lord.  What we don't like about them today may not be an issue with them tomorrow.  It takes up too much time keeping up with the likes and dislikes.  Vengeance is mine says the Lord so I thrust any situation that needs to be dealt with as far as people in his hands.  He is a lot more capable than me.

I try and leave my spirit open and free to receive good stuff. 


What a Powerful Message in Exodus

Have you read the book of Exodus.  Well I did.  It seems scriptures in the Bible I've read numerous times take on a whole new meaning once I've experienced trials and tribulations in my life.  Additionally, it also accentuates the goodness, grace, and mercy of the Lord through the good and bad times.

I was reading the book of Exodus and I was wondering when will Pharaoh give in.  We see early on that Pharaoh heart will be hardened by God the whole time Moses and Aaron are trying to convince Pharaoh to let his people go.  Pharaoh does not take heed to their message which they ascertain is delivered from God.  Pharaoh challenges them for a sign and Aaron's staff turns into a snake. 

Of course since God had hardened Pharaoh's heart, he didn't comply with Moses and Aaron's request.  God purposely hardened Pharoah's heart so he could show the magnitude of his awesomeness. 

Let's look at the chain of events:

(1)  Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and it became a snake
(2)  Aaron took the same staff in another plea to by him and Moses to Pharaoh to let their people go and threatened blood all over Egypt.  Again, Pharaoh did not listen and the there was blood all over Egypt.  Even the vessels of wood and stone were filled with blood.  All the fish died, and the Nile River water turned to blood and became unfit to drink.  Pharaoh's heart was still hardened because his magicians performed the same acts.
(3)  Seven days later came the plague of the frogs.  There were frogs everywhere.  They were all over the land, on the beds, on the people, literally everywhere.  Pharoah asked for Moses and Aaron to pray for him to the Lord for the frog plague to be lifted then he would let the people go.  They did as he asked and the Lord granted the prayer.  Pharaoh hardened his heart again afterwards and refused to let the people go.

(4)Next came the Gnats.  They were everywhere.  Pharaoh's magicians could not copy this and they tried to make Pharaoh see this was an act of God, however Pharaoh was still stubborn. 

 (5) Then the flies and Pharaoh's deceit yet again.  Even with the plague impacting only the Egyptian.

(6)  The next plague was the livestock and it too only impacted the Egyptians.  God was even making distinctions and Pharaoh hard was still hard.  All Egyptian livestock gone and not one of Moses' people.

(7)  Next, Moses and Aaron took dust from the furnace and threw it up in front of Pharaoh and it spread all over Egypt causing boils on the Egyptians.  God was still hardening Pharaoh's heart so he would not let the people go when Moses and Aaron asked. 

(8)  There still existed doubt among Pharaoh and people in Egypt as to whether or not God existed.  They still refused to let the Israelites go.  So Moses stretched up his hands towards heaven and the worst hail storm they ever seen encompassed the land.  Those who believed brought in their livestock and slaves for cover and those who didn't left them outside.  Pharaoh told Moses yet again he would let the people go and when Moses had left the city Pharaoh recanted yet again. 

(9) The Lord was still hardening Pharaoh's heart so he could show his magnitude via the signs he was sending with the plagues.  Then the locusts were the next plague that swarmed the land.  The locusts ate up everything green in the fields and trees that was left by the hail storms.  We know by this point Egypt was ruined.  Once again prayer was answered to sweep up the locusts out of the land.  Again, once the prayer was answered Pharaoh recanted.

(10) The plague of darkness seemed to be the plague that shook Pharaoh in to wanting change.  With the plague of darkness Pharaoh summoned Moses and they ended up having  a dispute over letting the people go with the livestock.  This would be their last face to face meeting.  Pharaoh threatened Moses and Moses concurred.

(11) Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread was the act of God which finally convinced Pharaoh to let the people go.  God had spoken to Moses telling him how to get the Israelites to make a sacrifice to serve as part of the passover.  The blood from the lamb was to be placed on both sides and over the top of the front door.  That way those coming to destroy the firstborn sons and firstborn livestock of all Egyptians would passover them during the night.  It was so intense that Pharaoh called for Moses during the night and told him to go worship the Lord.  The Egyptians felt they would all die if they didn't allow the Israelites to leave the country.  If you read Genesis you will recall Joseph asked that his bones be taken out and Moses complied with Joseph's death bed wish.

How awesome!  I know we've probably all met people in our lives who we just can't figure out why they are so dang stubborn.  Could it be a test of our faith?  Will we end up getting angry with them after a while?  Would we have as much patience as Moses exhibited throughout the whole ordeal?

I know there have been days when I have prayed to the Lord to soften my heart.  As I was reading the passages in Exodus I was wondering how much can Pharaoh endure.  It was the Lord who was hardening his heart all along so the Lord could show the greatness of what he was capable of doing.  Stubborn Pharaoh was getting his magicians to perform acts to show magicians could do it.  Then the magicians said hey look you are on your own God is putting his finger in it.

