Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm chilling - at least so I've been told

Okay I can honestly say from all outwardly appearances it seems as if I'm chilling.  To be told the same thing by four different people in the same day it must have some validity to it. 

Well, I can tell you I agree from the outside looking in I would come to the same conclusion.  I don't run around like a chicken with my head cut off anymore.  It may be my age creeping up on me.

However, I consider it more of taking the time necessary to build myself back up to a level where I can feel comfortable with returning to the traditional 9 to 5.  I don't feel now is the time.  The past few years have been very challenging for me personally and financially. 

During the past two years I've worked some temporary assignments which have really left a bad taste in my mouth.  Most people don't realize it but I've been in the work a day world so long I received a book bag as my first going away gift.  When I started work ages ago people were inherently honest in their business pursuits.  The work ethic was  to work hard or get a lot of education to get ahead.  Now it seems the work ethic has switched to be corrupt or cut throat to get ahead.

Over the past couple of years I've suffered a lot of personal losses and setbacks.  My luck has been very hard. It's true some of the people you care the most about will be taken away from you.

I'm anal retentive so when I'm getting paid to do a job I like to see things done right.  My forte is working with databases.  However, what I've seen going on with the last few databases I've handled with no changes implemented for long term correction has had an impact on me. I tried switching up hoping things would get better.  I've learned key phrases like "we all make mistakes" are key to finding the quickest exit door.  Still waters run very deep. 

For too many years I've been accused of moving too fast.  This time I'm taking it slow. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Browsers To Define Mulitple Home Pages Across Tabs

When is it going to happen?  The web browser I will be most impressed with is the one which allows me to define multiple home pages across the tabbed windows.

Over the years I can admit I have really gotten spoiled by all the advancements with web browsers.  So much so I can't really remember what the first ones really offered and not.  I think the first web browser I remember using was Netscape.  Over the years I have used Internet Explorer and my favorite now is Mozilla Firefox.  It seems every time I try and use Google Chrome it just doesn't work for me.

I thought it was so cool when I first saw the browsers allow multiple tabs.  The first browser I used that feature in was Internet Explorer.  I love it.

Now I want to be spoiled a little more.  When I open my web browser I want multiple tabs to open with the sites I open routinely every time I get on the computer to appear in each tab automatically.  Okay the home page of course I want set to my, then I want the next tab to be set to FACEBOOK, then I want a tab where I can check my web email, another tab to go to GOOGLE, then a tab to go to Twitter, , and my website.  So I'm thinking at least five tabs would be good.  Six or seven tabs pre-loaded would be great.

I know browsers will hold stuff in session.  I don't want that.  I like everything to be cleared from history when I close out the browser.
Since I'm spoiled already having things like Bookmarks and Favorites is helpful when I come across sites I want to Bookmark or add to My Favorites.  However, I want what I deem my daily to-do sites I want to automatically appear as home pages across multiple tabs.  I want the ability to change and/or update as possible.

Now I'm wondering how big of a change they would need to implement to make it happen.  It appears since the big programming piece is already done it may be a little clunky but at minimum let users select how many tabbed windows they would like preloaded when a browser is opened.  Then incorporate the code for homepage.1, homepage.2, homepage.3, etc. for the end user to define what the home site will be on each tab.  Even as I am typing this post I see there are six tabs predefined.  "Posting, Comments, Settings, Design, Monetize, Stats."

From my database development experience it is as easy as using a tab control to define multiple tabs.  Now I can honestly say I haven't seen the ability for the end user to define on the web what he wants to see in each tab.  However, it is a feature I think is long over due.

Now this is definitely one of these areas I can talk the talk and probably could walk the walk in the right development mind frame or environment.  But since I'm already spoiled I've learned it is much easier to put stuff out there and maybe someone will make it happen.  Better yet to send me a link to where it is already happening and I just don't know about it.

Here's hoping.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Date Night Friday Night!

My goodness I feel like I just have to tell the world "I have a date Friday night!"  If you wonder why I'm so extremely excited it is because I actually received a phone call yesterday with the static on my phone line and all.  I was actually able to make out date night Friday night, call Friday at 6 p.m. to confirm.

Now I am wishing I had asked for an earlier confirmation because I plan to spend all day Friday getting ready like it is my first date ever.  Because it is my first date ever with him and so far I really like his style.  Where are we going?  I don't know.  Hopefully photos and details to follow.

