Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Was Wiping Away the Tears Tonight!

Before Photo
This week seems to be full of "Grandma Do's".  On Monday night I went swimming with my oldest granddaughter.  She is participating in a very comprehensive 10 week Healthy You program.  As of late I have been the designated driver and partner attendee for her.

I've been listening to tips on eating healthy at least once a week over the past few weeks.  I've been working out, dancing, and getting more exercise in our goal to succeed at weight management.  

At tonight's class we watched a documentary which was done around 2003 entitled "Fat Like Me".  They dressed up a teenager in a fat suit for 24 hours and had her attend a different high school for a day.  The students reaction to her was that of laughter, snide remarks, and flat out rejection.

We have work to do!
The students were stunned when they saw her without the fat suit afterward when she went back to let them know who she really was.  The panel discussion they had as part of the documentary questioning the students about their reactions to the student being overweight was tear jerking. 

The part which touched me the most was when a family with seven children had one obese child who was even teased by her own father and brother about her weight.  The mother's stance was admirable when she sat the husband down and let him know "we did this" and "we need to make it right."  Okay if this was the part where we needed to raise our hands showing guilt I would have had to raise mine as well.

I recall when my granddaughter was younger any time she wanted to go to eat out, wanted ice cream, wanted candy, wanted anything well she got it.  I realized it was getting out of hand one day when we passed one hamburger joint when we were out and by the time we came across another one she wanted to stop again.  I thought to myself it is no way she can be hungry again that soon.

Here we are years later and I'm reaping what I helped to sow.  I try and encourage her to eat healthy all the time now. She thankfully loves healthier selections like salads, vegetables, and fruits over meats.

We're making a good start after swimming and hot tub!
Well the most incredible part of the session tonight was when I heard some of the accounts of the parents in the room after the documentary.  One lady told of how one of her sons was bullied by "the teacher".  Then another lady had a similar account.  I was sitting there with tears falling down my face as she recounted how her son came home from school and wanted to kill himself because of it.  How truly sad.  One of the children in middle-school wanted to end his life due to how he has been bullied about his weight.  What parent deserves for their child to be humiliated by the very person who is considered a person in authority? 

Well seeing how emotional the parent became with telling the story filled me with emotion as well.  When another parent had a similar story water fountain (tears) were streaming down my face. 

The session made me realize I need to continue to do as much as I can to help my grandchild manage her weight.  She is disciplined in regards to her eating habits in a lot of ways. I don't want her to suffer the debilitating treatment received by youth just because they are overweight.  As a family we feel it is more of her to love but unfortunately we can look to other children and society to view her the same way.  We are at completely different sides of the spectrum on this issue.

What a full day!  PTA Fall Festival attended before tonight's health session.
I will go swimming, workouts, walking, and most anything else I can do to help her with her weight management goals and directives.  She too has been called fat so, fat, ugly and been bullied because of her weight.

After tonight it made me realize she may be suffering more than I could have imagined.  When I was her age I wasn't a bully but the bullies didn't mess with me either.  I normally helped defend the defenseless from the bullies.  I hated to see other people bullied.  I just can't imagine why people are so blatantly cruel intentionally to a minor child or to anyone.

I'm going to add a whole lot more prayer to this routine because she is a sweet girl and she doesn't deserve any foul treatment because of her weight. Tonight was a wake up call as to how we can't control how cruel others may treat her due to her weight.  She was wearing a devil costume tonight but she doesn't live the part.  She is sweet as apple pie. Now I'm wondering if it would be taking things overboard to be a full-time volunteer at her school and be at her beck and call all day. 

 Admittedly, I have put on about the same number of overweight pounds she has because I was taking things out of proportionate moderation as much as she was when it was coming to enjoying mom's cooking, sweets and fast food we loved.   We're going to do this weight control journey together.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What we won't do for love!

Without a doubt I adore my grandchildren.  If I get a "Grandma do" list I try and oblige.  Well tonight was no exception.  The Grandma do for tonight was "go swimming".  Yes swimming in October! 

She is going through a 10 week health program and I'm trying to help encourage and motivate her.  However, I think at times I'm embarrassing myself with her.  Last week I was dancing to music as part of a workout session.  She has been wanting me to take her swimming all weekend long.  We finally went tonight. 

Thankfully she had a great time.  She did a whole lot of laps.  I used the life preserver and the lap board from the beginning.  Once the hot tub was freed up I got in the hot tub.  Afterward, I just waited on her to finish swimming.  I ended up calling her out the pool because it was getting really late. 