I sort of liken that part to when folks form clicks against others and they all do nasty and drastic things to shake a person until they realize the actions they are performing are not working.  Some realize it and some don't.  It gets to a point that they are messing someone who has a strong belief in God and the more they mess with that person the more God lets that person shine.  One day you hope they wake up and realize it is not about them, it is not about that person, it is about serving God. 

God is the one who decides if someone heart is heartened.  Things happen according to God's will.  We just have to pray for understanding. 

I listen to Reverend Paul Jone's CD a lot and one part that sticks out is "God hears you!" 

If you're mean and nasty and don't mean to be God will fix it in his time.  If you're going through problems in your relationship it could be because God has hardened one person's heart against the other maybe because God brings out the worst in someone else to bring out the best in you. 

So I am reminded in all things "Praise Ye the Lord". 

My goal is to finish my reading the book "The Bible in 90 Days" by Zondervan.  The reading is based on the New International Version of the Bible. 

Stay blessed.  Your Exodus will come (if it hasn't already).  Can't you just imagine being delivered to a land of clear blue water and palm trees even if just for a vacation?  Prayer works!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Elders were the Historians: Great Memory Retention

I remember when I was growing up one thing which I enjoyed was talking with my elders.  I remember talking with my great-grandparents, my grandparents, their siblings, and their friends.  It seemed they all had one thing in common, even though they were aging their minds were sharp.  They could remember events from their childhood.  They never seemed to have a problem recalling anything.

Now when I am sitting at home watching television almost every other commercial seems to be in regards to memory loss.  It makes me wonder when and why this memory loss epidemic is so prevalent.  It seems young folk even forget things nowadays or suffer from memory loss.

I used to always tell my grandmother I need to sit down with her and write a journal on all the unwritten accounts of the history of everyone she had in her memory bank so all wouldn't be lost if we ever lost her.  You could bring up a name to her and she could tell you who the person's parents were, who their grandparents were, what they did professionally, all the activities they participated in internally and externally to the church, how many children they had, what their children did, what minister they joined the church under and so much more.

Admittedly at times her memory was a little too good.  When it was time for a butt whipping I thought she had forgotten about.  She would start by inquiring "you thought I forgot?".  In the back of my mind I know that didn't happen.  I was just trying to stay under the radar not to entice her.  Then as she was whipping me she would remind me of everything she had told me, why she was beating me, and so much more.  I got so many whippings one day she told me she was going to stop beating me because all it was doing was making me tougher.  Yes, I was thankful she never forgot she said she was going to stop beating me.  I think the beatings stopped around my first year in middle school.  During the nine months I was in school during my elementary school years I probably got a beating daily.

My grandmother could recount every beating she ever gave me and why she beat me.  If I forgot she could remind me.  I remember I used to keep a diary.  Of course she would read it.  I found out one day she was reading my diary when I had written an entry admonishing something she had said to me.  It would be like she was critiquing my diary.  Yes, I was totally offended.  But laugh because she only called me on it once.  She said "I don't care that you don't like what I say but I'm going to say it anyway.  You can hate me now but you'll love me later."  She was right.  I hated her.  Mainly because of all the beatings.  But in retrospect if I could bring her back I would.  We could go word for word like nobody's business.  She would not back down and had to have the last word.  No I wasn't being disrespectful I was being the way she raised me to be.  She wouldn't let me relent in silence.  She would be like ain't you got "nothing" to say.  She would never let me walk away or just concede.  She would walk down behind me and demand I stand my ground.

Even though I've mellowed a lot since those days I never was taught to be submissive.  I wasn't taught to be domestic either.  Some days I think its because she remembered the struggle of her ancestors too well.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Go to the Gym or Go Shopping

Yes I know it is the start of a New Year.  However, it has been really difficult to try and not go shopping.  Even though after all the money spent during the holidays it should be the furthest thing from my mind.

January should be replenish your friend's empty pocket month.  Thoughts of having a sugar daddy has really "crossed" my mind.  I love the holidays.  It is the post holiday depleted funds syndrome I don't like. I'm too cheerful of  a giver.  My heart is still warm and I am surely glad it is not near my pockets or it would be iced cold.

The after holiday bargains look oh so appealing.  50% off here, 25% off there, buy one get two or three free.  My goodness if these retailers knew how they are pulling at my heart strings they would cut this madness out.

Okay let me get back focused.  Even though I'm wanting to go buy a rust suede dress with a jacket or cardigan to match to go with some shoes I received over the holidays.  Oh when I put them five inch heels on and a nice dress to boot I'm going to be the stuff.