For some reason I am really excited about the upcoming evening.  Maybe it is because I've recently spent the holidays alone.  I'm not looking forward to spending the next few holidays alone.  No pressure it will be our first date and our first time ever really getting a good look at one another.

If this goes over well I don't know whether we'll be too embarrassed to say how we first met or not.  It would add a whole lot of credence to the phrase "the Lord works in mysterious ways."  God from heaven up above knows I sure hope it is someone who is heaven sent even if it materializes into nothing no more than us being acquaintances.  My heart cannot stand another betrayal. 

I'm not going to introduce him to any of my friends and family.  I'm glad my daughter works Friday night.  So when he comes to pick me up at 7 p.m. it will be just me him and the wall posts.  And I'm asking now for the walls please not to talk.  LOL!

 I'm so excited I can't sleep, literally I've been up all night.  I know I am going to need my rest for my skin to look refreshed. 

If you thought my photo in the red dress was nice.  Friday night my photo is going to be off the hook whether the make-up I ordered on December 29th and still haven't received is here or not.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King!

Where would the world be today if one of the greatest leaders of all time, Martin Luther King, Jr., would have had the resources to integrate technology with his theology? He led a social media movement without the Internet as we know it today and his message reached the masses. 

His social media campaign included friends from all around the world.  He was a proponent for equality for all people.  One of those men who will always be highly respected.  What would it have taken to get on his friend's list?

It is so sad here we are so many years after the death of a leader who showed us what reaching out and uniting socially can do for a people, a nation, the further their causes and most of us are too busy to put it into practice. He probably would have been like a child in a candy store had he had the resourcefulness modern day technology offers.  What if we had a powerful civil rights leader like Martin Luther King, Jr. in our midst today? Questions normally invoke a thought process and thoughts leads to plans which lead to action.

If Dr. King would have had access to the modern internet all his live sermons could have been uploaded as videos to YouTube.  His blog could have encompassed all his sermons and speeches.  He probably would have just as many friends as there are users on FACEBOOK.  His website definitely would have hit the top ten.  He could display his Nobel Peace Prize accolades, not to mention his page of accolades would probably be one of the longest and most comprehensive of all time as he mentored and pushed for equality for everyone.

The "You and countless others" would have hit "Like" button on his infamous "I Have a Dream Speech".   The comments would have been off the chain.  The photos uploaded would have been shared around the world.

The only birthday wish I could imagine a man as humble as Dr. King having is for all people to keep his dream  alive.   A quote taken from his sermon:

"Why Jesus Called A Man A Fool"

"And oh my friends, I don’t want you to forget it. No matter where you are today, somebody helped you to get there. (Yes) It may have been an ordinary person, doing an ordinary job in an extraordinary way."

His last post probably would have been "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord!"

I'm no civil rights leader.  However, taken all Dr. King did with social awareness and getting his message across I am very surprised we don't have a modern day civil rights movement of mammoth proportions.  King led the foundation.  He did it without the Internet.  Just imagine the impact of having a person like King today.  They could incorporate FACEBOOK, Twitter, LinkedIn, website, YouTube, BlackPlanet, and so many other mediums to get the message out for equality and justice for all.  I have such profound respect for Dr. King because his greatness and his profession of his belief in the Lord afforded him the opportunity to do so much more with so much less.

Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. you live on in the hearts, bodies, and souls of so many people you touched during and after your mortal lifetime.  Godspeed in your dreams for America and the world forever living on.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well I know a lot of people are returning to work today. It should be something we can all be thankful for.

I'm starting the New Year out right at home, up early trying to improve my digital life. I've been spending the day reading email, checking online notes, updating a few websites.

It seems like the use of the computer jumped leaps and bounds last year. I see more and more advertisements for online storage today online and on television.

Online backup is agreeably very important. I know how disappointed I was when I lost on several occasions some very nice photos and important files I would have liked to have kept forever.

If you don't like backing up online my recommendation would be to use a disk that is suitable for archive purposes. I know I have some files I stored on CD's years ago which appear not to be accessible now. It is amazing how hindsight is 50/50. I imagine companies making the disks originally did not realize the long-term necessity for these disks. Personally, with the children and grandchildren I could have used some disks that are durable and cannot be broken.

I've watched some of my best disks get cracked at the hands of babies.

Wishing everyone a happy new year. I hope it is the most prosperous for you ever and things just go up from there.

Live, love, laugh!