We took before and after photos.  At the end of the total 10 week session one of us should look physically healthier.  I think she's about half way through.  I don't know how many more sessions I will be attending with her but I have learned a lot and feel more strongly about eating more healthy and the importance of making exercise a part of daily activities.

I'm getting to spend more quality time with someone I love dearly.  She had the audacity to tell me last week I was embarrassing her because of my performance at dance class.  LOL!  She told me tonight I can't swim.

The big piece of it all is I'm supporting her in her efforts to maintain her weight.

Friday, October 22, 2010

When you can't see reality for the trees!

Good question.  Let's take a quick review just the Executive Branch of goverment.   This is the branch I would feel would be responsible collectively for the smooth operation of our country and all the services it provides to citizens.

Executive Branch - President Barack Obama - have done a tremendous amount of work.  In fact so much work it makes me tired just reviewing it all.

  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Commerce 
  • Department of Defense 
  • Department of Education 
  • Department of Energy 
So this post won't be 10 years long let's start with taking a look at one Department.  The winner is The Dpartment of Commerce.  If I had a dollar for every time I have heard the word "economy" over the last few years I could probably retire rich without ever having to work again.

Department of Commerce has the following bureaus, departments, and national services under its administration per Wikipedia.

 Bureau of Industry and Security 
  • Economics and Statistics Administration  
  • Bureau of Economic Analysis 
  • Bureau of the Census 
  • Economic Development Administration 
  • International Trade Administration  
  • Invest in America 
  • Office of Travel and Tourism Industries 
  • United States Commercial Service 
  • Minority Business Development Agency 
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
  • National Weather Service 
  • National Oceanic Service 
  • National Geodetic Survey 
  • National Marine Fisheries Service 
  • National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service 
  • National Telecommunications and Information Administration 
  • Patent and Trademark Office  
  • Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences 
  • Trademark Trial and Appeal Board 
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology  
  • National Technical Information Service
Okay that's enough for this department for now.  I really feel enough said.  But for those who still have your doubts check back for a more in-depth analysis before election day.

Don't discount candidates based on their party affiliation.  Ask all the candidates some candid questions and see if they know anything about government administration.  I'm just saying.  There is a wealth of information available for research online.  Learn to form your own opionions and ideas.  Hey in fact I'm the last person who would try and shove my opinion of anything down anyone's throat.  Check out the facts for yourself. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vote Like Your Future Depends On It!

I've seen a lot of comments of apathy lately.  Why?  I'm wondering if some people live in a different space and time.  This upcoming election is very important.  Our country is facing some serious issues and it is not a time to become complacent.  We who have the right need to get out and vote.

I'm not pushing one party over another.  I am pushing for candidates who are proponents for a transparent agenda with accountability and responsibility high on their list of priorities.

Let's not play politics let's play fair!

There are issues which need to get dealt with.  Let's not look along racial lines, let's not look along party lines, lets not look along the lines of putting our personal differences and disagreements above what is right and what is wrong.

Our children need us to make a difference!
My concern is that the educational quality of some of our school systems are at an all-time low.  We need to graduate stellar students from all socioeconomic backgrounds.   The quality of services we receive are lower and the taxes we pay continually increase.  My biggest concern is what type of country will we leave to our children, our grandchildren?   What type of place will we have to look forward to growing old in? 

Let's support strong agendas which will not lead to further decline.

Vote!  Let the voice of the people show once again it can be heard if we show up and show out.  Don't be a victim of apathy.  This is not the time to turn the other cheek.  This is not the time to be quiet.  This is not the time to leave it to others to decide. 

Let's not let money be a determining factor.  Campaign money does not directly translate into election day votes.  People getting out to vote and voting for the candidate of their choice leads to campaign votes.

This upcoming election is too important!  Stay mindful that all the upcoming and all future elections are critical to our livelihood.  If I have not learned anything else over the past 10 years it is U. S. politics does have a major impact on the lifestyle of All Americans.

I admit I was apathetic until I saw a story on television about a family being displaced due to foreclosure.  What really touched me about the story was there appeared to be two young girls who when their parents became homeless they became homeless as well.  I don't know what I was thinking before but a foreclosure story has never impacted me like that one.  All I could do was cry.  A family who purchased their home during the boom real estate times and now their dream had gone bust.

The issues which touch my heart the most are those which impact our children like foreclosures when children become homeless, fewer children graduating from high school, fewer children having a job to look forward to when they graduate from high school or college, fewer children having summer job opportunities, boys and girls clubs doors being shut, no community based activities available in economically depressed neighborhoods, children being victims of this war on drugs because they have a mother, father, or both parents who are addicts.  I imagine the elders who have gone before me must be turning over in their graves. 

