Friday, September 30, 2011

A 13 Year Old with a Whole Lot of History!

When I logged into Google today, September 27, 2011, I saw the Doodle for today was a theme indicating it is their 13th Birthday.  My goodness how time really does fly.  I see they are ranked #1.  How many years?  I don't know.  I know they are one of the #1 sites I go to every day. Do you remember how they used to look?  Well I used the WayBack Button on Alexa's site to help me reminisce.  Does the screen shot below bring back memories?

Just recollecting over how many ways Google has helped me in my real estate profession.
Google Maps - I remember using MapQuest, Yahoo Maps, and then for some reason Google won out hands down and I can't tell you the last time I went to the other sites for maps.  As Google maps came on the scene and went through some iterations I began using Google Maps almost exclusively at some point. 
Gmail - I use Gmail to receive my email on my phone because I can never get the settings or it could be because of the 24,000 emails on my domain name email acccount.  I can get the all the new messages forwarded right to my Gmail account and read them on my phone.  They sometimes hit my phone before they hit my own email server.  It is a big time saver and helps me to reply back very quickly to my clients and business associates from wherever I am.  Gmail all keeps a conversation thread. How sweet!

Google Apps - I love all the Google apps on my Android phone and desktop.  I can sync my Google calendar and that's one of the apps I like the most.

Google AdSense - I hope to get a check one day!  It's been five years and I'm getting close. It helps to bring more visitors to my website I'm sure.

Google Analytics - I can see what part of the world people view my website from.  It details how many views they get and other data to assist with improving my online marketing.  One day I plan to use this feature to its full potential.  I am still getting use to the new interface
Google Alerts - notifies of my information I want to receive alerts about like my name, my company name, some of my competitors, etc.  It is like having my own in-house damage control and PR staff.  One day I hope to be exciting enough or successful enough where I can get some good juicy stuff to read about me.
Google Search - the main reason why I ever started really using Google in the first place.

Google It - it's a term I use when people ask me a question it has saved me countless hours of time.  Especially when assisting my granddaughters with history projects, science projects, and homework in general.

It's Google's 13th Birthday today and I sure do appreciate them!

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