Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh Yea? Speak for Yourself!

We all see those FACEBOOK posts which are written to receive only affirmation.  You agree with what the posts says but you have those inner thoughts.  Yes, that's exactly right but based on the way I feel I can't comment and say "Amen" or "Love it" or hit the Share link.  Inwardly you may wrestling with feelings you know you shouldn't be wrestling with.

Well, I'm not perfect and even though maybe I should feel a particular way I don't.  No, I don't think that way at all.  But my pride won't let me express how I truly feel even though I really, really, want to.  The truth is I'm too embarrassed to say how I really feel.  I've been love struck.

Oh yes I can relate but relating and agreeing two different things.  The comment was good enough to bring some really serious thoughts to mind.  You hit the nail right on the head.  However, this time I felt like the nail was on top of my head when it was hit and I felt the pain.

Well recently I saw a post that would fit the bill.   Admittedly, I've seen the same quote several times but used in different rhetorical context.

Here goes in my words, "someone who would leave you for someone else is not worth fighting for."  Wait a minute now, if it is a brother with the whole package, tall, charming, handsome, intelligent, financially savvy, great job, house that's off the chain, his own car, his own bank accounts, his own everything he don't need a woman to lift him up he can do some uplifting if he chooses too.  Well, in my opinion he worth fighting for tooth and nail.  That means biting and scratching.  Kicking and screaming.  However, there are laws against such behavior so be a lady and just walk away gracefully.

I just think sometimes it can be a double edged sword.  If you don't put up a fuss for what you really want the person you really want may feel you don't want them because you are not willing to show you really want them.  So they go with the person who wrecks a good relationship because they want to jump claim the apple in your eye.  

Having had that happen to me I can honestly say I wish I would have fought like "h" "e" double hockey sticks.  If you don't know what that means you may be too young to be reading this post.  Your relationships are probably still in the neophyte stages.

In retrospect, if I could have a do over for the man I go to sleep thinking about, wake up thinking about, thoughts of him cross my mind often I would have stood up to a whole group of women who was descending down on him like vultures.  In my smug secure thoughts I felt like so many people say if they go that easy let them go.  Of course, you have those friends on FACEBOOK who think just like you. All things being equal that was my mistake exactly, if he goes that easy let him go.

He told me to move on when I was ready to hear him say move in (with the ring, the marriage, the I love you's and you love me, the whole nine).  There's always that one.  Dang it!  I had to turn in my player girl card on that one.

The next time I have a winner like him I am going to lean towards no pain, no gain.  Instead of jumping on the pity bandwagon and thinking "why me".  I'm going to do like my ole girl (my mother) use to do and get in someone face and say "try me."

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