It's amazing how other folks can get you stuff and do a better job than you ever would have yourself in selecting for yourself.  My daughters do it to me all the time.  We don't agree on the taste on nearly anything but when they buy me something to wear or give me something they no longer want to wear I get rave reviews.  Wait until I wear my shoes OMG that day it's going to be all about me.

Let me go to the gym to get my legs in shape for those shoes.  It is truly sad I got to reach for the vain stuff to get motivated to get back to the gym.  I just hope I don't bulk up.  I know sometimes when I look at the gym it feels like I bulk up.

No chance of me utilizing some of the remedies they propose for not bulking up.  I'm going to do all cardio and not even look at the weights.  Of course I will do the abdomen work out.

I always admire folks who are disciplined to get at it and keep at it.  I sure would rather be shopping.

Now if retailers had a monthly automatic draft process like the gym I would definitely be shopping.  Please but please I hope retailers never do that.  They would bankrupt all the wanna be shoppers in America.

An automatic draft for a new dress of your choice every month from a nice selection.  OMG!  I see it in the distant future.  Some retailer will catch on.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hail to the Redskins for a Great Season!

The Redskins had a very good season.  So much so that it reinvigorated my interest in the professional games to a level I hadn't experienced since the basketball greats of the 80s.

Even though it was a different league, the football of this year I feel can very well be likened to the crowds and supporters of the 80s.  Who would of thought 20 years later the momenutum for professional ball would come back to a level where there are just as many women inspired by it than men. 

Now with the Internet we can be entertained online and offline with the onset of social media.  Lord only knows what kind of momentum would have been felt in the 80s when the enthusiasm for sports was at an all time high because of the players who played the game.

It is truly refreshing to see a wonderful season with top players finish without drama surrounding them in the media for their off field antics. 

I am so proud of how well the young rookies from all the teams represented this year.  They should be commended and exploited by the media for the great contributions for playing the game and the inspiration and motivation they provided off the field.  Go ahead media and boost them up and give them the respect they deserve.

I heard on the radio that movie sells were higher this year.  I'm sure tickets to the sports arenas probably saw a boost too. 

Way to go guys!  Thanks for a great season.  Take care of that knee RGIII.  I look forward to seeing you guys show up and show out again next year. 

It doesn't matter that you lost its how you played the game.  OUTSTANDING!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Is Genesis Juicier than the Reality T.V. Shows?

My New Year's resolution is to read the Bible from cover to cover.  Over the years I've realized I have read the Bible according to the Baptist Sunday School plan.  It normally follows a cycle. 

When researching quotes and stories I normally read more in depth.  However, it dawned on me that with all the online biblical scholars from all walks of life biblical writings, teachings, and scriptures are sometimes taken out of context. 

Well, I purchased the Kindle version of "Reading the Bible in 90 Days."  I've just got started good with Genesis over the past few days. 

Now I recall having at least read Genesis each time I have started out with the challenge to re-read the Bible from cover to cover.  The only book I really haven't at least skimmed through thoroughly from beginning to end is REVELATIONS.  This time around my goal is read that book of the Bible as well.

Let me tell you.  I think it has a lot to do with the level of maturity.  I recall reading the Bible periodically throughout my life.  Never have I absorbed so much.  Now most of the main stories yes I recall.  But some of the intricate details I missed.

Normally when you hear someone publicly speak about the Bible for me it hasn't gotten as juicy as reading it this time around.  Okay I already knew about the forbidden fruit (and that it says not even the New International Version (NIV) that it was an apple.  How that folktale ever got started I don't know. 

In the book of Genesis we see murder, rape, violence, all the males in a town that had agreed to be circumcised were killed instead.  A son bargain for the oldest son's birthright then later steals his blessing.

We see women vying for the affection of the same man (Leah and Rachel).  We see many instances of how God works.  How he makes things happen which shows when you feel things are impossible he lets people know he is possible.  Old women have babies (Sarah and Rachel).  Old men being the daddies (Abraham and Jacob).

The deception experienced in business agreements.  The deception experienced in relationships.  The appearance of jealousy, disobedience, betrayal, lies, theft, and so many of the attributes that get viewers to watch reality shows.

Well, I haven't finished reading Genesis as of yet.  I'm real close.  But after the presentation of what led up to the famous flood with Noah building the ark.  Even after the flood the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where the men wanted to do their acts in the streets.  The events behind those two stories alone would probably be too juicy for television or the movies if they had cameras following them around 24/7.

The funny thing is I read online where some people choose not to read the Bible from cover to cover because it is boring.  Do they skip over Genesis?  I may fast forward over the part where they are detailing the names of all the people between generations, however, the other parts are juicy.  Far from boring in my book.

Now to get all the stuff straight go and read the Book of Genesis for yourself.  One of the most interesting items I read was the etimology for the name Israel amongst others.