Change can only be affected from within.  I'm tired of seeing the alarming number of prisons they are building to house more prisoners.  I would much rather see the money go towards enhancing the current state of our schools and institutions of higher learning to make our students globally competitive in mathematics, engineering, and the applied sciences.

We should be dedicating time and resources to making sure there are programs available in economically distressed neighborhoods to make sure children have positive outlets.  It seems the streets have been taken over by thugs and gangs and our children are unfortunately seeing the bling as they only ray of hope.  We need children off the streets once again and in productive environments.  We need our children to feel safe at school.  We need our children to have hope for tomorrow.  

Make a difference.  I encourage you to not only vote, but vote like your future and the future of the children of our nation depends on it!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Looking to Rent A Home?

The number of  rental inquiries seem to be on the rise.  The good thing is our Mulitple Listing Service (MLS) provides the capability to set up an auto-notification of rental listings to help renters with their home search.  The best part is we can customize the search. 

Some of the items we can customize a search based upon include but not limited to the following:

  • Number of bedrooms
  • Number of bathrooms
  • Garage
  • School
  • List Price Range
  • Date Available
  • Pets or Pet Restrictions
  • City
  • Subdivision
  • Fireplace
  • Lease Type
  • Lease Term
  • Pool
  • Section 8 Allowed
  • Rent Includes (i.e. water, sewer, trash pickup, etc.)
  • View (street, water, bay, etc.)
  • Unit Level
  • Fenced
  • Flooring
  • Appliances
  • Year Built
  • # Stories
  • Approximate Square Footage
 As a real estate professional I can customize the search for a rental pretty much the same way I customize a search when someone is looking to purchase a home.  With the increase in the number of rentals I have been showing as of late I wanted to point out renters have options too. 

Go with an agent who is technologically savvy enough to refine the search for your rental to the criteria most important to you for your next home.  Whether you're looking to rent or buy I'm sure you want your home to be your comfort zone. 

I have been furnishing Lead Based Paint Pamphlet when showing rentals because it is even specified on some  rental listings to provide a Lead Based Paint Pamphlet upon showing the property.

There are some really nice rental properties available. I've noticed more real estate rental listings are now including virtual tours.

 I post a rental hot sheet on my website and try to update it a few times a week.  If you click on the address it usually takes you to a map of the location.  This is one feature I plan to include in future auto-notification of rental listings to my clients.

Let me know if you are looking to rent a home in the Hampton Roads area  and would like a customized search set up for you.  You can send an email request to or

If you see a rental you are interested in you can look up the property details by using my real estate search page.  There is no registration required to use this feature.

Lynne Ruffin
Lynne Ruffin - REALTOR - Norfolk, Virginia

Lynne Ruffin is a REALTOR licensed with Long and Foster Realtors of Norfolk, Virginia.

Happy House Hunting!                              

Monday, October 11, 2010

What is your breaking point?

I recall seeing a man on the street over the summer who from first glance just looked like a man with his shirt off on a hot summer day.  He was standing on a street corner in the Downtown area of a local city.  It so happened I was driving when I saw him and as I got closer I could tell he was actually pivoting from side to side as if he was talking with someone.  And as I got even closer I could make out a little of what he was ranting about and he was standing alone.

He was talking and motioning as if someone was standing in his presence and he was discussing their relationship.  I thought to myself I am so thankful, especially after suffering a recent relationship breakup at the time it didn't end like that for me.  Admittedly, it hurt but it didn't fracture my soul to the point where it completely tore me apart.  It seems at times there not only exists a thin line between love and hate, but the unfortunate reality is there is sometimes a thin line between staying sane and crossing the point of no return, at least for this man.

It is moments like those which gives me a different perspective of my own personal situations.  This was definitely one of those hallelujah moments. It also caused me to reflect on the one and only relationship which would have ever caused me such trauma.

My heart goes out to the man who seemed to have suffered such a devastating loss that it caused him to lose his mine.  It was very apparent he was badly hurt.  He clearly had reached his breaking point.  However, I send up praises for not suffering such an emotional setback of my own.  It made me realize some things are taken as a matter of fact when in actuality it could have been something very devastating.

My first real relationship was with my high school sweetheart.  It would be the defining point for all my future relationships.  I felt if I could get over a relationship from the man I had three children by I could get over any relationship.

Then I thought well what factors normally lead to the breaking point in a relationship?

