Friday, October 18, 2013

Are We All Getting Back to Work now that the Shutdown is Over?

Whew!  Did you think it would ever end?  Well I was on pins and needles because the guys were behaving badly.

Hopefully this will be a lesson learned and our country will never suffer such an atrocity again.  Haven't we dealt with enough individually and collectively over the past several years already?  Just when we think things can't get any worse then we create stuff.   We create our own problems.  Who does that?

Now that we can breathe a sigh of relief until mid-January is it just me or does everyone want to try and get any and everything they can possibly get done done by mid-January.  We may see this fiasco brew up again.

We can definitely remember this October as one of the most scary times ever.  For years to come we will be able to recall the October the Government Shutdown.

The biggest lesson I hope every one takes away from this Government Shutdown is that voting is crucial.  I am so thankful that I have been voting for the past few years.  Now I did miss the polls one time that I can recall.  I was a few minutes late for a local election.  Trust and believe from now on the plan will be to go to the polls before heading anywhere else for the day.

If you feel some kind of way about how things have been playing out in politics over the past few years do your part and get out and vote.  The recent turn of events more so than anything else should send a message loud and clear for us to vote no matter how little or no voice we feel we have.

I am so wound up I am thinking of ideas about how I can get my family, friends, enemies, acquaintances, and every one that breathes with a voting card to the polls.  What about a voting tailgate party, what about a breakfast get together, what about a walk to the polls, what about a election day marathon and the start and end point is the local polling booth, what about getting a celebrity or entertainer to perform all day with I VOTED sticker required for entrance.

We have to get creative with getting people out to vote.  All the photos and videos from the shutdown should make great poster images on billboards promoting elections.

We all matter, we all count, and nothing like the recent change of events helps to reinforce it.

Are we ready to get back to work now?  Yes.  Maybe sometimes we just need a reality check to see just how bad things really can get if we don't do anything to try and make a difference.

My personal goal and challenge is to go into overdrive.  You never really know how vulnerable you are until you are placed in a state of vulnerability.  A Government Shutdown impacts all markets.  Now that the market is back I'm back to making the best out of things and move towards being better prepared if some of this nature has the unfortunate opportunity to happen again, not.   I just don't care to believe anyone, especially a group of people would let it happen again.  I'm thinking pretty please with sugar on top don't let it happen again. 

I'm voting, local elections coming up soon, I'm voting!

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