Saturday, February 27, 2010

I took a detour today...

The day started off well. I was in the office for Opportunity Time until noon. I came home to chill for about an hour or so before I was going to window shop at a beauty clearance sale and to pick up some items ordered with a $25 gift beauty product gift certificate.

Well, I showed up at the wrong place. Instead of heading back home I decided to go the opposite way to see what was going on in the area. I had really not ventured out down those roads before. It turned out I was happy I decided to take a detour and go a way where I did not know where it was going to lead me. I saw some new construction going on which really peaked my curiosity.

It was well worth it. I ended up coming upon some was really nice newly constructed homes. They were so nice they helped me decide upon what I really want in my dream home.

The homes were definitely off the chain beautiful from the outside. Huge homes on nice sized lots with fabulous homes all around.

The idea for my dream home came to me - even though I didn't see it in those homes. I want a huge Victorian style home in a soft grey vinyl trimmed in white with a natural wood look, white wrap-a-round porch, three garage stalls, sitting on a huge corner lot. The homes I saw today were mostly brick. I do love brick. I want an old-style Victorian shaped like those built in the late 1800's with all the conveniences of modern. Waterfront property since I've never lived in a waterfront home before. I want the home to be so huge the waterfront view would not be visible from the front due to a combination of the size of the home coupled with the fencing. The side and backyards would be fenced. However, the side yard fencing would not extend all the way to the sidewalk. I want plenty of front and side yard space for a beautiful front green lawn. A maintenance free white vinyl privacy fence with automatic gates leading to the garage opening by remote as will the garage doors. I don't want the garage area to be visible from the street.

The inside would be designed with "fabulous" in mind. When you first walk into the home it would be a big open foyer area about the size of a room. The first room on the right would be a music room with a shiny baby grand piano, music stands and chairs for a small performance. The first room on the left would be a large formal living room with an old style crystal chandelier. I want water fountains on the first level with natural spring water flowing from them. Two staircases, one leading to the upstairs left side of the house and the other leading to the right side of the house. The left side would be the master area where the rooms for me and my husband would be (when I dream, I dream big I'm not even married, LOL!). The rooms on the right would be for family members and guests extended visits. Of course, the mother-in-law suites would be on the first floor in the back with separate entrances. My husband's game room would be at the top of the stairwell. My home office would be a smaller room next to his game room right before you walk into the master bedroom suite area. I want a sitting area in the master bedroom with a huge closet for him and a huge closet for me. Our house would be over 5,000 square feet so we can have very spacious rooms.

The bathroom would be black marble, silver, and glass everything. A distinctive touch of class paid to the smallest intimate details. The lighting would be very romantic.

An outdoor grill/bar area large enough to have oversized lawn furniture, tables for gatherings. Additionally, I want a inground pool (lighted and heated with a diving board) and pool house for entertaining outdoors.

I think the fun part of my next home will be in the planning.

Dream, dream, dream...

I got a lot of work to do to pull this one off. Now it's time to get back on track!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I talked with a homeowner the other day who had received a letter back in reply to their request for the Home Affordability Mortgage Program (HAMP) -the keyword in the letter was "denied". They had been denied because their loan was owned by an investor and not a bank.

The homeowner had sought the assistance of a local non-profit organization for help in preparing the package they sent to the lender. When I heard this it was one of those moments when I felt like my heart had hit the floor. The only criteria they did not meet were in regards to who actually held the note.

A homeowner that is retired and disabled. A person who worked for the government for almost thirty of the forty years they were employed. A person who made their living the old-fashioned way - they earned it.

An elderly homeowner who has been in their home for almost 30 years and now they are struggling to pay the mortgage, utilities, keep food on the table, buy medicine as prescribed, and have transportation to and from their medical appointments. Why are so many who sacrificed so much having to suffer this way is what I ask myself?

It is almost as disheartening as when years ago one elderly man I knew was often seen at the grocery store buying dog food and he didn't have a dog. A very nice elderly gentleman who was close to 80 years of age and was living on a fixed income after having worked since he was a young teenager.

My heart really goes out to any and everyone who is losing their home by force rather than by choice. Especially those who worked hard all their lives to be able to one day enjoy their retirement years. Tears come to my eyes just thinking about it.

What do we have to do to see that the hard-working Americans who helped to make this country what it is are once again able to enjoy their retirement?

Why do so many homeowners, investors, and others have to see their dreams turned into nightmarish situations?

Please forgive me for ranting - we are all tired of negative news. I will fast and pray for the ones I know do most deserve help.