Furthermore I thought, what about a business relationship?  I normally see quite a few top ten lists.  Is there a top ten list of why people may decide to end a business relationship?  Has the end of any business relationships caused one of the parties to suffer emotionally, financially?

What about a career path?  Is there a breaking point when someone realizes this is just not for me it is time for me to move on and seek other opportunities?  Is that considered a breaking point?

What about an investment or investing?  Does there come a time when a certain plateau is reached and the thought is no more?

What about when a person decides to make a major lifestyle change like changing denominations, moving to another state, changing affiliations, what leads to a breaking point?

At what stage does someone evaluate their situation for a safety net so they don't hit a breaking point or hit a point of no return?

Just food for thought.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It Works!

Okay, it should not take rocket science to figure this one out.  Over the years I have purchased many domain names in hopes of capturing prospective clients.  I consider myself to be technologically savvy so I design and develop most of my own websites.

Well, over the past few months my goal with my websites has been Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  I think I finally have it figured out what works best for me.
For instance, to attract clients interested in buying houses having domain names with housing related terms definitely works.  When I checked the stats last to my website via the old way of checking them it was 7,000 plus hits to my site from my website It needs some work so please don't go take a look at it today or probably any time this week!  You know it is like when you are deep cleaning your house you have to tear everything up to get things the way you want them.  Well, that is the state of my domain right about now.  I'm working on sprucing it up because since I have maximized the domains potential of having content resident on the site rather than having the site forwarded I realize I have a diamond in the rough.  If it is directing great traffic to my in the state it was just imagine how much traffic I could get if it spent the time to get it looking great!

Well, then I realized there is  another domain I own which is probably valuable real estate,  and I set it up as a flash site.  I am still working on that as well.  I have already set up some great pages for it.  One which is not live yet is a flash of HUD Homes for Sale.  It is going to be great as well.

It is amazing how sometimes the tools we need to succeed are staring us right in the face (everything I look at my Domain Manger of domains I own) and fail to use them to their maximum potential.

My encouragement to everyone is to search for those tools in your possession or within your reach and utilize them to their fullest potential.  What good is it to have stuff around and you're not going to put it to good use.  Use it or you just may lose it!

I'm off to the post office to try and convince mail a letter to convince this homeowner to let me sell her land.  I hope she sees my website and thinks now that's impressive.  Here's hoping!

You have a great day and if you are ever in need of a real estate agent to relocate, buy, sell, or rent your property contact me direct at or via text or phone at (757) 309-2763.

Lynne Ruffin
Long & Foster, Norfolk
2000-13 Colonial Avenue
Norfolk, VA. 23517
Direct (757) 309-2763
Licensed in Virginia

Friday, October 1, 2010

Envisioning A New Direction for My Website

It is no mystery static websites just don't cut it anymore.  What should be the steps taken towards revising your existing website.  I've decided upon a three step process in revamping my own.

1. Past
2. Present
3. Future

Not too genuine of a three step approach right?  Well it is all in how you look at it.

1.  Past
  • Lots of Static Pages - content updated as time permitted
  • Very little interactivity 
  • Basic forms
  • Few resource links
  • Basic colors
  • At times use of a template website purchased from a third-party vendor and my website visits became slim to none.
  • Newsletter

2.  Present         

  • Design and develop my own website
  • Active Server Pages - contact is updated daily
  • Widgets - information updates frequently
  • Brightened up with use of colors 
  • Geared towards providing more information and resources geared toward different markets
  • Include links on local information
  • Include school info
  • Separate page for each city I service
3.  Future
  • Concentrate more on submitting my website out to major search engines
  • Incorporate targeted profile placement on top websites with a link back to my website
  • Use of Adwords on targeted websites
  • Emphasis on lead capture
  • More photos and more maps - I find people really like to look more than like reading
  • Better labels for photos especially since images are becoming an integral part of what is returned in the search engine results.
  • Monitor site statistics to see what people appear to be most interested in when they visit my site.
  • Incorporate the newsletter back in my website
  • Heavy emphasis on my "Open House", "Relocation", and "Rental" pages they seem to be the biggest draw to my website
  • Newsletter sign up
  • Come up with a standard for my City Pages
  • Live video testimonies from past clients
  • Community Pages/Links
  • Enhancements to my website it understandably directs a significant amount of traffic to my website.
  • Continual Work-In-Progress
My overall goal is to not to become complacent in the delivery of real estate related information, resources, and content and to stay on top of the real estate game to keep my clients and prospective clients on top of    what is happening in the real estate market and what is available.

There is always room for growth!  I don't want to just survive I want to thrive in the real estate industry, my business relationships, and as an Entrepreneur.