Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgivings Everyone!

I am especially thankful I have a high speed internet connection again.  Over the past few days I have been using a dial-up connection exclusively.  I can just say I can get stuff done in a matter of minutes that it was taking hours to do on a dial-up.  Dial-up didn't seem so bad when it was the only option available in my home years ago.  After using a high speed internet connection of any type going back to dial up is painstaking.

I am thankful for the experience because it made me realize how much things in our every day lives can be taken for granted.  Things sometimes progress so rapidly and so well and we get to a certain plateau in life and forget to give thanks for everything.  We forget about the obstacles we have been able to overcome often times too quickly.  It is not a matter of dwelling in the past but appreciating the past and like the old adage says "not forgetting where we come from."  Not forgetting where we come from can apply to our personal lives, our professional lives, are family life, our educational pursuits, or our financial positions.  There is so much which impacts each and every life.

Thanksgiving is always a special day which serves as an annual reminder to stop and give thanks for friends, family, and fellowship.  Moreover, a reminder to stop and give thanks to the Lord for all he has done and continues to do.  He puts angels amongst us to help us through our most troubling times.  I don't know about you but I know my God has never failed me.  I've been mainly self-employed since January 2006 and it has not been easy.  It is a challenge I wanted to take on when I was married years ago and to take it on as a single person with no financial backup was very daring to say the least.  The market has changed from the boom it was when I ventured out on my own and it has been only by God's grace, goodness, and tender mercies that I have been able to survive at all.  Especially when I got sick in June of 2008, the market started heading south overall in real estate.  It has been tough but it has been God's grace and goodness that I have been able to preserver. 

When others have strayed away because of my hard times God has stayed faithful.  A friend in need is a friend in deed.  I am thankful that I will always have a friend in Jesus.  If I am broken in spirit, down-trodden or need fixing I lean not to my own understanding but let go and let God have the helm.  Like one of favorite all time spirituals says it best "The Battle is Not Yours It's the Lords".  This year is the first year in my 48 year existence that I have filed a formal complaint against anyone.  Normally I do something the devil won't do and just let a bad situation go.  I'm praying for peace still for the party not to be aggrieved and get the reprieve he deserves because everything was done in good faith.

It is only by the Grace of God that so many of the modern amenities we enjoy today have come to fruition.  I am sure most will agree no one man has orchestrated connecting people, places, and things together to make this world what it is today.  No one man caused this nation to be in its present state of affairs in one day.  All the worlds problems will probably not be resolved in one day or one term.  We miss the mark when we put all our faith in one man.  All our faith, hope, and trust should be placed in our Almighty God to bless man to do accomplish the impossible.

If it was not for early engineers and pioneers we wouldn't have the telephone.  Without the telephone I would never have had dial-up internet service, without dial-up internet service there would never have been someone's desire to have faster internet connection speeds which brought about high speed internet service.  In all things I'm thankful for the journey.

I'm especially thankful on today that in my 48 years the way my family prepares candied yams has never changed.  A skillet, a stick of butter, a pack of brown sugar blended on top of the stove to desired consistency (not juicy and not thick) to make the syrup to pour over the already peeled and baked sweet potatoes cut in half and laying in the baking dish waiting for the juicy goodness. Then baked in the oven for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees.  Scrumptious!  One of my all time Thanksgiving favorites.  Enjoy your day. 


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  2. Hi Winda,

    I checked out your blog and followed you on Twitter! Awe inspiring. I wish you much success in the Fashion World and hopefully future events will be scheduled around your school schedule. Your sketches are great. It is very inspiring to read a blog so full of color, energy, and optimism!

