Saturday, May 21, 2011

Four Letter Word Fury

When my children were around two they found the ability to use four letter words (curse words) very funny and cute.  We normally corrected them and told them it was a "bad word". 

Well as my children got older and had to learn to deal with situations on their own, I would often charge them not to use four letter words in anger.  Even if the person they are having an argument or debate with is using curse words don't they do it. 

I've always felt when someone uses four letter words out of anger it shows more ignorance than anything else.  It is a clear indication they do not know how to handle conflict.  Often times it is not a conflicting situation at all it is just they don't know how to handle or conduct themselves.  I've always encouraged my children not to stoop down to the level of angry people but rise above and maintain control and use big words.

They learned using the big words at times which would otherwise be of anger or frustration from their mother.  Every time me and my ex would get into a heated discussion the more heated the more complex the words.  My children would often chuckle when he would pause to ask what did you say or use real words.  My children already knew the words I was using were real.  His vocabulary was just limited. 

I began reading to my children when they were in my womb.  I normally spent at least an hour each night reading to them.  I would have them read a novel on Saturdays prior to going outside to play.   I constantly bought them educational videos, educational games, and educational computer software. 

Basically I have no respect for people who curse in a working environment.  I think it is totally unprofessional, inexcusable, and just down plain wrong.

I remember when I taught business and computer classes at night I would always tell my students we only use business etiquette in my class.  No cursing.  It only shows a sign of ignorance if you do not have anything more appropriate to say. 

I will never forget this one lady I taught, her mouth was filthy.  She had a rough upbringing.  It took some one-on-one discussions to calm her vocabulary down.  I basically told her from seeing how she interacted with others she was a beautiful person she just needed to focus on maintaining control in any situation.  Don't let what she perceives as frustrating to get the best of her. 

By the time of her graduation she had calmed down a 100%.  Her final paper in my class she included a personal message thanking me for helping her to realize there's no need to always seeing the glass half empty.  Whatever happens take it and roll with it.  She was too young to be so consumed with anger.

Now I realize there are extenuating circumstances at time.  Most importantly I've learned not to retaliate back if someone blatantly curses me out.  From years ago when I was at the end of my non-profit position in housing, one of the reasons I strongly wanted to leave was because one of the counselors was terribly miserable.  At the time I did not realize she was going through anything.  She was complaining about me making more money than the counselors as a Senior Administrative Specialist.  One day when my boss said in an open meeting I was the only who was on track to receive the new 7.5 percent raise which was enacted I knew things were going to be even more miserable so I resigned after having applied for a different job in a different field altogether.

I've never really liked being around misery in any shape, form, or fashion.  Later on I found out the lady was going through some very personal things is why she was acting and reacting the way she was. 

I was thankful for the experience because it since taught me when some behaves badly it may not be based on what is happening right now right in front of you.  It may have a whole lot of baggage with it.  I am quick to just be the one to shut up.  Especially if it is something I said and it was really not that big of a deal for someone to get all discombobulated over.

The only thing I fear is God.  At times I am outdone myself because of it.  I wish I was a scary person. 

As long as someone doesn't put their hands on me I'm good.  They blow up, act out, shout, do whatever turns them on.  Like the saying goes sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Gee Whiz, One Company, Over 300 Websites!

Okay when I get a chance to talk with other businesses who have enjoyed some successes on the Internet, especially start-ups, I normally ask them how did they get where they are.  I'm really intrigued when they get where they are so fast. 

Recently I had the privilege of talking with someone who has a website which hasn't been in existence very long.  However, their rank is pretty darn good.  We all probably realize money talks and the other stuff walks.  Well their online exposure includes having over 300 websites.  They have just about enough websites to feature a different one each day. 

Now let's see where we can go with that.  First and foremost they've practically purchased their own reciprocity.  The key going forward for them is to get others to sign up for their services so they can increase the number of reciprocal links they have. 

One thing they don't suffer is consumers getting tired of seeing the same name all the time offering the same product.  The name of the website is not so important that I cannot express my tidbits without it.  It literally appears to be something viable that anyone with the time and money could employ doing.  If you are thinking about buying so many websites please utilize my domain.

The guy shared with me they have over 300 websites.  Yes.  I can definitely see that leading to nothing but success.  What better than to own your own reciprocity on the web?  Even if the content and pizazz is non-existent the the storefront is wide open. 

Basically with a few thousand dollars you can buy your placement and not have to worry about getting a large number of others to like what you have to offer.  Granted if someone puts so much time and effort into a product or service they really have done some research I imagine to make sure they have a slim chance of being very successful.

Just something new I learned and thought I would share.  I was having a hard time keeping up with all the domains I owned for business and personal purposes when I got up to about 50 total.  What a daunting task to manage over 300!

Now it makes me want to see a tool which goes something like if I buy this domain name, that domain name, and hundreds other and utilize the key words pertaining to my business what will my new rank be on the world wide web?  Incredible, I never would have thought of this idea.

Excuse me but I'm about to make a list of all the domains I would like to own and point back to one and another.  A few leads from all the hard work will do me more than justice.  Get up to 365 to have one for each day of the week.  Sounds like a good project for 2012 and maybe just maybe I will have gotten enough business to make it happen monetarily. 

What a difference a day makes.  Never know what you'll learn or fall across from day to day.  Give me about a week I have another fascinating project coming your way.

For all those who keep calling and sharing with me your ideas and dreams I thank you.  This year I can say I've met some wonderful entrepreneurs who I only see as going up, up, up.
