Sunday, January 20, 2013

What a Powerful Message in Exodus

Have you read the book of Exodus.  Well I did.  It seems scriptures in the Bible I've read numerous times take on a whole new meaning once I've experienced trials and tribulations in my life.  Additionally, it also accentuates the goodness, grace, and mercy of the Lord through the good and bad times.

I was reading the book of Exodus and I was wondering when will Pharaoh give in.  We see early on that Pharaoh heart will be hardened by God the whole time Moses and Aaron are trying to convince Pharaoh to let his people go.  Pharaoh does not take heed to their message which they ascertain is delivered from God.  Pharaoh challenges them for a sign and Aaron's staff turns into a snake. 

Of course since God had hardened Pharaoh's heart, he didn't comply with Moses and Aaron's request.  God purposely hardened Pharoah's heart so he could show the magnitude of his awesomeness. 

Let's look at the chain of events:

(1)  Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and it became a snake
(2)  Aaron took the same staff in another plea to by him and Moses to Pharaoh to let their people go and threatened blood all over Egypt.  Again, Pharaoh did not listen and the there was blood all over Egypt.  Even the vessels of wood and stone were filled with blood.  All the fish died, and the Nile River water turned to blood and became unfit to drink.  Pharaoh's heart was still hardened because his magicians performed the same acts.
(3)  Seven days later came the plague of the frogs.  There were frogs everywhere.  They were all over the land, on the beds, on the people, literally everywhere.  Pharoah asked for Moses and Aaron to pray for him to the Lord for the frog plague to be lifted then he would let the people go.  They did as he asked and the Lord granted the prayer.  Pharaoh hardened his heart again afterwards and refused to let the people go.

(4)Next came the Gnats.  They were everywhere.  Pharaoh's magicians could not copy this and they tried to make Pharaoh see this was an act of God, however Pharaoh was still stubborn. 

 (5) Then the flies and Pharaoh's deceit yet again.  Even with the plague impacting only the Egyptian.

(6)  The next plague was the livestock and it too only impacted the Egyptians.  God was even making distinctions and Pharaoh hard was still hard.  All Egyptian livestock gone and not one of Moses' people.

(7)  Next, Moses and Aaron took dust from the furnace and threw it up in front of Pharaoh and it spread all over Egypt causing boils on the Egyptians.  God was still hardening Pharaoh's heart so he would not let the people go when Moses and Aaron asked. 

(8)  There still existed doubt among Pharaoh and people in Egypt as to whether or not God existed.  They still refused to let the Israelites go.  So Moses stretched up his hands towards heaven and the worst hail storm they ever seen encompassed the land.  Those who believed brought in their livestock and slaves for cover and those who didn't left them outside.  Pharaoh told Moses yet again he would let the people go and when Moses had left the city Pharaoh recanted yet again. 

(9) The Lord was still hardening Pharaoh's heart so he could show his magnitude via the signs he was sending with the plagues.  Then the locusts were the next plague that swarmed the land.  The locusts ate up everything green in the fields and trees that was left by the hail storms.  We know by this point Egypt was ruined.  Once again prayer was answered to sweep up the locusts out of the land.  Again, once the prayer was answered Pharaoh recanted.

(10) The plague of darkness seemed to be the plague that shook Pharaoh in to wanting change.  With the plague of darkness Pharaoh summoned Moses and they ended up having  a dispute over letting the people go with the livestock.  This would be their last face to face meeting.  Pharaoh threatened Moses and Moses concurred.

(11) Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread was the act of God which finally convinced Pharaoh to let the people go.  God had spoken to Moses telling him how to get the Israelites to make a sacrifice to serve as part of the passover.  The blood from the lamb was to be placed on both sides and over the top of the front door.  That way those coming to destroy the firstborn sons and firstborn livestock of all Egyptians would passover them during the night.  It was so intense that Pharaoh called for Moses during the night and told him to go worship the Lord.  The Egyptians felt they would all die if they didn't allow the Israelites to leave the country.  If you read Genesis you will recall Joseph asked that his bones be taken out and Moses complied with Joseph's death bed wish.

How awesome!  I know we've probably all met people in our lives who we just can't figure out why they are so dang stubborn.  Could it be a test of our faith?  Will we end up getting angry with them after a while?  Would we have as much patience as Moses exhibited throughout the whole ordeal?

I know there have been days when I have prayed to the Lord to soften my heart.  As I was reading the passages in Exodus I was wondering how much can Pharaoh endure.  It was the Lord who was hardening his heart all along so the Lord could show the greatness of what he was capable of doing.  Stubborn Pharaoh was getting his magicians to perform acts to show magicians could do it.  Then the magicians said hey look you are on your own God is putting his finger in it.

I sort of liken that part to when folks form clicks against others and they all do nasty and drastic things to shake a person until they realize the actions they are performing are not working.  Some realize it and some don't.  It gets to a point that they are messing someone who has a strong belief in God and the more they mess with that person the more God lets that person shine.  One day you hope they wake up and realize it is not about them, it is not about that person, it is about serving God. 

God is the one who decides if someone heart is heartened.  Things happen according to God's will.  We just have to pray for understanding. 

I listen to Reverend Paul Jone's CD a lot and one part that sticks out is "God hears you!" 

If you're mean and nasty and don't mean to be God will fix it in his time.  If you're going through problems in your relationship it could be because God has hardened one person's heart against the other maybe because God brings out the worst in someone else to bring out the best in you. 

So I am reminded in all things "Praise Ye the Lord". 

My goal is to finish my reading the book "The Bible in 90 Days" by Zondervan.  The reading is based on the New International Version of the Bible. 

Stay blessed.  Your Exodus will come (if it hasn't already).  Can't you just imagine being delivered to a land of clear blue water and palm trees even if just for a vacation?  Prayer works!

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